I like post #9 from God_of_getting_laid...
However, take whatever a woman says, and read it with your Bullshyt detector turned all the way on high. Women get upset about "guys hitting on them", then they get upset because "guys don't have the balls to ask them out". LOL.. thanks women, you're really helping. Now, I want to be fair to women.. so look at what guys say. Lots of us are AFCs. We look for excuses to NOT approach.. she's not attractive enough, she's too atractive, she wouldn't go out with me.. etc.
I read the same thing into what I just said about the women, and the men. Both are acting out of their social anxiety, they are not giving you something constructive. A woman gets bothered by "guys hitting on her". Let's see.. what does she mean by "hitting on her"? HB: "Well... you saw the way he looked at me?? Or, he was talking to me.. and I could JUST TELL" LOL. Relax poor HB. He wasn't trying to rape you. He was just socializing, it's a good thing. You have the right to stop it at any time, you're just being uptight. Talk with him, and see if he's a good guy or not, then decide. If he asks for a cup of coffee, and he's been respectful, just go. I tell that to my gal friends. I want to see them happy, not alone.
Often times, what they mean is he's confident enough to read through her crap, relax, and assure her everything will be OK.
When a woman says she wants a guy to be more confident, I'm really reading into it that she's socially uptight. She hates the initial nervousness, and wants the guy to take full responsibility for it. Treat her like an adult. She's responsible for her own nervousness. If you're being sociable, but fully respecting her, then keep doing what you are doing. Perhaps not owning her crap is an element of confidence.