What guys don't understand about the fear of approaching women


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2004
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What many guys, especially the ones involved in the PUA (Pick Up Artist) movement, don't understand about the fear of approaching women is that the reason they are afraid is not because they lack guts. It's because they can sense that the girls they want to meet do NOT want to be approached, so that to do so would be rude and violating. They subconsciously sense the "do not approach me" shield around them.

You see, everyone has body language and vibes. We can all sense them, even if we deny that vibes exist as a form of energy. There is a big difference between a girl who is approachable vs. one who is not. But this difference can only be described in words to a certain point. It is mostly felt and sensed by one's natural instincts. You simply "just know", even without observative physical signs or evidence. Even left-brained guys who deny that vibes and auras exist as a form of actual energy can instinctually sense others' vibes, despite their denial.

To try to put into words, an approachable girl looks at ease, relaxed, open and friendly. It's in her face, body language and aura too. She makes eye contact with others, smiles back at people, and has an open body posture. An unapproachable girl, on the other hand, has a closed narrow vibe and look on her face. She is uptight, serious, focused, does not make eye contact with others, and has a "don't bother me" look on her face. When you try to muster the courage to talk to her, you will feel a cold chill and an alarm will go off in you that says, "DO NOT! NOT ALLOWED! INAPPROPRIATE!" It has nothing to do with guts or bravery at all. And even the top PUA gurus can do nothing about it, despite their bogus claims. Guaranteed.

An adept "people reader" can spot these differences consciously, while others merely feel them subconsciously. Either way, one simply knows, even in the absence of physical signs.

So for example, say I'm in the Philippines where there is a very open culture. There, many girls are approachable and easy to chat with, without being introduced by a mutual friend. I could easily meet girls in public, flirt with them and get their numbers. It will look very relaxed and natural. To inexperienced others, it may look like I am bold and have guts. Yet when I fly to Japan, the opposite will happen. I will sense that the girls are unapproachable and are NOT comfortable talking to strangers, even of their own race.

Now this is not my imagination. In Japanese culture, people do not talk to strangers unless they are properly introduced by mutual friends, or it is for business-related purposes. It hasnothing to do with you or whether they like you. It is merely a basic part of their culture. Almost everyone conforms to it. You can feel it in their "collective vibes" even. If you try, you will sense an inner alarm that says "NOT ALLOWED! FORBIDDEN! TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE!" It would feel like you were about to commit a cardinal sin and violation. You just know this.

In this scenario, it won't matter if you are the biggest daredevil in the world, or one of the top PUA gurus (e.g. David DeAngelo, Ross Jeffries, Mystery, etc.). It won't make a difference. Despite their bogus claims, if put to the test in this situation, the PUA gurus will undoubtedly fail. I can guarantee that.

If something is inappropriate, you just know it. You don't have to be told or given physical signs. And it's not your imagination either. You simply know, even if you are not good at reading others or have poor people skills.

What this means is that American guys are not really gutless, as the PUA movement claims. Not at all. They simply live in a culture where females are paranoid, not approachable, and don't like talking to strangers. To violate this is inappropriate, so most guys do not dare try.

Yet American pop culture maintains this myth that girls are very open and friendly in America, so that anyone who has trouble meeting or dating girls must have a problem - they are either too shy, nerdy, lack social skills or technique. So these guys who are afraid to approach girls, falsely assume, based on this myth, that they must be lacking guts or "technique" when in reality it isn't that at all. The girls they like simply don't want to be approached or do not find the guys to be their type, so they put out that vibe to them. The unwanted guy then senses this "reject shield" and misinteprets it as coming from their own fears.

This misconception is then capitalized on by the PUA movement and their gurus, who have a vested financial interest in selling expensive seminars and courses to these "average frustrated chumps (AFC's)" as they put it, to help them overcome their fears, which further perpetuates this myth. But it ends up being just a bunch of pep talk with little or no result.

In reality, it is extremely rare to change the mind of a girl who doesn't want to meet you by using some kind of "PUA technique", and even in such cases, the girl is likely to be mentally unstable or erratic.

