What exactly prompts the "b*tch shield" in bars/clubs?


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Why? To figure this out, you have to get the female perspective.

Most guys aren't able to see the female perspective. When they go out to "tha clubb", they set a goal for themselves to pursue women. They go out with the "hunter" mentality.

Even the guys who stand in the corner and don't talk to women, they're still in the "hunter" mentality...they just lack either the skill or the balls to be good "hunters".

To get the female perspective, you have to set the hunter mentality aside. You have to let go of the desire to chase after women and the hinging of your night's "success" on whether or not you pull digits or hook up. You have to go out with the mentality of just enjoying the experience, the moment of being at "tha clubb" and you have to be willing to let the women chase YOU.

Then you cease to become the "hunter" and become the "hunted".

Even if you do this, most men won't get the full effect, because to be the "hunted", you have to be attractive, one way or another. I'm an attractive guy, so I can pull this off.

Here's the deal...as the prey, you learn one thing very quickly...the best "hunters" are, in fact, RARELY the ones you want to be hunted by.

Both women and men have in their heads an idea of what members of the opposite sex they want to hook up with.

For men, it's usually a matter of looks. Especially for a one-night stand, the way a woman looks, or the way she carries herself, or even small quirky "fetish"-type things that one guy likes over another is what divides women on men's classic one-to-ten scale.

Women are a little more fickle. They have been taught from birth that they deserve a "Prince Charming", so they're looking for the whole package...looks, wealth, power, social influence, fun, caring, etc, etc...

The thing is, if you're an attractive person, the best "hunters" of the opposite gender aren't necessarily the Prince or Princess you're looking to score with that night. I know from my experience as "prey" that it's the average-looking chicks, MILFs/cougars, etc who are the best "man-hunters". They have to be. Because they aren't as attractive as other women, they have to play the game well. Just like in poker, anyone can be a good player with good cards. It's when you get rags that you have to REALLY be good.

Same thing with women...only on another order of magnitude. Attractive women, as soon as they hit the bar, have guys circling them like flies on a horse's arse. Now all of these guys may have SOMETHING endearing about them. For example, one may be strong and muscular. Another may have a very interesting style. Still another may seem like he'd be fun to hang out with.

But ESPECIALLY when she's with her friends, she MUST impress with the caliber of man she pulls. These guys just don't measure up to the "Prince Charming" standard that she was taught that she "deserved" a long time ago.

You ever start chatting up an average-looking girl, then start worrying that her being so close to you starts ruining your value to the hotter women around? That they'd think that because you're with THAT girl that they shouldn't waste their time with you?

With women, again, another order of magnitude. MOST guys will NOT approach a woman who already has a man up-ons. She doesn't want to be hunted by the good hunters, the average guys...she wants to be hunted by the Prince Charmings.


And this BUT is the thing that separates the Don Juans from the non-Juans. This is the thing that AFCs don't know that guys with "natural game" seem to have an innate subconscious understanding of. It's nothing new, but once you accept this reality, your game improves astronomically.

Here it is:

What a woman wants in a man is completely a mechanic of her BRAIN. It has nothing to do with what's going on in her P*SSY. Her P*SSY wants to be F*CKED.

Furthermore...unless you are ugly, annoying, repulsive, or show indications of being a poor lover, her P*SSY wants to be F*CKED by YOU.

If there's one thing that you pick up on from being the prey instead of the hunter, it's that there's a constant battle between your brain and your loins for control over who you f*ck. That average-looking girl, if she's a good "hunter", she has two things: sexuality and persistence.

That means she know what turns a man on. She's VERY kinesthetic and has no problem with moving from subtle to more and more overt touching. She isn't put off when you look at other, better-looking girls dancing out there on the dance floor. She isn't put off by your polite shying away from her.

I can sit there and be thinking to myself, "This girl will not leave me ALONE! Dammit, I'm trying to cold-shoulder her, but look at how she rubs up against me, trying to make it look all innocent and silly. She's kino-ing me...and I know that pack of blondes over there won't come near me with her all up on me like this." But there's also another thought in my head that's scaring the hell out of me and at the same time really turning me on. "This girl is actually turning me ON...and if she doesn't leave me alone, I'm probably going to END UP F*CKING HER...and ENJOYING IT."

