Dante420 said:
Where do I find these mineral spirits?
Mineral spirits wont do squat to a paintjob. Car paint is made too good these days. What you could use, is Aircraft Stripper (I think thats what its called.) You can find it in the paint section of any auto parts store.
I also heard, that if you take a round peice of balogney, and cut a smiley face in it, and slap in on their car and let it bake in the sun, it makes a permanent discoloration in the paint job, but I dont know for sure if it works.
If you can get in her car, you can hide a piece of raw chicken under the seats. If she leaves her windows cracked, you can puke (or pee, or whatever. in a ziploc bag, and freeze it in a thin shape, and slide the frozen puke pizza in the crack in her window, and it'll melt.
If you can get in her house, you can leave a humidfier on, with puke, tequila, piss, rotten meat, and whatever else nasty you can think of, in it. The stench will permeate EVERYTHING in the entire house. Works best if the victim is on vacation, so it can have a few days to go to work.
You can always put some bananas in her tailpipe, too. I doubt that will land you in jail. Or, wipe dog**** on her handles. Thats a good one.