What have i done to deserve this?


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2003
Reaction score
I went out to club last weekend and something not to plesent happened to me.

I was trying out my DJ skills and got talking to a group of 3 girls on my own (a big step for me) and they seemed to be enjoying my company. Then, one of them (the one who was flirting like mad with me) says she needs a drink and offers to get the others one each aswell. When she goes up to the bar she invites me, and as i needed one aswell, i said i'd help her carry the drinks and joined her.

When we were there she asks if i'll buy ALL the drinks.
The conversation went something like this, i can't really remember it clearly..
ME: What? sorry, i'll pay for mine but why should i pay for everyone elses?
HER: well, i don't have enough money to get all the drinks.
ME: Then why the hell did you offer to buy everyone one!?
HER: ... so you're gonna be selfish and but yourself something and screw everyone else?
ME: i never promised you or your friends anything.
HER: ... arsehole...

and she stormed off.
I thought nothing of it and carried on enjoying myself with my mates..

but i was walking from the toilets when i saw her and her friends, and now a few guys hanging round. As i walked past i said "hey, hows it going?". The group started whispering to themselves...
THEN the girl i went to the bar with threw her drink at me! I was soaked.

The group started laughing, and i tried to play it cool. I simply said, "man, it IS hot in here. thanks, thats just what i needed" in a sincre voice. I walked away towards the dancefloor to the chanting of "LOSER, LOSER".

I can't tell you how angry i was. I was SO tempted to throw my drink at her, but i didn't want to sink to that level, plus the guys she was with were bigger than me, and i'm sure the bouncers would have had a feild day with me.

What annoys me most is that she got away with it. She completly humiliated me, ruined one of my best shirts and has battered my confidence just when i was it was really developing.

Did i handle the situation right? What would you have done?


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Yes, you handled it perfectly!

You stayed calm in the face of adversity. Where did this beyotch think that you were going to spring for everyone? Oh, I forgot -- she was raised under the awful umbrella of AMERICAN CULTURE. This would not happen in most countries, but in the good ol' USA, she not only gets away with it, she has some AFC friends cheering her on.

You were NOT a loser. You handled it well, as best you could. I'd have a tough time refraining from slapping the beyotch, but glad you didn't.

She's a loser and in 10 years she's gonna be fat, divorced, watching soap operas, unemployed, and still a beyotch.

You are going to be a master DJ.


b's nuts

Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
If I was up your ass you'd know
damn, i think you played off pretty well, only thing i would do different would probably been retaliation cuz i have quite the temper. Yeah, sounds like that biatch was trying to play you for sure, and you handled it pretty well. Yeah, i would have at least spit on that b*tch.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
See it's not THAT straight forward...

The typical philosophy seems to revolve around don't give anythin out but in some circumstances it's not the test that it gets made out to be...

I mean, I'm not fast to buy a girl a drink but there's been many occasions where girl has asked me to get her a drink and that one drink later I'm back at her place gettin some... so, don't be too fast to rule it out as it's being weak

Here you coulda been smooth and bought girl HER drink, tellin her "How about I get you and me a drink?" cos SHE did offer to buy her friends drinks plus you ain't their friends, and this woulda been a sure sign of if girl is usin you if she got aggy about you not buyin drinks for ALL her friends, lol... had that **** worked out tho' then you coulda used it as a tool to split the group, rather than you being with 3 of them at a table, you got her that drink while she paid for her friends which splits up the action then, it speaks as you and her as a couple rather than you and her with her 2 other friends... ain't a thing wrong with that at all, when it does start gettin problematic is if you're payin for drink after drink after drink... but, one drink, seriously...

Really it all depends on the situation when your there, you gotta learn to judge 'em for what they are there and then, and that only comes from experience...


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2003
Reaction score
I love it when I read stories here that hits close to home. Lol.

First, I think you did well from what I read. You would have only looked bad if you threw your drink at her. I know she deserved it but there was no way you could look good after throwing that drink at her. It is just the world we live in. The loser isn't you.

A few of summers ago, I was down in New Orleans on Bourbon Street. There were a few conventions in town so it was almost as crazy as Mardi Gras down there.

Me and my friend were sitting at a bar drinking some beers when I saw this cutie on the dance floor with a very short mini skirt. I waved her over to me, she came over, and whispered a dirty comment in her ear. She rolled her eyes at me and walked right back to the dance floor and whispered into her female friend's ear while pointing at me. The next thing I know, the chic with the mini skirt walked back over to me and my friend, shook a bottle of budweiser, unscrewed the top, and sprayed the beer all over me and my buddy.

My buddy turned to me and asked, "okay, what did you say to her?"

I told him. A female bartender then came over to me, started wiping me off with a towel , and said "wow, your skin is so smooth."

The friend of the girl in the mini skirt came over a few minutes later and asked if we were dry yet and we started having a nice conversation for a bit. Well, we left that bar (The Cat's Meow) and then went over to the house of Blues. Guess who was there? Right--the two chics.

I started dancing with the friend. Afterwards, I tried to dance with Ms. mini skirt but she shook her head and refused. Her friend then encouraged her to give me a chance and told her that I was just fooling around. She then gave in and danced with me. I could tell she was still pissed so once the song changed, I found some new dance partners and never saw those two again. I still look back and laugh at it all.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2004
Reaction score
Like WesterCoaster said, she´s a loser, and you´re the man. So, I think you played it good, as far as I know american culture (what can be done, what can not be done). Here in my country it´s different. I would have probably told her that býtches give me head, but don´t throw their drinks over me - and make a gesture of spitting in her direction. This I would say because in most bars I hang out at, I know the staff so I could have told them to throw the býtch, her friends, and her new boyfriends out from the club. And if possible, I would have later fvucked her mother and sisters :D

However, you shouldn´t have gone talk to her after what she did while getting the drinks. And you shouldn´t have apologied her either, but just tell her what makes her think she´s so special you´ll offer her drinks.

