I completely disagree with everyone who says neghits are wrong or bad-- for a number of good reasons.
First, I feel that I wouldn't be where I am today without neghits. They have ESPECIALLY helped me to take women off their pedestal. For example, read my short, recent post about neghits--
I swear this is a true story and my neghit worked almost too well.
It took me Sooooo long to finally "get" neghits and what they actually are. I don't think that a neghit is "indirectly offending a girl" or "knocks her down to your level" to quote "xblitz44x." Honestly, when I first learned about neghits this is exactly what I thought about them. In my opinion, and from my experience, a neghit displays to a woman that you are comfortable enough around her to say ANYTHING. This is a very attractive trait, shows you are in control and dominant, and don't let what she thinks of you affect you in anyway. Also, most guys don't EVER, EVER do anything like this with a woman, making YOU stand out above the herd. This is powerful stuff. When I neghit a girl, I can usually get her to laugh. I have never tried to insult a girl with a neghit in order to make her feel bad. (however, I did ONCE, in my early neghit days, flat out call a woman a "B****", but she still just laughed and playfully hit me). Usually, she's laughing right along with me and I get double points for confidence (displayed through my ability to say anything I feel like to the girl) AND humor.
Neghits also display to a woman that you don't THINK of her as better than you. I believe most really hot women think that most guys feel inferior to them and, in return, the woman ends up actually feeling more superior to most men. But when a guy comes along and strongly displays that HE is not inferior in the slightest bit, through a neghit, the woman then knows she is dealing with a man who is different from the majority of men around.
But, what the hell do I care if people on this board are against neghits--it just makes for less competition for me out there in the real world.