Anyone can make bogus claims or brag. But to prove them is another matter. Reality is reality. And bogus claims usually fail when put to the test. I've seen it time and time again. A lot of guys who claim they can pick up girls in places where they are not approachable, end up chickening out or making excuses when put to the actual test. Even if it were possible, it would happen occasionally, not on an everyday anytime basis.

Of course, your looks matter. Some girls only want to be approached by guys that are "their type". These girls are "conditionally approachable" and you can also recognize them by their "don't approach me unless you're hot" vibe as well.

Now, suppose you are a very good looking white guy in Japan. In that case, yes a certain percentage of girls will be open to cold approaches from you. But we are talking a minority percentage here, not the majority. Most girls will still not be willing to be approached by you in public, even if they think you are very attractive. They are simply way too uncomfortable with it. Also, most Japanese girls will not date seriously outside their race, even if they have a curiosity toward white guys. You can find a girlfriend of course, or date several girls at once, from the percentage of girls who will be open to you. But you still would not be able to chat up any girl you want anywhere you want. No way. Not in Japan. And whether the girls interested in you will be the same ones you are interested in, is another matter.

So the lesson here is that approachability of women depends on the situation, location, culture and type of woman. It's not about guts or technique. You simply have to utilize those factors to the best of your advantage.

(continued in next post)


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Now if you are in a culture where it is not appropriate to approach girls coldly, you can still meet them through introductions, parties or other social events. Those would be the socially acceptable venues in that case. But at that point, you would have to evaluate your desirability and eligibility to the females there. You’d have to gauge whether you are seen by a reasonable percentage of females there as the type they would be willing to date.

Here is why this matters:

Take the example of a typical Asian male in America who is not seen as “dating material” by over 99 percent of white females there. In that case, it wouldn’t matter whether this average Asian male goes out and meets many white girls at social events, parties, swing dance lessons, cooking classes, through mutual friends, etc. for he is simply NOT their type. Even most unattractive white females will reject him. The best he could do is engage them in polite casual chit chat. But that would be the limit. Any attempt at a date or hint of it, and they would blow him off immediately. In such a case, he is in a ZERO SUM game, for his attempt of using socially acceptable venues to meet women will simply be an exercise in futility (unless a miracle happens). Therefore, if you are not seen as a potential suitor by the females you are attracted to, it will not help you to have opportunities to meet them – whether through introductions, social events or cold approaches – for they simply will not be interested in you in that way.

Now in the earlier scenario of the good looking white guy in Japan, the results would be different. In his case, since a certain percentage of Japanese females will undoubtedly be interested in him, all he has to do is meet them through socially acceptable channels - at social events, parties or through introductions - and statistically he is eventually guaranteed to find some Japanese females who will be interested in him. Thus he would have a valid chance of getting results through these venues.

So you see, your desirability and eligibility is another important consideration you would have to factor in.

This will matter even if you are in a culture where the women are very approachable. For example, if the typical Asian male above goes to Russia, where the females are VERY approachable and have no hang ups about talking to strangers or being “hit on” by guys (which is socially acceptable in Russian culture) the same factor will apply. If he goes to Moscow, in Western Russia, where the Russian women are very racist toward Asian men and see them as sexually undesirable, he may be able to meet hundreds of girls easily by approaching them randomly in public. But they will usually end up using him for culture/language exchange and getting free dinners off him, or worse, milking him for cash and gifts. They will not take him seriously and will not be intimate with him beyond a certain point (if you know what I mean). However, if he were to go to Siberia or any part of Eastern Russia, where the Russian women are more pro-Asian (being closer to Asia geographically), his chances would be upped considerably. His race would not go against him, and far more females would take him seriously as a potential mate.

So, even in a super approachable culture like Russia, his desirability factor will ultimately determine his success.

There are always exceptions of course, but that’s how it generally is.

In any case, it doesn't hurt to try to develop your people reading skills, so you can size up people and situations quickly and accurately. If you are strongly left brained or practical, focus on utilizing the skills of your right brain so that you can function with whole brain holistic thinking. Being able to connect the dots and understand others requires the abilities of your right brain, not just your left. So don't neglect it.

That is my suggestion. Good luck!


