When you get to a point where you're totally happy with your body... what becomes the gym plan after that? I'm pretty knowledgeable at this point about bulking up. In a couple more months though (honestly I'm at the stage already, I just want to see how I look even bigger) I think I'll be at a size that I'm happy with. So what kind of routine do I move to after that? I'll want to maintain the size that I'm at, maintain my muscle tone and definition... but not really get bigger.
Do you start doing sets with 15-20 reps instead of 5-8? Do you just go the gym less often? Do you maintain your current workout and just slack on the eating department?
Do you start doing sets with 15-20 reps instead of 5-8? Do you just go the gym less often? Do you maintain your current workout and just slack on the eating department?