See, I also have something in common with the typical woman right now...I'm drastically undersexed at this point in time. Desirable women are TYPICALLY undersexed, largely due to the whole "slvt" stigma and their protective ego mechanisms. But the truth is that women have an equivalent sex-drive to men. They WANT to be F*CKED, and their p*ssy does not particularly care WHO does it, as long as the guy knocks it out and the guy isn't hideous or an utter tard.

So again, it's another order of magnitude with an attractive woman. It's an all-out war between her conscious mind (I don't want to be a slvt, I want to impress my friends with the caliber of man I hook up with, I want to find Prince Charming and not waste time with average guys, he has to be good looking, rich, no play till the third date, etc, etc) and her p*ssy (god, I want to be f*cked! I just want a good c*ck because I know it's gonna feel so good! I wanna c*m at the hands of a man soooo bad!!)

And the more drinks she gets into her system, and the more TIME she spends in proximity with a man who knows how to push a woman's sexual buttons, the more that her p*ssy starts overwhelming her conscious mind.

And that's just what these "good hunters", these average guys, do. They push her sexual buttons as long as she will allow them to...until she eventually breaks down and hooks up with him. Then she'll make him into Mr. Right IN HER HEAD, AFTER THE FACT, often setting herself up for a long, bitter romance that ends in heartbreak.

So a woman NEEDS a way to stop these guys from pushing her sexual buttons. Because if she can stop that, she can then use her BRAIN to filter out men. She can play her little head-games, run her sh!t-tests, whatever it is women do.

A woman has a couple of strategies she can use to keep a man communicating with her BRAIN and not bypassing that and talking directly to her P*SSY (which is almost CERTAIN to end in sex).

One such strategy is to travel to the "meat markets" in large packs. She becomes part of a cluster of women. When a "hunter" singles out one girl, the others start to "run interference". They'll interrupt the guy and swing her onto another girl, who will pass you on to another one, not allowing you to get your hooks into any one girl. Or they'll interrupt you with silly requests..."Take our picture! Buy us a drink! Take a shot out of my friend's belly button!" Or they'll just pull away whatever girl you're talking to to go dance, or go to the bathroom, or whatever.

But secretly, most of these women are ALSO undersexed and ALSO trying to get laid, so they're not the most reliable resource in the world. If the FRIENDS are attracted to the guy, that can seriously compromise the defensive power of the chick-cluster because they'll often let their friend go ahead and hook up with you.

So they need something else. Enter the "B!tch Shield".

Let me tell you, rolling solo, I've found myself thinking at some points after being relentlessly attacked by some of these women..."Damn, subtle hints don't work, obvious hints don't work...I cannot stop this woman from turning me on without being a TOTAL @SSHOLE to her!" When I came to that realization, the b!tch shield, for the first time, made PERFECT sense.

The "b!tch-shield", simply put, is a cognitive tactic employed by a woman's brain to keep a man from communicating directly with her p*ssy. Because her p*ssy wants to F*CK, and her ego KNOWS that if this guy can communicate with her p*ssy, given enough time, she WILL F*CK him. And that just CAN'T be allowed to happen.

If you understand the struggle between a woman's conscious mind and her p*ssy, then you have in your hands the building blocks of the perfect strategy for seducing women. Take the next step. ;)


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2008
Reaction score
Squirrels...you're a genius, haha. You've broken down the whole mentality of nightclub women quite nicely. Being that I am not THE most attractive guy(I look pretty good, just smaller) it is often hard to get past their BRAINS, perhaps if I do the average guy thing and just persist and keep the kino strong and wait as they get drunk, I would have a better chance to get through to the punanny...

However, with all the pretty boys, danceboys and tests and hoops to jump through at nightclubs, its almost easier to meet someone at Walmart...


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
squirrels said:
Why? To figure this out, you have to get the female perspective.