May 13, 2009
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romeo high
ok we know you re successful with those RUSSIAN dolls
the Q is how do you approach them

where do you approach them
what do u say to them
what language to u use ( the vodka language just kidding

please send me a brief description of what you do ( not a whole book )

are we sure they r not girlies that U ve asked tp pose for you or with u with the purpose of writing an e book ?


Don Juan
May 12, 2008
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
What many guys, especially the ones involved in the PUA (Pick Up Artist) movement, don't understand about the fear of approaching women is that the reason they are afraid is not because they lack guts. It's because they can sense that the girls they want to meet do NOT want to be approached, so that to do so would be rude and violating. They subconsciously sense the "do not approach me" shield around them.

You see, everyone has body language and vibes. We can all sense them, even if we deny that vibes exist as a form of energy. There is a big difference between a girl who is approachable vs. one who is not. But this difference can only be described in words to a certain point. It is mostly felt and sensed by one's natural instincts. You simply "just know", even without observative physical signs or evidence. Even left-brained guys who deny that vibes and auras exist as a form of actual energy can instinctually sense others' vibes, despite their denial. AGREED

To try to put into words, an approachable girl looks at ease, relaxed, open and friendly. It's in her face, body language and aura too. She makes eye contact with others, smiles back at people, and has an open body posture. An unapproachable girl, on the other hand, has a closed narrow vibe and look on her face. She is uptight, serious, focused, does not make eye contact with others, and has a "don't bother me" look on her face. When you try to muster the courage to talk to her, you will feel a cold chill and an alarm will go off in you that says, "DO NOT! NOT ALLOWED! INAPPROPRIATE!" It has nothing to do with guts or bravery at all. And even the top PUA gurus can do nothing about it, despite their bogus claims. Guaranteed. AGREED

An adept "people reader" can spot these differences consciously, while others merely feel them subconsciously. Either way, one simply knows, even in the absence of physical signs.

So for example, say I'm in the Philippines where there is a very open culture. There, many girls are approachable and easy to chat with, without being introduced by a mutual friend. I could easily meet girls in public, flirt with them and get their numbers. It will look very relaxed and natural. To inexperienced others, it may look like I am bold and have guts. Yet when I fly to Japan, the opposite will happen. I will sense that the girls are unapproachable and are NOT comfortable talking to strangers, even of their own race. Nampa is seen as bad etiquette among the older generations if you ask me, i saw it plenty everywhere while i was there.

Now this is not my imagination. In Japanese culture, people do not talk to strangers unless they are properly introduced by mutual friends, or it is for business-related purposes. It hasnothing to do with you or whether they like you. It is merely a basic part of their culture. Almost everyone conforms to it. You can feel it in their "collective vibes" even. If you try, you will sense an inner alarm that says "NOT ALLOWED! FORBIDDEN! TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE!" It would feel like you were about to commit a cardinal sin and violation. You just know this.

In this scenario, it won't matter if you are the biggest daredevil in the world, or one of the top PUA gurus (e.g. David DeAngelo, Ross Jeffries, Mystery, etc.). It won't make a difference. Despite their bogus claims, if put to the test in this situation, the PUA gurus will undoubtedly fail. I can guarantee that.
completely disagree, no one seemed to have problems talking to people who they didnt know, i tried street pick up on a bunch of occasions in tokyo while i was there there was no problem, got the numbers and succesfull follow ups, i would say it was pretty easy actually. the jap guys dont really do it as much

If something is inappropriate, you just know it. You don't have to be told or given physical signs. And it's not your imagination either. You simply know, even if you are not good at reading others or have poor people skills.

What this means is that American guys are not really gutless, as the PUA movement claims. Not at all. They simply live in a culture where females are paranoid, not approachable, and don't like talking to strangers. To violate this is inappropriate, so most guys do not dare try.

Yet American pop culture maintains this myth that girls are very open and friendly in America, so that anyone who has trouble meeting or dating girls must have a problem - they are either too shy, nerdy, lack social skills or technique. So these guys who are afraid to approach girls, falsely assume, based on this myth, that they must be lacking guts or "technique" when in reality it isn't that at all. The girls they like simply don't want to be approached or do not find the guys to be their type, so they put out that vibe to them. The unwanted guy then senses this "reject shield" and misinteprets it as coming from their own fears.

