I feel like this forum needs more positivity from guys who have been there and done it.
At the moment it feels like an echo chamber about how awful women are and how they will all divorce grape you. I can safely say that the number of women I've encountered that are truly terrible people is really low. Women are generally sweet and nice providing you are the kind of guy they want. If you're not the kind of guy they want, it can weigh you down but this forum should be the place that teaches how to become that but it seems guys have given up and would just complain rather than do the work.
This place genuinely sucks your vibe and I remember why I left, it was literally because my mindset was getting too negative. I went away and had a cool life, popped back and just remembered why I left. It's verging on toxic here, I can't see how a guy would come on these forums and genuinely improve their situation. Where are the high quality posts on what to do with a certain sticking point? Where are the sticked posts on these top standalone posts that can help you improve your situation on a given topic. Imagine if there was a post with the top 10 beginner sticking points with post after post about what certain high level guys did to beat those things.
Something like (hastily put together)
- Fear of approaching
- Not sure what to say in a given situation
- How to get into a good vibe
- How to escalate physically
- How to get a girl back to your place
- How to bang well
- How to keep a girl you like around
- How to spin plates
- How to attain a rock solid mindset
- How to find a girl who lets you bang other girls
The Hall of Excellence is a starting point but it's off the main forum with no link to it and there's no structure to it, it's sporadic posts and still requires guys to piece it all together which is difficult if you're starting out. Then you go on the main forum and it's posts about how women are terrible which is low hanging fruit and easier to engage with because all the guys who are struggling can relate to it. Guys come here for answers and I don't think they're getting them.