there is your word of the day. RELATIONSHIP. see now this implies many things really. But in the context you use it, it makes it a singularity. See right...lets see...oh here...
sencond fault. Well now, before you come swinging that you can't have a girlfriend without dedicating yourself to one girl. Your right. Almost every chick in the school thats now a ***** will normally require you to "FEEL" like her boyfriend...WAIT!... I said feel, not be.
Questions you should answer tonight.
thats it. I don't care if you post the answer or not. But think about it really. Don't just give a half-arsed answer. i did that for a long time. Really why? do you want a GF, why do you want a girl, what is the purpose? What would happen if you didn't have one? ect. ect.
Thats your assignment for tonight.
Think about it. Can you really come up with some answers that mean something. I couldn't. Maybe your better then me, maybe your not. None the less this should be your top priority tonight[1:09am here] to TRY to answer these questions. Don't talk yourself into it.
and when you come up with that answer question that with a why? and when you answer that question it with a why?
Question every belife you hold dear, and even those you don't. A DJ must know how to think. A DJ must understand why he does something, why he needs something.
A DJ is not a blind fool, and more over is not led by the blind.
Why did you read this?