Even if you do this, most men won't get the full effect, because to be the "hunted", you have to be attractive, one way or another. I'm an attractive guy, so I can pull this off.

For men, it's usually a matter of looks. Especially for a one-night stand, the way a woman looks, or the way she carries herself, or even small quirky "fetish"-type things that one guy likes over another is what divides women on men's classic one-to-ten scale.
They have been taught from birth that they deserve a "Prince Charming", so they're looking for the whole package...looks, wealth, power, social influence, fun, caring, etc, etc...

The thing is, if you're an attractive person, I know from my experience as "prey" that it's the average-looking chicks, MILFs/cougars, etc who are the best "man-hunters". . Because they aren't as attractive as other women, they have to play the game well.

Same thing with women...only on another order of magnitude. Attractive women, as soon as they hit the bar, have guys circling them like flies on a horse's arse. Now all of these guys may have SOMETHING endearing about them. For example, one may be strong and muscular. Another may have a very interesting style. Still another may seem like he'd be fun to hang out with.

But ESPECIALLY when she's with her friends, she MUST impress with the caliber of man she pulls. These guys just don't measure up to the "Prince Charming" standard that she was taught that she "deserved" a long time ago.

You ever start chatting up an average-looking girl, then start worrying that her being so close to you starts ruining your value to the hotter women around? That they'd think that because you're with THAT girl that they shouldn't waste their time with you?

With women, again, another order of magnitude. MOST guys will NOT approach a woman who already has a man up-ons. She doesn't want to be hunted by the good hunters, the average guys...she wants to be hunted by the Prince Charmings.


the guy isn't hideous

the caliber of man I hook up with, I want to find Prince Charming and not waste time with average guys, he has to be good looking, rich,

(which is almost CERTAIN to end in sex).

One such strategy is to travel to the "meat markets" in large packs. She becomes part of a cluster of women. When a "hunter" singles out one girl, the others start to "run interference". They'll interrupt the guy and swing her onto another girl, who will pass you on to another one, not allowing you to get your hooks into any one girl. Or they'll interrupt you with silly requests..."Take our picture! Buy us a drink! Take a shot out of my friend's belly button!" Or they'll just pull away whatever girl you're talking to to go dance, or go to the bathroom, or whatever.

But secretly, most of these women are ALSO undersexed and ALSO trying to get laid, so they're not the most reliable resource in the world. If the FRIENDS are attracted to the guy, that can seriously compromise the defensive power of the chick-cluster because they'll often let their friend go ahead and hook up with you.

So they need something else. Enter the "B!tch Shield".

Let me tell you, rolling solo, I've found myself thinking at some points after being relentlessly attacked by some of these women..."Damn, subtle hints don't work, obvious hints don't work...I cannot stop this woman from turning me on without being a TOTAL @SSHOLE to her!" When I came to that realization, the b!tch shield, for the first time, made PERFECT sense.

The "b!tch-shield", simply put, is a cognitive tactic employed by a woman's brain to keep a man from communicating directly with her p*ssy. Because her p*ssy wants to F*CK, and her ego KNOWS that if this guy can communicate with her p*ssy, given enough time, she WILL F*CK him. And that just CAN'T be allowed to happen.

If you understand the struggle between a woman's conscious mind and her p*ssy, then you have in your hands the building blocks of the perfect strategy for seducing women. Take the next step. ;)
It is strange to me that every point you make, you qualify with: "as long as you are not ugly" -- which seems to be the true underlying concept. Everything can happen differently for a guy depending on if he is ugly or not. It seems that you sort of danced around that point a little too much.

In the club scene, the ONLY thing that matters is if you are hot. It is exactly the same thing for women as men. AFTER you are deemed attractive, THEN you can begin to think about all the philosophical things you mentioned. But, if you start out as unattractive to the female to begin with, there is just about nothing you can do and all the philosophical reasoning goes out the window.

