what do you do when your text is ignored?


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
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Wait a week. Try one more time by text or call. No reply after that? Forget her.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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Maximus Rex said:
I don't know what's worse, a muthaf*cker who's been on this site for damn near four years, and doesn't know how to handle this situation or the dudes who took time out of their lives to answer it.

It's bad enough when there's newbies asking dumb ass questions, but guys who have been on here longer than three months asking some asinine bullsh*t simply insulting to a person's intelligence.

you show little intelligence when you keep replying and reading my posts. So just go do something else instead.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
Well he does have a point. This question ought to be a no-brainer for someone who's been here since 2011.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Soft next until she initates:

1) You've already been on a date; it's not like she doesn't know who you are.
2) As has been said, anything other than yes (or no, but with counter-offer) within 36-48hrs, is a 'no, not at the moment'.
3) She studies medicine. She's busy (genuinely, unlike most other chicks). And if she becomes a doctor, that is not going to change; it's going to get worse. Wanna be dating a chick who works 12-18hr days, nights, weekends, shifts? I know I don't.

To paraphrase an old cliché, it's probably very little to do with you, more to do with her.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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TheMonkeyKing said:
Soft next until she initates:

1) You've already been on a date; it's not like she doesn't know who you are.
2) As has been said, anything other than yes (or no, but with counter-offer) within 36-48hrs, is a 'no, not at the moment'.
3) She studies medicine. She's busy (genuinely, unlike most other chicks). And if she becomes a doctor, that is not going to change; it's going to get worse. Wanna be dating a chick who works 12-18hr days, nights, weekends, shifts? I know I don't.

To paraphrase an old cliché, it's probably very little to do with you, more to do with her.


I decided to send her an sms this morning asking her if she got my fb message (which she did, but I just wanted to see if she would reply or not).

her reply: "hello Pyros! I did not read your fb message until now (lie). How was your weekend? I cant hang out this week cause I have a lot to study and I have an examn this Friday (weekends do not exist for her? I wonder lol). What about next week?"

So, as far as I know, her IL is pretty low because if it was higher she would have read my fb message sooner and she would have replied to my date offer with more enthusiasm, and she would have suggested to meet on the weekend, not "next week"

Now, she replied to my sms, so what? she realised she was being rude for ignoring my fb message and now is "busy" the whole week but she may be free next week, good for her.

I will text her tomorrow with this reply I got from this forum:
me: "Hi HB, blah blah. Listen, you seem too busy now, just let me know when you're free to hang out. take care."

And end of story unless she wants to meet.


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2014
Reaction score
Boston, MA
pyros said:
I just said:

me: "hey HB, how was your weekend? I just went to X place and it is pretty cool! We should go either tomorrow or thursday to X place cause they have excellent snacks."
Unrelated (or possibly related), women of 2014 know all about guys studying up on "game." They know about sites like SoSuave. They know what a PUA is and know exactly what the signs and symptoms of a PUA are.

Your text reads like something copy/pasted from the "how to text girls" textbook. Like maybe you did a find/replace on: "hey <girl's name>, how was your weekend? I just went to <interesting place/event to show you're busy and cool> and it is pretty cool! We should go either <days of the week> to <place/event to show you're fun and cool> cause <some b.s. reasons that shows you're more interested in the place/event than her>"

It's not that all the stuff you learn about on forums like SoSuave are ineffective when it comes to dating women - hell, I post on here, don't I? - but you need to bury it, make it your own, make it natural. Because so many guys use these stupid techniques/lines on these girls, chances are she's received a text just like yours many times and now she feels like she's being gamed. Again, NOT THAT WOMEN DON'T LIKE TO BE GAMED, they just don't want it to be so obvious.

Next you're going to telling me you go up to girls at bars and say, "Hey, help me and my friend settle a bet..."

(I'm tough on you because I care)


pyros said:
I will text her tomorrow with this reply I got from this forum:
me: "Hi HB, blah blah. Listen, you seem too busy now, just let me know when you're free to hang out. take care."