This misconception is then capitalized on by the PUA movement and their gurus, who have a vested financial interest in selling expensive seminars and courses to these "average frustrated chumps (AFC's)" as they put it, to help them overcome their fears, which further perpetuates this myth. But it ends up being just a bunch of pep talk with little or no result.

In reality, it is extremely rare to change the mind of a girl who doesn't want to meet you by using some kind of "PUA technique", and even in such cases, the girl is likely to be mentally unstable or erratic.

Anyone can make bogus claims or brag. But to prove them is another matter. Reality is reality. And bogus claims usually fail when put to the test. I've seen it time and time again. A lot of guys who claim they can pick up girls in places where they are not approachable, end up chickening out or making excuses when put to the actual test. Even if it were possible, it would happen occasionally, not on an everyday anytime basis.

Of course, your looks matter. Some girls only want to be approached by guys that are "their type". These girls are "conditionally approachable" and you can also recognize them by their "don't approach me unless you're hot" vibe as well.

Now, suppose you are a very good looking white guy in Japan. In that case, yes a certain percentage of girls will be open to cold approaches from you. But we are talking a minority percentage here, not the majority. Most girls will still not be willing to be approached by you in public, even if they think you are very attractive. They are simply way too uncomfortable with it. Also, most Japanese girls will not date seriously outside their race, even if they have a curiosity toward white guys. You can find a girlfriend of course, or date several girls at once, from the percentage of girls who will be open to you. But you still would not be able to chat up any girl you want anywhere you want. No way. Not in Japan. And whether the girls interested in you will be the same ones you are interested in, is another matter.
disagree completely.

So the lesson here is that approachability of women depends on the situation, location, culture and type of woman. It's not about guts or technique. You simply have to utilize those factors to the best of your advantage.
when it comes to being able to tell when a women does want to be/is not interested in being approached, i agree. your theory about japan, i didnt see any of that. none of my mates have seen that behaviour either or anyone i've talked too thats been too japan.

What you said about asian americans living in the states, i wouldnt know as i have never been to the states. In Australia, perhaps in the 80's, 90's you wouldn't really have seen many asian aussie men with a good looking white aussie, in the zero's though the trend seems to have gone up where lately i have noticed a fair few hotties with an asian guy walking abouts holding hands.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 19, 2007
Reaction score
I only agree on the parts about you can feel their energy and vibe. That is completely true. Some girls face tell it all if they want to be bothered or not.

The ? I have is this. The ones that seem uninterested or a mean face. Are we supposed to still try and approach them. If so what should we say.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2009
Reaction score
I think some guys just need to laugh at themselves... For being afraid of a girl! :rolleyes: Think about it... Out of all the things to fear in life and us being Men, were afraid of a girl? lol

Fear, is just a 4 letter word that you create in your mind. Tell your fear to f**k off and just go for it!


Don Juan
Feb 20, 2010
Reaction score
The psychology of women when it comes to approaching them.

What guys don't understand about the fear of approaching women is that it comes from their balls sack and is ejaculated into the brain causing semen spasms making the heart pump fast and hard until it is visible beating outside of their chest, but the woman, being a woman, assumes it's a booby therefore thinking you're another woman.

which now days, is very attractive since women are getting tired of men.

Just go out there. feel a booby.


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2010
Reaction score
What many guys, especially the ones involved in the PUA (Pick Up Artist) movement, don't understand about the fear of approaching women is that the reason they are afraid is not because they lack guts. It's because they can sense that the girls they want to meet do NOT want to be approached, so that to do so would be rude and violating. They subconsciously sense the "do not approach me" shield around them.
This sounds like nothing but a negative assumption based on self doubt and fear. If you think you sense a girl doesn't want to be approached, approach her anyway. You might be pleasantly surprised and realize it was just in your head. Regardless, in most cases, she will at least be polite about it. If she's not, that's her problem, not yours.