This is how girls think: "Why do all the ugly guys keep hitting on me?!?! I wish the cute guy over there getting fawned over by all the blonde strippers would come talk to me instead, I have so much more to offer than those tramps!!! If only he could see the real me!" Unfortunately, the average and below average guys never entered the picture because they never had a chance anyways. They are simply speed bumps and obstacles in the way of her true goal. Something that she has to PUT UP WITH in order to correctly position herself to be hit on by the suuuuuper attractive guy with 10 girls around him.

The packs of girls who strangely "show up and take the girl from you" were not an accident. You simply weren't hot enough to meet their approval-- thats it. If you were hot, the pack of girls immediately disappears and you are left with the one you want. That is the flaw with your reasoning.

When I was less attractive, the group of girls would most certainly pull the female I had chosen away from me, and/or distract me somehow. When I dress up super nice, and recently since I have been working out a lot-- the opposite effect happens: You walk up to a group of 4 girls and announce your presence, then you pick one out to talk with and the other 3 leave you alone. I don't expect that any average guys would EVER see this effect in their lifetimes, so I am not surprised that nobody has made mention of it. Strangely enough, it just happened last saturday when I went out...three times in the same night!!! But then, in the very same night I started talking with this asian girl and her friends did not approve of me (obviously because their little asian boyfriends were getting upset that she was dancing with a white guy) and the group of asian girls swooped in and took her away. Just like that! Even with all that "social proof" and status, it was still deemed necessary that she be taken away. Ever wonder what is going on when you see one attractive guy talking with a girl by themselves in the middle of the dance floor? All her friends are watching her like a hawk from a table or the bar, waiting for the girl to give some sort of "rescue me" sign. At which point the group rushes in to save the girl from you by any means necessary.

I find that the club atmosphere allows for the true nature of humanity to be observed, in that the top 10% of men are the only ones who are supposed to be hooking up with the top 10% of females. Who are the top 10% of females? The hot girls in clubs. It is the job of the male to BE in the top 10%, otherwise you will just waste your ENTIRE LIFE trying to hook up with someone you had no chance with anyways. And who wants that?


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2008
Reaction score
London, UK
squirrels said:
Why? To figure this out, you have to get the female perspective.

Most guys aren't able to see the female perspective. When they go out to "tha clubb", they set a goal for themselves to pursue women. They go out with the "hunter" mentality.

Even the guys who stand in the corner and don't talk to women, they're still in the "hunter" mentality...they just lack either the skill or the balls to be good "hunters".

To get the female perspective, you have to set the hunter mentality aside. You have to let go of the desire to chase after women and the hinging of your night's "success" on whether or not you pull digits or hook up. You have to go out with the mentality of just enjoying the experience, the moment of being at "tha clubb" and you have to be willing to let the women chase YOU.

Then you cease to become the "hunter" and become the "hunted".

Even if you do this, most men won't get the full effect, because to be the "hunted", you have to be attractive, one way or another. I'm an attractive guy, so I can pull this off.

Here's the deal...as the prey, you learn one thing very quickly...the best "hunters" are, in fact, RARELY the ones you want to be hunted by.

Both women and men have in their heads an idea of what members of the opposite sex they want to hook up with.

For men, it's usually a matter of looks. Especially for a one-night stand, the way a woman looks, or the way she carries herself, or even small quirky "fetish"-type things that one guy likes over another is what divides women on men's classic one-to-ten scale.

Women are a little more fickle. They have been taught from birth that they deserve a "Prince Charming", so they're looking for the whole package...looks, wealth, power, social influence, fun, caring, etc, etc...

The thing is, if you're an attractive person, the best "hunters" of the opposite gender aren't necessarily the Prince or Princess you're looking to score with that night. I know from my experience as "prey" that it's the average-looking chicks, MILFs/cougars, etc who are the best "man-hunters". They have to be. Because they aren't as attractive as other women, they have to play the game well. Just like in poker, anyone can be a good player with good cards. It's when you get rags that you have to REALLY be good.

Same thing with women...only on another order of magnitude. Attractive women, as soon as they hit the bar, have guys circling them like flies on a horse's arse. Now all of these guys may have SOMETHING endearing about them. For example, one may be strong and muscular. Another may have a very interesting style. Still another may seem like he'd be fun to hang out with.