And end of story unless she wants to meet.
I didn't see this post before I replied. I see that you are habitually using lines instead of responding naturally.

But go ahead, use that line. Girls you barely know with a low IL LOVE IT when you tell them to "Listen"


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
sorry Heisenberg but...what is your point?

I did not do any copy paste bro.


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2014
Reaction score
Boston, MA
pyros said:
sorry Heisenberg but...what is your point?

I did not do any copy paste bro.
Thought I was clear but i will rephrase...

A possible reason this girl backed off - or just something worth considering anyway - is that your texts sound very much like a guy who posts on SoSuave. She meets guys like that all the time. Instead of using a lot of the template lines you get on here, instead internalize the meaning behind those lines and put them in YOUR unique voice. I read your texts and nothing about them is unique to her or to you - they could've come from any guy that's studied "game."

If you're not really sure what your voice is or you're not naturally the smoothest guy okay, that will all come in time, go ahead and use lines... But know WHY you're using them and WHEN to use them.

For example, that last text you sent to her. I get you've kind of soft nexted her already so okay no big deal, but the text read really *****y. She didn't respond to your Facebook message ONCE. She texted you back and said she was busy ONCE. No need to say "Listen..." like you're laying down the law. You say to her it sounds like she's really busy. No it doesn't, she said she was busy this week and even sort of counter offered for next week. A better response from you would've been to ask her what days she's free next week. But you decided to use a canned line you read on the internet at an inappropriate time.

Anyway good luck.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2014
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Miami, Florida
Smile and finish my Capri-sun ;)


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
Heisenberg, I did not send that last text you talk about, I just posted that I would send it, but havent' done it yet.

One more thing, as far as I know, this girl has little interest in me, because if she had medium to high interest she wouldn't have ignored my fb message. She would have been willing to hear from me, and she would have checked her fb everyday.

She kind of "counter-offered"? for NEXT WEEK? are you kidding me? today is Tuesday man, if she had a medium interest level she would have suggested to meet next weekend. She is just rejecting me in a soft way, a way that many inexperienced guys would think means she's still interested, which I doubt.

A girl that has medium-to high interest does not go on a date with you, then doesnt text you, ignores your message and then says she may be free next week.

So by sending that text you comment (hey, you're pretty busy, just let me know when you're free to hang out. take care) you put the ball in her court, and you forget about her. So, win-win.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
pyros said:
And end of story unless she wants to meet.
Why? You already know:

1) She's just not that into you
2) She's fully capable and willing to lie to you

No more 'last texts' need to be sent to this girl. She is low quality and needs to be deleted. Why waste time chasing low quality?


Don Juan
Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
Maybe you' ve been given a patience test. Pass it. Maybe you've been given a desperation test. Pass it. Maybe you've been given a take a hint test. Pass it.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
2 text limit. Nothing remotely needy. Even with friends. I learned the hard way.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score

One week after she suggested to meet 'next week', I texted her asking how she was doing just to see how she replied. She replied with excitement, exclamation marks, asking me questions etc, so I asked her out. We went to grab a drink and to dance some salsa last saturday night. We made out, I felt her boobs, ass etc.

We'll see how it continues...

this is an example of confident persistence / two strikes rule which is the best strategy in my opinion.
One strike rule is too harsh and you loose the majority of women. Some of them may be still seing some dude, or may be pretty busy or have some kind of personal problem when you first ask them out.
Two strikes within 7-10 days is the way to go
.More than two strikes is just too much persistence for a girl you met once.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
If only there was a way to know a woman's true interest level.

Her interest may be high October 7, higher October 9, super low October 11, and lukewarm October 13. Who knows whats causing it? Likely another man or men or an ex.

All women are spinning plates. When a woman flakes out, you have failed. Same when she stops responding to your calls and texts. She would not pull this sh*t with Brad Pitt.

The one strike rule weeds out many uninterested women. And how could you lose the when you never even had them?

Think that over.