What do you guys think?


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
So I guess you could say i worked myself into a pretty ****ty situation. I basically hooked up with a girl that I had a fling with before (she turned out be a hoe so I ended it) we were both drunk so it seemed fitting at the moment. One thing turned into another and the next thing I knew was that she asked me to her formal ( prom w/ open bar) and i figured I had nothing to lose so I said yeah. She proceeded to ask me to take her to my formal, but I refused at first and kept ignoring the question. I should have just said i was thinking of taking someone else, but I was too dumb to think of that at the moment. She got annoyed and kept asking and so I finally caved and said yeah I guess. Truth is I wanted to take her one of her friends but now that I said yes to this girl I cant imagine how her friend would go with me after I dump her friend to go with her.

Honestly I would have no problem taking her bc the sex would be great, only thing is is that it is evident that this girl plays games and i feel like it would be a shot at my pride. To elaborate on these "games" the next day after she had asked me, she had texted me out of the blue to just talk to me and see what I doing. While this seemed surprising whats even more puzzling is is that the following day, when I saw her in person she totally ignored me and instead was talking to all of her guy friends, didnt even make an effort to approach me and we were in eachothers presence for a while. Honestly Idc, just convinced that this girl is a pyscho AW who's convinced she has me wrapped around her finger. So right now I'm faced with two options bite the bullet and take her to my formal and go to hers: pros-great sex, avoid drama of not taking her, go to both formals cons- I take a shot at my pride for going with a slut , I have to talk to her all night. My second option is apologize for telling her I was gonna take her and tell her I had someone else in mind pros- I hold on to my pride cons-Her friend probably wont go with me bc their friends, have a **** ton of drama, have to take a random person bc i wont have a date, I only go to one formal. I'm honestly torn bc either it seems to be a lose-lose situation either way. What do you guys think?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2014
Reaction score
San Diego
If you're not looking to have an LTR with her, why not just recruit her to sit in the stable? No such thing as too many options.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
I agree shes not relationship material only an fb at best.....I just dont want to go back on what I said bc i know she'll start drama and I will probably lose the other girl as an option to take bc shes more than likely going to remain loyal to her friend. Im just trying to weigh out my options here