But ESPECIALLY when she's with her friends, she MUST impress with the caliber of man she pulls. These guys just don't measure up to the "Prince Charming" standard that she was taught that she "deserved" a long time ago.

You ever start chatting up an average-looking girl, then start worrying that her being so close to you starts ruining your value to the hotter women around? That they'd think that because you're with THAT girl that they shouldn't waste their time with you?

With women, again, another order of magnitude. MOST guys will NOT approach a woman who already has a man up-ons. She doesn't want to be hunted by the good hunters, the average guys...she wants to be hunted by the Prince Charmings.


And this BUT is the thing that separates the Don Juans from the non-Juans. This is the thing that AFCs don't know that guys with "natural game" seem to have an innate subconscious understanding of. It's nothing new, but once you accept this reality, your game improves astronomically.

Here it is:

What a woman wants in a man is completely a mechanic of her BRAIN. It has nothing to do with what's going on in her P*SSY. Her P*SSY wants to be F*CKED.

Furthermore...unless you are ugly, annoying, repulsive, or show indications of being a poor lover, her P*SSY wants to be F*CKED by YOU.

If there's one thing that you pick up on from being the prey instead of the hunter, it's that there's a constant battle between your brain and your loins for control over who you f*ck. That average-looking girl, if she's a good "hunter", she has two things: sexuality and persistence.

That means she know what turns a man on. She's VERY kinesthetic and has no problem with moving from subtle to more and more overt touching. She isn't put off when you look at other, better-looking girls dancing out there on the dance floor. She isn't put off by your polite shying away from her.

I can sit there and be thinking to myself, "This girl will not leave me ALONE! Dammit, I'm trying to cold-shoulder her, but look at how she rubs up against me, trying to make it look all innocent and silly. She's kino-ing me...and I know that pack of blondes over there won't come near me with her all up on me like this." But there's also another thought in my head that's scaring the hell out of me and at the same time really turning me on. "This girl is actually turning me ON...and if she doesn't leave me alone, I'm probably going to END UP F*CKING HER...and ENJOYING IT."

See, I also have something in common with the typical woman right now...I'm drastically undersexed at this point in time. Desirable women are TYPICALLY undersexed, largely due to the whole "slvt" stigma and their protective ego mechanisms. But the truth is that women have an equivalent sex-drive to men. They WANT to be F*CKED, and their p*ssy does not particularly care WHO does it, as long as the guy knocks it out and the guy isn't hideous or an utter tard.

So again, it's another order of magnitude with an attractive woman. It's an all-out war between her conscious mind (I don't want to be a slvt, I want to impress my friends with the caliber of man I hook up with, I want to find Prince Charming and not waste time with average guys, he has to be good looking, rich, no play till the third date, etc, etc) and her p*ssy (god, I want to be f*cked! I just want a good c*ck because I know it's gonna feel so good! I wanna c*m at the hands of a man soooo bad!!)

And the more drinks she gets into her system, and the more TIME she spends in proximity with a man who knows how to push a woman's sexual buttons, the more that her p*ssy starts overwhelming her conscious mind.

And that's just what these "good hunters", these average guys, do. They push her sexual buttons as long as she will allow them to...until she eventually breaks down and hooks up with him. Then she'll make him into Mr. Right IN HER HEAD, AFTER THE FACT, often setting herself up for a long, bitter romance that ends in heartbreak.

So a woman NEEDS a way to stop these guys from pushing her sexual buttons. Because if she can stop that, she can then use her BRAIN to filter out men. She can play her little head-games, run her sh!t-tests, whatever it is women do.

A woman has a couple of strategies she can use to keep a man communicating with her BRAIN and not bypassing that and talking directly to her P*SSY (which is almost CERTAIN to end in sex).

One such strategy is to travel to the "meat markets" in large packs. She becomes part of a cluster of women. When a "hunter" singles out one girl, the others start to "run interference". They'll interrupt the guy and swing her onto another girl, who will pass you on to another one, not allowing you to get your hooks into any one girl. Or they'll interrupt you with silly requests..."Take our picture! Buy us a drink! Take a shot out of my friend's belly button!" Or they'll just pull away whatever girl you're talking to to go dance, or go to the bathroom, or whatever.