But anywas, you played it good!

Keep up the good work, don!



Don Juan
Jan 17, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ashley Chuckles
I mean, I'm not fast to buy a girl a drink but there's been many occasions where girl has asked me to get her a drink and that one drink later I'm back at her place gettin some... so, don't be too fast to rule it out as it's being weak

Here you coulda been smooth and bought girl HER drink, tellin her "How about I get you and me a drink?
Come on, who wants to be with a býtch like that. I think Sandinista did the right thing by not buying her drink. I agree that sometimes it can be ok to buy a girl a drink, but I would never do it if she asks for it, espescially if she asks for it to her friends aswell! It´s cheaper to go buy a wh ore.

I got my pride, I wouldn´t lose it for anything. Especially not for an occasional fvck. Don´t take so much shýt from women! I´d rather have all women hating me than letting them insult me or abuse me.

Walk this Way

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
ahhh **** man this is why you always go into a bar with a female friend who can dig you out of these moments. Just call her over, put your arm around her, kiss her and walk out. OOOH SNAP!


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
But really, what is $3 for a drink...

This **** is give and take... now this girl might want you to buy her a drink simply to see if you're one of them stingy dudes who never buys anythin for anyone besides himself... this girl coulda been out 2nite and been short on money cos she ain't hit the ATM yet or she might be on the last end of her pay check... then you move on somewhere and girl splashes out some on you, if you see her again she's buyin you first drinks and payin for ****, it isn't just that straightforward as "She asked me to buy her a drink, she's gotta be a golddigger"

I agree that the buyin her friends drinks WAS scandalous BUT that is where you school her in your ways... you show your a guy in control by tellin her you'll buy her a drink but not her friends... you've not given in to her asks cos you ain't buyin for her friends, then you've took control of the situation by sayin look this is what I will do... she will respect you for that cos it isn't just the straight refusal and her askin you to buy drinks for all them means that you are given this room to manouevre and use the situation to your advantage...

We're not talkin about all her friends too... just her, and it's that great a tool for disassociation from her friends, to you and her...
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
I tell you why you deserved it - because after the hor called you an arsehole you said hi to her and acknowledged her presence, so she knew you were a wimpy nice guy!

I would have cut the hors throat nice and slow with my homemade switchblade and any faggot who got in my way!!
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
If that ever happened to me I would have made sure to repay her with a drink poured SLOWLY over her head and given her some sarcastic remark.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
LOL... I forgot to read the 2nd part of the original post

Apply my 1st ones to the general situation should it arise in future...

These girls shut you down...

Mistake #1 was acknowledgin them again... you walked past them again when a few guys were around them and said "Hey"... that's too soft, too unsure and unconfident... where was your girl? You ain't in no club to make friends and I know you wanted some cos you already sat down with these 3 girls earlier in the night...

But don't take it too personal, some girls are just like that... they get a kick outta that, least you know now they might look good but really you ain't got time for that stupidness...

There's nothin you can say in those kinda situations to rescue you... even if you'd referenced her inability to buy her own drink beforehand, and how can she afford to throw one at you, the balls still in her court...


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
PRL, you're scaring me!

Uh, it's OK to talk about dissin' chicks, but when you start talking about MURDER, well, you have me concerned. Plus, murder is sooooo AFC. It means you cared so much about a woman that you would kill her. She TOTALLY got under your skin. Murder and abuse is AFC because you're not in control.

* Best drink-buying story I know. A friend of mine offered to buy a gal a drink. She said yes. They're drinking, he then asks her to dance and she says no. He says, "No dance, no drink." Grabs her glasses, gulps it down and walks away!
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Westcoaster, I was just joking about the switchblade - I probably would have hit her in the throat extremely hard with the heel of my hand!! She wouldn't be able to drink again!!!


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2003
Reaction score
you ever watch athletes at professional events, namely the athletes who are NOT playing at home? The most professional ones completly ignore the fans, and do not give them satisfaction of not letting the get on his or her nerves. The ones that are stupid enough to respond to the fans usually make specticles of themselves, whereas the ones who just ignore them usually are in a better situation.

I agree with what someone said earlier, in that you should not have said hi to the group as you walked by. If I were you, I probably would have ignored them all together. If they had done one step further and throw a drink of me, I would probably go right up to the person and glare at them pretty threatingly. After some silence ( silence can enhance a mood a great deal), I would advise them to not do it again.

edit: if you really wanna mess around with them, just break out into laughter after that :p
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
You ran into a pack of lichor pimps...they only use suckers who will buy them drinks. The girl who was flirting thought you were a chump and would bow down and pay for the ****...good for you that you didn't.

Don't sweat it. They were ho's in disquise. Willing to sell themselves or their time for a drink from a chump. That is probably the only reason they were so chummy chummy with you.

Keep practicing what you learned!


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2003
Reaction score
You did great man. Don't let it bother you man. Heck it should boost you up a little bit ! I'm sure that whoever heared it happening (even here own friends) think of you in a good way now.
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
A girl throwing a drink in your face for no reason then laughing at you... I don't normally believe in hitting women. This is a rare exception though were you should have backhanded that slut with god almighty force, her laughs would have quickly turned to tears...


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mr.Hash wid da Stash
A girl throwing a drink in your face for no reason then laughing at you... I don't normally believe in hitting women. This is a rare exception though were you should have backhanded that slut with god almighty force, her laughs would have quickly turned to tears...
And afterwards, you'd probably be jumped by a pack of guys who want to play "hero." :(