Take the example of a typical Asian male in America who is not seen as “dating material” by over 99 percent of white females there. In that case, it wouldn’t matter whether this average Asian male goes out and meets many white girls at social events, parties, swing dance lessons, cooking classes, through mutual friends, etc. for he is simply NOT their type. Even most unattractive white females will reject him. The best he could do is engage them in polite casual chit chat. But that would be the limit. Any attempt at a date or hint of it, and they would blow him off immediately.
You must have taken a statistical survey to get this info. We all appreciate that. Unfortunately, this is pure bull. Every Asian guy I know who makes an effort to date Caucasian girls, dates Caucasian girls. Attractive ones.

When you try to muster the courage to talk to her, you will feel a cold chill and an alarm will go off in you that says, "DO NOT! NOT ALLOWED! INAPPROPRIATE!" It has nothing to do with guts or bravery at all. And even the top PUA gurus can do nothing about it, despite their bogus claims. Guaranteed.
Guaranteed? Okay, whatever you say. This is the kind of thinking that makes it even harder for guys to approach. Maybe you should personally wear a sign around your neck that says "MAY I PLEASE APPROACH YOU?" if that makes it easier for you.

suppose you are a very good looking white guy in Japan. In that case, yes a certain percentage of girls will be open to cold approaches from you. But we are talking a minority percentage here, not the majority. Most girls will still not be willing to be approached by you in public, even if they think you are very attractive. They are simply way too uncomfortable with it. Also, most Japanese girls will not date seriously outside their race, even if they have a curiosity toward white guys. You can find a girlfriend of course, or date several girls at once, from the percentage of girls who will be open to you. But you still would not be able to chat up any girl you want anywhere you want. No way. Not in Japan. And whether the girls interested in you will be the same ones you are interested in, is another matter.
I hope you're basing this on something other than your own experience, or even worse, your own negative belief.

Please don't fill people's heads with all of these offensive and negative postulations.
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Don Juan
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
sceptre said:
This sounds like nothing but a negative assumption based on self doubt and fear. If you think you sense a girl doesn't want to be approached, approach her anyway. You might be pleasantly surprised and realize it was just in your head. Regardless, in most cases, she will at least be polite about it. If she's not, that's her problem, not yours.

You must have taken a statistical survey to get this info. We all appreciate that. Unfortunately, this is pure bull. Every Asian guy I know who makes an effort to date Caucasian girls, dates Caucasian girls. Attractive ones.

Guaranteed? Okay, whatever you say. This is the kind of thinking that makes it even harder for guys to approach. Maybe you should personally wear a sign around your neck that says "MAY I PLEASE APPROACH YOU?" if that makes it easier for you.

I hope you're basing this on something other than your own experience, or even worse, your own negative belief.

Please don't fill people's heads with all of these offensive and negative postulations.
This. OP, much of your post is based on negative assumptions that stem from lack of self-esteem/confidence.


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
I like this:

"Demystifying Beautiful Women


I’ve often stated that talking to a woman just because she is hot is the worst possible reason for talking to a woman. Chasing beauty turns attractive women into sexual celebrities – celebrities who seem untouchable to the average guy. It also makes a lot of dubious assumptions about a woman based purely on her looks – that she’ll be fun, good in bed, interesting to talk to, etc.

Here is what you do to yourself when you focus primarily on physical attributes of beauty in women. First, your anxiety typically prevents you from approaching. Second, if you do approach, you do it nervously and awkwardly. Finally, since you have already turned the woman into a sexual celebrity, you will do anything to get her approval. This kind of approval seeking is a total turn-off for women.

Most guys hate that good looking women seem to have all the power, but it is men who give them that power! Whenever you are feeling victimized by the female gender, it is you who have turned yourself into a victim.

With that said, I also believe that you should date women you find attractive. This isn’t a contradiction. What I mean is that in a healthy, mature male, attraction involves much more than just how a woman looks in her jeans or how big her boobies are.

A healthy guy notices a woman’s physical appearance but doesn’t make assumptions about her based purely on her looks. He also knows that good genetic inheritance includes intelligence, creativity and emotional stability.

Most men, even self-confident, mature guys, experience some degree of anxiety when they approach a woman they find attractive (remember, we’re not just talking physical attraction here). Learning to calm this anxiety is essential for approaching desirable women.

