Hi Guys,
TrickyNick mentioned this thread to me, and I thought I'd add my two cents.
I think Sosuave is terrific. It's a wonderful place. I think all the newbie posts are not a problem, and trying to prohibit newbies from posting replies to each other would just end up stifling the atmosphere.
However as those newbies become more advanced they will find themselves having the same complaints you guys are bringing up. And they are valid complaints.
Like TrickyNick said, it isn't that the forum is changing, it's that you and your needs are changing. So suddenly the forum that seemed perfect for you yesterday, is not longer fulfilling your needs today.
At at the same time Sosuave is a very social place--more so than many other forums.
Despite the "family quarrels" there is a certain warmth here. So people stick around for THAT reason, and that complicates the process of coming to grips with the fact that they are frustrated about their changing needs going unmet.
Look at it this way, when you're done with first grade you move on to second grade, right? How would you feel if you had to hang out in first grade year after year?
Clearly, to keep people interested even as they grow more advanced they need a place in the forum where:
a) they can count on seeing a high concentration of more advanced topics, rather than the same old stuff they've been seing a million times, and
b) a place where they can count on having their threads responded to by the more advanced people only.
I know this issue gives Allen a headache. It gave me a headache too. But the fact is, unless something like this is implemented, the status quo will remain modelled after a school with just one grade--where no matter how much you learn you're always in the same classroom with the first graders.
That model is fine for a social lounge. In a social lounge there no levels to speak of. But it is not a model that works for a place of learning.
I'm posting elsewhere these days. I still think very highly of Sosuave and I would still recommend the place to newbies, but for me to stay motivated to write serious on topic posts, I needed the two things I listed above.
Take care, and my best wishes to all of you. Thanks for having made my stay here a wonderful one while it lasted!