But secretly, most of these women are ALSO undersexed and ALSO trying to get laid, so they're not the most reliable resource in the world. If the FRIENDS are attracted to the guy, that can seriously compromise the defensive power of the chick-cluster because they'll often let their friend go ahead and hook up with you.

So they need something else. Enter the "B!tch Shield".

Let me tell you, rolling solo, I've found myself thinking at some points after being relentlessly attacked by some of these women..."Damn, subtle hints don't work, obvious hints don't work...I cannot stop this woman from turning me on without being a TOTAL @SSHOLE to her!" When I came to that realization, the b!tch shield, for the first time, made PERFECT sense.

The "b!tch-shield", simply put, is a cognitive tactic employed by a woman's brain to keep a man from communicating directly with her p*ssy. Because her p*ssy wants to F*CK, and her ego KNOWS that if this guy can communicate with her p*ssy, given enough time, she WILL F*CK him. And that just CAN'T be allowed to happen.

If you understand the struggle between a woman's conscious mind and her p*ssy, then you have in your hands the building blocks of the perfect strategy for seducing women. Take the next step. ;)
This guy gets it. Nice work.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
squirrels said:
So a woman NEEDS a way to stop these guys from pushing her sexual buttons. Because if she can stop that, she can then use her BRAIN to filter out men. She can play her little head-games, run her sh!t-tests, whatever it is women do.

She could just not go to clubs instead of being a b1tch to people who don't deserve it. All i hear is excuses for their behavior. They don't need "understanding" or having someone put themselves in their shoes; they need social guidelines and consequences.

We all managed just fine in life before clubs were invented.

If i didn't have guidelines and consequences, i'd walk around punching douches including women in the gut all the time, but only male behavior is regulated and punished.

Vagina slaves everywhere.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
mrRuckus said:
She could just not go to clubs instead of being a b1tch to people who don't deserve it. All i hear is excuses for their behavior. They don't need "understanding" or having someone put themselves in their shoes; they need social guidelines and consequences.
You'd do better with women if you learned to play the game of life the way it IS presented, instead of whining how it OUGHT to be.

Like I said, you don't understand because you've never been hunted. You're like a lion out on the Savannah saying, "Damn these gazelle...they always sit in those damned alert-circles looking out for me, then they run with those fast legs and travel in those big packs to confuse me. It's not right for them to make it so hard for me! Why don't they just stay home? There's no excuse for their behavior...coming out to graze and then taunting me with their speed and agility! They need social guidelines so I can eat them more easily!"

Lions who think like that typically starve.

Like Rollo said in your other thread:

Rollo Tomassi said:
Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2002
Reaction score
The towner
One such strategy is to travel to the "meat markets" in large packs. She becomes part of a cluster of women. When a "hunter" singles out one girl, the others start to "run interference". They'll interrupt the guy and swing her onto another girl, who will pass you on to another one, not allowing you to get your hooks into any one girl. Or they'll interrupt you with silly requests..."Take our picture! Buy us a drink! Take a shot out of my friend's belly button!" Or they'll just pull away whatever girl you're talking to to go dance, or go to the bathroom, or whatever.
Ain't it the truth: the female bathroom conference is the number one hurdle for the wingman-less clubber. Just stops the seduction cold.

But secretly, most of these women are ALSO undersexed and ALSO trying to get laid, so they're not the most reliable resource in the world. If the FRIENDS are attracted to the guy, that can seriously compromise the defensive power of the chick-cluster because they'll often let their friend go ahead and hook up with you.
Especially if she just broke up/had a divorce, in which case you just have to appear better than her douchebag ex.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
squirrels said:
You'd do better with women if you learned to play the game of life the way it IS presented, instead of whining how it OUGHT to be.
WTF are you talking about? I never mentioned my success with women in any way.

