serious question. after taking advice from a few different people, both men and women alike, the dating game has still been an uphill battle. i started dressing better and improving other areas of my life but things have changed very little. i'm liked by a variety people, women as well, some go out of their way to offer me rides and stuff and i have good friendships with them. while i know i'm genuinely liked and i have come a long way it doesn't head into the direction of romance. it seems that once i hit a certain level i can't go above it. i've concluded it's not my looks as i don't think i am so bad. honestly, i think i am pretty decent looking and have been told before by people. i'm not going to make excuses but i think women just don't like me for whatever reason, it's almost as if they can sniff something out. common scenario is something like this i try to make eyes with them so i can say hi and they look right past me or i can tell they don't like me
i just want to know if anyone else feels this way because i am honestly at the point where i don't know what options are there i haven't tried.
i just want to know if anyone else feels this way because i am honestly at the point where i don't know what options are there i haven't tried.