The guy who punched her was a douche bag, everyone on that show is a douche bag, for all we know its MTV just trying to get ratings. If I saw a guy at a bar punch a girl, Im sure me along with X amount of other guys would jump him
You along with the rest of the knights in non-existent shining amor would either get your a** kicked, shoot or arrested.
and like always the woman will just walk way because she's accustomed to guys comin to her rescue.
Why? Its none of your g-damn business. Nothing more pathetic then random guys pulling a captain save-a-ho.
The only time I'll interfere is if a man is physically threatening or abusing an obviously passive and frightened woman...but some loud mouthed b1tch getting in some dude's face is playing with fire, and you AFCs should figure out another way to display your manhoods in public.
Capt Have-a-Hoes are #1 on my list of people i can't stand.
Yeah, walk into a situation you know nothing about gettin into a guys face,
what could go wrong ?
There have been many times i've seen chick gettin screamed on by some guy who they've pissed off and i would've loved to see some dumba** come to her rescue and get knocked out.
that b1tch got what was comin to her. If someone steps up to me and starts putting fingers up to my face and talking trash, i have 2 options; walk away or KO a muthafukka and it all depends how im feeling that day (men or women I do not give a fukk who it is).
Anyone who thinks its wrong to hit a woman, go tell it to someone who actually cares! Its people like you who cause these b!tches to act the way they do, going around talking trash and acting a fool thinkin nobody gonna touch them just coz they have a pu55y, fukk that!
That's how all this "puttin woman on pedestal" crap starts.
I remember when i was young a chick got in my face talkin sh*t and my female female was holding me back.
Before my friend could step infront of me again i slapped the sh*t out of this chick.
Never had a problem with her again.
The woman i know that i don't give 2 sh*ts about them having a pu**y, i'll pimp slap them too.