What does an AFC practice?

May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Spare me the AFC/DJ conundrum, this is hypothetical.

Well I grew up from the mindset that people are best at doing what they know.

aPUA's want to be the BEST at picking up women, because it's the competition of life. So they read and read and practice, and test, and ponder, and get better over time. Some are AFC's at heart, and kick themselves for how 'slowly' they are improving, regardless of the fact that theyARE improving

aDJ's I hazard to say practice to be better men. They know their role, and do what they think is best. Those that continue to read, are looking how to be their best, better and faster... could be a bad thing, but whatever, that's not whant I'm asking.

AFC's... I was once an AFC, and in many ways, I still am. I am was a complacent AFC as well. I did what I thought had to be done, because I thought it would make me a man. I listened to the bible, and I tried to break no sins, I could have gone places if I didn't say "screw that sh!t" at the age of fourteen to begin my life anew to start making friends. I've been steadily progressing since then... not much success on finding "great friends" I've made friends who I can mature with, who will change along side of me. I've made friends who are painful to be around, but I know that it is only a stressful pain, not damaging or toxic so I'll learn things from them slowly. I have friends I can look up to, but we don't REALLY connect, because our styles clash...

So, 14 years of AFCdom, 8 years of homogenizing(becoming like other people), and I found this site. Completely changed my perspectives on things. I get new feelings, think of new ideas, and am more upbeat now than I ever was about making more out of my life....

I'm still reeling in pain from my old life though. I still have old habits, I don't even realize them. People tell me these things, and last year, I denied them, now I realize they are true... this week only.

Does anybody have any clue what an AFC practices?

I am an AFC, can you say anything specifically about me?

(Don't tell me to get a life, I visit Sosuave in my spare time)


Don Juan
May 28, 2006
Reaction score
I don't get your post.

"What does an AFC practice?"
I can honestly say i don't know what you mean.



Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Never generalize DJ's to one thing and PUA's to another, PUA's are just as much about improving, and some DJ's are just as much about pure speed pick up tactics.

Ignoring that: I recommend you try several things. Do 2 out of the 4 before next Sunday.

1. Get 10 rejections from cold approaches.

2. Get 20 phone numbers from cold approaches (don't be picky, you're not required to marry or **** any of these girls).

3. Open 10 sets with a Mystery Method 'opinion opener.'

4. Go out at least 2 nights and start conversation with at least 3 women (from different sets, if all 3 were with eachother it only counts as 1) each night.

May 23, 2006
Reaction score
In accordance with the 'newbie' mission, or Svengali's call to action, one of the abbreviations on the seduction101 site, and with the 'rejection resistance challenge' on 'How to Succeed with Women', an AFC' practise is simple.

Dress up, but on your best clothes and simply say 'hi' to every woman you meet or try to start a conversation. Break out of the shell and be more sociable.

That would be an AFC practise. Take Justman's(sp?) approach journal and get inspired. That guy doesn't even successfully close for numbers or get anywhere, yet he is approaching and talking to hb's anywhere, and he is a good practising newbie AFC because as he continues doing that he will become an rAFC.

So, get out there right now and say hi to six attractive girls, and do so for 30 days.
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
I never could FIND the newbie mission at masf:p


Don Juan
May 19, 2006
Reaction score
San Francisco
MVPlaya said:
Never generalize DJ's to one thing and PUA's to another, PUA's are just as much about improving, and some DJ's are just as much about pure speed pick up tactics.

Ignoring that: I recommend you try several things. Do 2 out of the 4 before next Sunday.

1. Get 10 rejections from cold approaches.

2. Get 20 phone numbers from cold approaches (don't be picky, you're not required to marry or **** any of these girls).

3. Open 10 sets with a Mystery Method 'opinion opener.'

4. Go out at least 2 nights and start conversation with at least 3 women (from different sets, if all 3 were with eachother it only counts as 1) each night.

sounds like alot

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Just get out there and do it. Everybody is overanalyzing their AFCness. You are terrible with women? So what! I always have been too. To all the AFCs out there not getting motivated, people like me are going out there and making ourselves become better and keeping a journal TO SHOW YOU IT CAN BE DONE! I went from total pud to having 2 @ closes, one online # close, and ALMOST had a ONS in 2 weeks. The hardest part is taking that first step. Only YOU can take that step....

I love Hyori Lee

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Stackthestyles said:
Spare me the AFC/DJ conundrum, this is hypothetical.

Well I grew up from the mindset that people are best at doing what they know.

aPUA's want to be the BEST at picking up women, because it's the competition of life. So they read and read and practice, and test, and ponder, and get better over time. Some are AFC's at heart, and kick themselves for how 'slowly' they are improving, regardless of the fact that theyARE improving

aDJ's I hazard to say practice to be better men. They know their role, and do what they think is best. Those that continue to read, are looking how to be their best, better and faster... could be a bad thing, but whatever, that's not whant I'm asking.

AFC's... I was once an AFC, and in many ways, I still am. I am was a complacent AFC as well. I did what I thought had to be done, because I thought it would make me a man. I listened to the bible, and I tried to break no sins, I could have gone places if I didn't say "screw that sh!t" at the age of fourteen to begin my life anew to start making friends. I've been steadily progressing since then... not much success on finding "great friends" I've made friends who I can mature with, who will change along side of me. I've made friends who are painful to be around, but I know that it is only a stressful pain, not damaging or toxic so I'll learn things from them slowly. I have friends I can look up to, but we don't REALLY connect, because our styles clash...

So, 14 years of AFCdom, 8 years of homogenizing(becoming like other people), and I found this site. Completely changed my perspectives on things. I get new feelings, think of new ideas, and am more upbeat now than I ever was about making more out of my life....

I'm still reeling in pain from my old life though. I still have old habits, I don't even realize them. People tell me these things, and last year, I denied them, now I realize they are true... this week only.

Does anybody have any clue what an AFC practices?

I am an AFC, can you say anything specifically about me?

(Don't tell me to get a life, I visit Sosuave in my spare time)


:p :crackup: :crackup: :D :crackup: :crackup: :p