What do you think of this Tony Robbins advice?

Todd Preston

Don Juan
Aug 8, 2009
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I think Robbins is also confusing the Terms PRESENCE and PERSISTENCE and using them intermittently.....WRONG.

Tony Robbins has Never struck me as a "Player or Ladies Man" and any Love Advice he may give needs to deciphered and decoded.

However i do think he's offering a few bits of good stuff here.

I think he's right about the Feminine and Masculine Labels...and how those 2 gender labels interact with one another. Deciphering Womanesta and their needs is also a point for Robbins.

Loose the confusion between conquering business and conquering women...and its a good vid.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2006
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zekko said:
Maybe Nixon was soooo freaking alpha that he was all "I know I'm the best man, I'm not jealous or insecure. Shoot, I'll chauffer you and this chump around myself, that way I can watch him blow himself out and have a good laugh".
Yeah Right...and he probably provided the condoms and shot the video for his collection, which was later released to the Smithsonian....:)


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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acw said:
1. There is no way that Obama or Nixon or any other Chump who haggles a women for 14 times is FUNDAMENTALLY an Alpha Male. In fact, i would say that he is a very poor example of a male...PERIOD.
Just because a man has Alpha qualities in one area, it doesn't mean that the same male will have Alpha qualities in another, i.e. Alpha as a Leader does not necessarily mean Good with Women.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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LOL at all the Obama haters. I never said it was alpha, but TR is right. The problem is that women have changed. It used to be charming and the return on investment was high, it was worth the effort. These days, not so much.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
acw said:
There is no way that Obama or Nixon or any other Chump who haggles a women for 14 times is FUNDAMENTALLY an Alpha Male. In fact, i would say that he is a very poor example of a male...PERIOD.

I don't even know what to say to this hogwash!


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear Roberty Bob,
Fascinating stuff,Nixon and O'Bama,goes to show that these days to be trusted to run for office,you have to be a lickspittle,whether to Women or the real Power Brokers...
Rollos advice,so cynical,but right on the Money,can't wait for the book...


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2011
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Ultimately, who cares what the woman thinks anyways??

A high status guy who knows what he wants definitely wouldn't carry about petty things such as "rejection", especially from a sweet innocent little girl.

Tony's point is that masculinity is breaking through. It's about knowing what you want, changing your approach until you get what you want and breaking through these silly little "tests" that women put up and having the balls and presence to do so.

He's right I think that most men "give up" or rationalize B.S reasons to move on.

I agree it's important the PLACE you're coming from if you're persistent. I get laid, have girls on the go, and go on dates every week. My life is busy and I have a lot of **** going on. If I pursue a woman and persist, does that make me needy? Absolutely not.

If I was a dork AFC with no girls, not getting laid, etc... then yes, it will probably come across as trying to fill a void and uber-needy and unattractive.

If you persist and go after a girl, without caring whether it works out or not, and you DO get her... then it's a huge WIN.

If you persist and go after her, and she REJECTS you and you try again and again and it doesn't work, then WHO CARES?? At least you know you tried and had balls and can look yourself in the mirror proud.

Either way it's win-win in my opinion. That's just me...


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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BobCarlton said:
I agree it's important the PLACE you're coming from if you're persistent. I get laid, have girls on the go, and go on dates every week. My life is busy and I have a lot of **** going on. If I pursue a woman and persist, does that make me needy? Absolutely not.
This is a fairly tale scenario. And if you're describing yourself, which i assume you are not, then what are you doing here.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines
I like Tony Robbins.

However, I think this particular take that he has of male/female relationships may be a bit too "gender-blind" to work for most of us "troops on the ground".

In the real world, most of the time I believe there's far too many barriers of misinformation and misunderstanding between men and women that can make us successfully interacting get quite messy. A man has to use GREAT wisdom when it comes to how often, how seldom, and "in what ways" he he chooses to persist with the women in his life. .

I think the whole "persistence" thing is closely tied to a guy's most sought after type of woman--------and/or how often he encounters his particular "ideal" woman-type.

If he runs into his type of girl 6 times a week, he'll more than likely be less persistent when it comes to trying to get with her. BUT------if he runs into his type of girl 3 times a YEAR------then his ass will probably pull out all the stops to get her and try to make her stay.

It's my observation that overly excessive persistence in regards to getting with a particular woman is often an act committed by men who are experiencing either a TRUE lack of women targets, or they're experiencing a PYSCHOLOGICAL PERCEPTION that there's a lack of women to target.

Either way, whether that man really has found a rare woman, or if he just "thinks" he's found a rare woman-------the way he acts around her will be the same.

Regardless though...no matter which scenario you find yourself in:

Whenever you find yourself obsessing over getting with any woman that shows CONSISTENTLY "little" interest in getting with you--------then KNOW that you are running the SERIOUS risk of crossing the line from merely "pursuing" her over into "pestering" the hell out of her.

