I didn't read whole posts but as far as i see from the first and very last messages, she has all the strings and you are the cute boy that has a crush on her.
major major mistakes: first thing first why in gods name did you show up at that candy place.
From starters, you were the cute boy that had a crush on her, nothing dangerous, a cute ball of thread for the kitty(I dont know the english but you know what I am talking about kitty and thread)
then you post here and apparently someone wise tells you to shut the fyck up. So you do that, good job. but you gotta keep the goodwork.
later on, the kitty gets curious. That cute puppet aint plaing with her strings anymore. This is a good thing.. so she sends you an ultimatom that requires you to see her highnessat 4 next day.
You not only obey her higness like a loyal puppy,shaking his tail, but you also you show up an hour early.
here is another thing: YOU DONT OFFER YOUR NUMBER TO SOMEONE THAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU HIS/HER NUMBER.That should be crsytal clear.No ifs no buts..
The unfortunate thing is that you still think that you did not sound desperate. Read what you write bro and analyze! Try to see what happened from her eyes. Were you c +f as you mentioned or did you think that you were etc...
If you still want this gal, well, at whis point i would recommend yuo to totally ignore her and have your fun with othr gals... The only thing that might make her interested in you might be jealousy, although i suspect if it will work..
Good experience though and still a job well done.. It shows that you have the balls to confront a gal. You went up and talked to the gal and tried your best, believe me , that is 90% of the whole deal, the rest comes with practice. Shytloads of guys cannot overcome tat step
good luck and have a good day