What exactly is low interest from women?
So I got this girls number around March this year, I met her on campus and approached her
She replies the first
text and then takes about a month to reply the subsequent one, she sends a voice note apologising saying she was focused on her exams
School goes on break, we resume around August and we meet sometimes in the same study location. But we run different programs(exams and tests) so logistics has been difficult(the school calendar is a mess due to the covid pandemic break so everything is really fast paced
I finally decided to ask her out when I just finished an exam and was free. She says she's busy, that she works on Saturdays and her exams were close. The she counter offers by saying we can go out after her exams. Now she's done with her exams and I'll be done with mine after next week
The thing here is, she seems quite cold everytime I see her. Well she eventually warms up when we start talking but I initiate every single time. She even replies text selectively
Our date is supposed to be at the zoo and then a fast food restaurant with ice cream and fast food.
The thing is I'm not really comfortable with how things are. I think her interest is low.
I guess I'll hit her up when I'm done with exams, go on the date if she doesn't come up with an excuse and we'll see what happens
Maybe I'm overthinking this, maybe she's shy or maybe it's low interest? What do you think
Sorry for the long read