If you're a man capable of ANY amount of self-reflection, at some point you will look into the mirror and suddenly realize that you can't respect the muthafukka that you see staring back at you. And when THAT happens, you'll also recognize that that's probably the same way that that particular woman sees you as well.



Don Juan
Jan 29, 2006
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So you're saying we should all harass a women for 14 times...until she becomes so scared that she gives in to our "invite"....and This would make up Alpha Males...? ? ?



(nurse in white garp approaches....) "Now Ward...its time for your Geritol Pill...open wide ! ! !"

Old Man...its time for your geritol pill....open wide...LOL.

iqqi said:

I don't even know what to say to this hogwash!


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2006
Reaction score

st_99 said:
This is a fairly tale scenario. And if you're describing yourself, which i assume you are not, then what are you doing here.

Todd Preston

Don Juan
Aug 8, 2009
Reaction score
You don't know what to say ? ? ?

LOL...is that what you wasted our time posting...

Another old man...developing Alzheimer's right before our eyes.

...did you lose the Car Keys too?

iqqi said:

I don't even know what to say to this hogwash!
Last edited:

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
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I believe this is pretty damn good advice if you are in a healthy LTR. If your girl has BPD problems or gives you too much trouble, then just walk away. I really like his approach to sh!t tests and things like that.

I will say right now, I have dated many attractive women.. But I never manage to keep them after 2 months because I do not put up with their head games or any of that BS. They're always very attracted to me too physically and personally even when I walk away. We just need to accept that women think differently than men, but sometimes we need to get on their level for a minute and talk to them.

I repeat, this is great advice for a HEALTHY LTR. Not so great for a fvck buddy.

EDIT: And obviously, this is not gonna work on any b1tchez and hoez

Todd Preston

Don Juan
Aug 8, 2009
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TR is so busy traveling and working, he has little time to hustle women as a playa (not that any of these workaholic types have the time or acumen to accomplish this).

He was lonely after the divorce from his Wife Becky...and probably dated numerous losers and idiots who tried to use him for a fame ride and suga daddy grantor.

He got tired of that chit real fast and jumped on the first decent chik that made eyes at him.

Can't blame him....but he's not a playa...nor is Nixon or Obama (Jesus Christ....Sigh)

Danger said:
Tony Robbins married a woman who had already been knocked up multiple times by another man.

I do not find that to be a good trait in a man who is giving advice about women.

When looking at Obama and Michele, I cannot help but think that it is really the wife that runs the show. She has got to be the angriest first lady I have ever seen, and asking a girl out 14 times is most certainly not Alpha imo.

Todd Preston

Don Juan
Aug 8, 2009
Reaction score
We appreciate the History lesson.

Yes...EVERYTHING was different during the Industrial Revolution. America was King, Everyone had a job waiting for them when they graduated from College, "Men were Men and Women were Women."

MOVING along to the 21rst Century...we have to change the film from "Leave it to Beever" to "Star Wars!"

FURTHER, the fact that Obama and Nixon both Acted like Chumps simply means this...."they diminished their statue by submitting to a domineering women."

...not a good move...(sigh)

If either of these men had failed in their efforts as politicians or leaders...they would have become food for the Carnivorous Spiders they married."

Read the life of Lincoln if you want to see a great man get crushed by his wife.


okyoureabeast said:
You guys are missing the point. Nixon grew up in a time when that was acceptable. In fact, there was a certain way of courtship in the early 20th century that is entirely different now.

Personally, the way it was done back in the old days was when women had no rights and overly relied on her husband. Except the man was supposed to be a man and be the bread winner or else you were in fact a loser (losing a job back then was the end of the world socially).

This of course all began to change when our culture started migrating in the 50s-80s to the world we know of now.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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I used to listen to a lot of Tony Robbins and other similar gurus. They're great for getting you motivated and feeling positive, but as a learning experience they're really useless.

Their how to be rich type courses tell you lots of happy stories and allegories, and paint a great picture of how it will be to be rich, but absolutely no practical information about business, marketing, taxes, writing CVs, applying for jobs, loans and the essential knowledge you need to get started.

Same goes for most of these programmes. Great motivational tools, but you end up being left with no direction, not knowing how to get started.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2010
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and which is why it is far more importan for men to be masculine than it is for women to be feminine

Tony T

Don Juan
May 21, 2009
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So Fvkcin True...! ! !

Waste of money....and makes these Tele-Salesmen Multi-Millionares.

These guys are no better than the snake oil sales men who used to travel by covered wagon.

You can learn everything you want to know about "rules for success" from reading "Think and Grow Rich."

Jariel said:
I used to listen to a lot of Tony Robbins and other similar gurus. They're great for getting you motivated and feeling positive, but as a learning experience they're really useless.

Their how to be rich type courses tell you lots of happy stories and allegories, and paint a great picture of how it will be to be rich, but absolutely no practical information about business, marketing, taxes, writing CVs, applying for jobs, loans and the essential knowledge you need to get started.

Same goes for most of these programmes. Great motivational tools, but you end up being left with no direction, not knowing how to get started.