Ha! That is literally the position this guy I work with is in!
I don't know the context. It is redundant.
I avoid single moms like the plague. I attempt to avoid women from single mom households as well. The latter is trickier given the prevalency.
I can't condone psychopathy. Gender is irrelevant but, I will go out on a limb and say, that every individual is responsible for one's actions. I must add that, society as a whole is partially responsible for the demonization of the the masculine. The bombardment attack on the patriarchy, fatherhood, and little boys.
Dr. Helen Smith wrote about the fact in Men on Strike. Originally, a feminist who woke up to the. Monstrosity that is the court systems, divorce, child custody, and even the education system. The pedaling to the feminine, girl power, affirmative action, the lowering of the bar for girls in gigs as well as poor lifestyle choices. The promo for sluts and being fat. Shied women from Shane yet promo shaming of men.
Man needs to face what Jung refers to as the shadow. To Integrate the deepest and darkest aspects of one's psyche. The lack thereof is a overreaction and manifestation of a self concept run a muck. Once one identifies with the monstrosity that the masculine is made into, is it any wonder why we're seeing this madness?
I am not condoning the behavior. I am pointing out that the problem is that lack of truth. The failure of one not to speak their truth is a problem. It will come out and manifest one way or another.
I won't pedal to female victimhood, I won't marry a slut or raise Chad's baby. I wont play house when smv has cratered. I won't marry the girl who spent her best years as Chad's booty call.
There's more to life than serving the feminine biological strategy.
I am out for number one. Top form smv or gtfo. I am on a mission. I have a purpose and vision for my life. Following the beaten path or what society deems fit is not for me.
It's time men evolve.