So what to do?

The first step in overcoming your anxiety of approaching desirable women is to get out of the house and talk to everyone you meet. This is the foundation of successful approaching. If you put yourself into public situations and talk to everyone you meet, you will become comfortable with approaching strangers. As a result, when you approach a woman to whom you are attracted, you’ll just do what you’ve been doing with every other person you’ve met on a daily basis.

A second way to conquer your anxiety of approaching desirable women is to demystify the feminine gender in general. This is something you rarely hear the dating gurus talk about. Most so-called PUAs actually encourage the worship of attractive women. There is an unspoken assumption that attractive women are some kind of wonderful prize that only goes to the select few who know how to approach, disarm, and conquer.

I’ve been with beautiful women, and in my experience, about all a hot woman can do for you is boost your ego and maybe give you pretty babies. Most women who have gotten by on their looks all their lives haven’t had to work at being interesting or decent human beings. Most have also been objectified and used since they were little girls (this really messes with their heads).

Most men, especially Nice Guys, think women – especially attractive women – are some of kind of super-evolved sect of human beings. The average guy wonders why a relatively attractive woman would want anything to do with him – as if these supernatural creatures are so far above the common man. The average frustrated chump just assumes that every woman who is better looking than him must have high self-esteem.

Here’s a revelation. In general, women have lower self-esteem than most men – including you! That might surprise you, but it’s true. Because you have been putting women up on a pedestal since junior high (and probably feeling victimized by your own foolish female worship), you think these seemingly mystical creatures must regard themselves in the same way you do.

Think about something for a moment. What is the main source of value for women in our culture? No-brainer here – its physical beauty.

Next question - what percentage of women would you say have natural, genetic beauty? Five, ten, maybe 20 percent? That means at best, 80 percent of the women walking the planet don’t have what it takes to be recognized as valuable by our screwed up culture. You think they get up every morning, look in the mirror, and get a healthy dose of self-love?

OK, now take the 10 - 20 percent of women who are actually attractive by society’s standards. Every one of them can look around and quickly find at least five women who are younger and/or more attractive than them. Since women have been competing with one another since elementary school, even the really good looking women end up feeling inferior to the women they determine to be better looking than them. This is true no matter how high up the food chain you go. Even supermodels feel inferior next to the newest hot thing.

You think women in general feel good about themselves? Think again.

I’m not writing this to put women down, just to give you a jolt of reality that will allow you to approach women without so much anxiety. If you recognize that women, even the hottest ones, are just wounded creatures walking the planet, you’ll have a lot more success approaching and engaging them.

Dr. Robert Glover "


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
You can't let appearances fool you.

The "unapproachable" appearance of a woman might not be a reflection of her attitude at all, since I, for example, have also been accused of "looking pissed" as a result of a combination of facial characteristics (deep set eyes, pronounced brow, as examples) and mannerisms (exhaling loudly, pursing my lips every so often), but I'm really a pleasant and open guy.

I've tried to work on it by smiling more and doing other things to offset some of these natural tendencies but it's hard since I've been like this all my life.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
Is the fleeting moment of pleasure from ejaculating in a woman worth the lifetime of embarrassment that comes from rejection?


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2010
Reaction score
The "unapproachable" appearance of a woman might not be a reflection of her attitude at all, since I, for example, have also been accused of "looking pissed" as a result of a combination of facial characteristics (deep set eyes, pronounced brow, as examples) and mannerisms (exhaling loudly, pursing my lips every so often), but I'm really a pleasant and open guy.
Exactly. Some girls who look angry or mean or unapproachable, turn out to be the nicest girls.

I have this problem too. Sometimes I unconsciously walk around with a very serious look on my face. Kind of like how Mark Wahlberg or Dennis Quaid look when they're not smiling. For some people, it's just their natural facial expression.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Sh0t said:
Is the fleeting moment of embarrassment that comes from rejection worth the lifetime of pleasure from ejaculating in/on different women ?
FIXED! :rockon:


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Altair said:
This. OP, much of your post is based on negative assumptions that stem from lack of self-esteem/confidence.
No, I think much of his post is based on "conditional approachability" and not being hot enough.