Yes, posting dumb sh1t on a message board equates to my way of life. I go around in real life and scream at girls "you stupid wh0res!!" all the time and then go home go and jerk off and fall asleep crying into my pillow because life just isn't fair. Then i do some cutting.

I can complain about stuff and muddle through the day at the same time.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
mrRuckus said:
WTF are you talking about? I never mentioned my success with women in any way.

Yes, posting dumb sh1t on a message board equates to my way of life. I go around in real life and scream at girls "you stupid wh0res!!" all the time and then go home go and jerk off and fall asleep crying into my pillow because life just isn't fair. Then i do some cutting.

I can complain about stuff and muddle through the day at the same time.
Have fun muddling. :up:


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
squirrels said:
Why? To figure this out, you have to get the female perspective.

Most guys aren't able to see the female perspective. When they go out to "tha clubb", they set a goal for themselves to pursue women. They go out with the "hunter" mentality.

Even the guys who stand in the corner and don't talk to women, they're still in the "hunter" mentality...they just lack either the skill or the balls to be good "hunters".

To get the female perspective, you have to set the hunter mentality aside. You have to let go of the desire to chase after women and the hinging of your night's "success" on whether or not you pull digits or hook up. You have to go out with the mentality of just enjoying the experience, the moment of being at "tha clubb" and you have to be willing to let the women chase YOU.

Then you cease to become the "hunter" and become the "hunted".

Even if you do this, most men won't get the full effect, because to be the "hunted", you have to be attractive, one way or another. I'm an attractive guy, so I can pull this off.

Here's the deal...as the prey, you learn one thing very quickly...the best "hunters" are, in fact, RARELY the ones you want to be hunted by.

Both women and men have in their heads an idea of what members of the opposite sex they want to hook up with.

For men, it's usually a matter of looks. Especially for a one-night stand, the way a woman looks, or the way she carries herself, or even small quirky "fetish"-type things that one guy likes over another is what divides women on men's classic one-to-ten scale.

Women are a little more fickle. They have been taught from birth that they deserve a "Prince Charming", so they're looking for the whole package...looks, wealth, power, social influence, fun, caring, etc, etc...

The thing is, if you're an attractive person, the best "hunters" of the opposite gender aren't necessarily the Prince or Princess you're looking to score with that night. I know from my experience as "prey" that it's the average-looking chicks, MILFs/cougars, etc who are the best "man-hunters". They have to be. Because they aren't as attractive as other women, they have to play the game well. Just like in poker, anyone can be a good player with good cards. It's when you get rags that you have to REALLY be good.

Same thing with women...only on another order of magnitude. Attractive women, as soon as they hit the bar, have guys circling them like flies on a horse's arse. Now all of these guys may have SOMETHING endearing about them. For example, one may be strong and muscular. Another may have a very interesting style. Still another may seem like he'd be fun to hang out with.

But ESPECIALLY when she's with her friends, she MUST impress with the caliber of man she pulls. These guys just don't measure up to the "Prince Charming" standard that she was taught that she "deserved" a long time ago.

You ever start chatting up an average-looking girl, then start worrying that her being so close to you starts ruining your value to the hotter women around? That they'd think that because you're with THAT girl that they shouldn't waste their time with you?

With women, again, another order of magnitude. MOST guys will NOT approach a woman who already has a man up-ons. She doesn't want to be hunted by the good hunters, the average guys...she wants to be hunted by the Prince Charmings.


And this BUT is the thing that separates the Don Juans from the non-Juans. This is the thing that AFCs don't know that guys with "natural game" seem to have an innate subconscious understanding of. It's nothing new, but once you accept this reality, your game improves astronomically.

Here it is:

What a woman wants in a man is completely a mechanic of her BRAIN. It has nothing to do with what's going on in her P*SSY. Her P*SSY wants to be F*CKED.

Furthermore...unless you are ugly, annoying, repulsive, or show indications of being a poor lover, her P*SSY wants to be F*CKED by YOU.

If there's one thing that you pick up on from being the prey instead of the hunter, it's that there's a constant battle between your brain and your loins for control over who you f*ck. That average-looking girl, if she's a good "hunter", she has two things: sexuality and persistence.

That means she know what turns a man on. She's VERY kinesthetic and has no problem with moving from subtle to more and more overt touching. She isn't put off when you look at other, better-looking girls dancing out there on the dance floor. She isn't put off by your polite shying away from her.

I can sit there and be thinking to myself, "This girl will not leave me ALONE! Dammit, I'm trying to cold-shoulder her, but look at how she rubs up against me, trying to make it look all innocent and silly. She's kino-ing me...and I know that pack of blondes over there won't come near me with her all up on me like this." But there's also another thought in my head that's scaring the hell out of me and at the same time really turning me on. "This girl is actually turning me ON...and if she doesn't leave me alone, I'm probably going to END UP F*CKING HER...and ENJOYING IT."

See, I also have something in common with the typical woman right now...I'm drastically undersexed at this point in time. Desirable women are TYPICALLY undersexed, largely due to the whole "slvt" stigma and their protective ego mechanisms. But the truth is that women have an equivalent sex-drive to men. They WANT to be F*CKED, and their p*ssy does not particularly care WHO does it, as long as the guy knocks it out and the guy isn't hideous or an utter tard.

So again, it's another order of magnitude with an attractive woman. It's an all-out war between her conscious mind (I don't want to be a slvt, I want to impress my friends with the caliber of man I hook up with, I want to find Prince Charming and not waste time with average guys, he has to be good looking, rich, no play till the third date, etc, etc) and her p*ssy (god, I want to be f*cked! I just want a good c*ck because I know it's gonna feel so good! I wanna c*m at the hands of a man soooo bad!!)

And the more drinks she gets into her system, and the more TIME she spends in proximity with a man who knows how to push a woman's sexual buttons, the more that her p*ssy starts overwhelming her conscious mind.

And that's just what these "good hunters", these average guys, do. They push her sexual buttons as long as she will allow them to...until she eventually breaks down and hooks up with him. Then she'll make him into Mr. Right IN HER HEAD, AFTER THE FACT, often setting herself up for a long, bitter romance that ends in heartbreak.

So a woman NEEDS a way to stop these guys from pushing her sexual buttons. Because if she can stop that, she can then use her BRAIN to filter out men. She can play her little head-games, run her sh!t-tests, whatever it is women do.

A woman has a couple of strategies she can use to keep a man communicating with her BRAIN and not bypassing that and talking directly to her P*SSY (which is almost CERTAIN to end in sex).

One such strategy is to travel to the "meat markets" in large packs. She becomes part of a cluster of women. When a "hunter" singles out one girl, the others start to "run interference". They'll interrupt the guy and swing her onto another girl, who will pass you on to another one, not allowing you to get your hooks into any one girl. Or they'll interrupt you with silly requests..."Take our picture! Buy us a drink! Take a shot out of my friend's belly button!" Or they'll just pull away whatever girl you're talking to to go dance, or go to the bathroom, or whatever.

But secretly, most of these women are ALSO undersexed and ALSO trying to get laid, so they're not the most reliable resource in the world. If the FRIENDS are attracted to the guy, that can seriously compromise the defensive power of the chick-cluster because they'll often let their friend go ahead and hook up with you.

So they need something else. Enter the "B!tch Shield".

Let me tell you, rolling solo, I've found myself thinking at some points after being relentlessly attacked by some of these women..."Damn, subtle hints don't work, obvious hints don't work...I cannot stop this woman from turning me on without being a TOTAL @SSHOLE to her!" When I came to that realization, the b!tch shield, for the first time, made PERFECT sense.

The "b!tch-shield", simply put, is a cognitive tactic employed by a woman's brain to keep a man from communicating directly with her p*ssy. Because her p*ssy wants to F*CK, and her ego KNOWS that if this guy can communicate with her p*ssy, given enough time, she WILL F*CK him. And that just CAN'T be allowed to happen.

If you understand the struggle between a woman's conscious mind and her p*ssy, then you have in your hands the building blocks of the perfect strategy for seducing women. Take the next step. ;)
This post is legendry.

Excellent post Squirrels.:up: