what do you do when you feel extremely lonely?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
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I feel very very lonely. I havent had a girl in so long I cant really remember what having one is like. I keep busy with hobbies and all kinds of stuff. still, this past few days I have been feeling so lonesome and down. I dont like being in this mood, thinking about how cool it was and show such great times were while dating certain girls, girls I havent seen or talked to in years.

dreaming of the past way too often. too often even I think its sad. dwelling on such ghosts. memories of a time, a year that spanned between november 1999 and december 2000, where I had my first kiss and dated two awsome chicks who actually respected me. at least for a little while. a year in which I made out with 7 chicks. and after that, nothing really. not that I havent made out with chicks since then, but it hasnt been the same.

I feel lost. stranded. not knowing which path to take. how to find a nice girl without having to waste time on playing games.
I really need some company. the kind of company only girls can offer. but each path I turn to ends in rejection and denial.
sometimes I get so lonely I feel like I cant take it anymore and I just want to scream with all my might and hit myself in the head and bite on some pillows and wonder why girls give me such a hard time, me being all kinds of great things.

Im frustrated beyond my own belief.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
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Pull up your pyjamas, throw on some nice gear and start socializing :)

Do you go to school? Do you work? Do you like clubbing? Go places you'll meet people, get to know people, make friends!

Friends and family is the most important thing you'll ever have, they're always there for you (Atleast in my case)....

Stop obsessing, don't worry. Try to get into a happy and positive mindset! Set yourself some obtainable goals that need some work to achieve!
Nov 6, 2003
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Wisconsin. USA
Get a Dog!!!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
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well, I have 2 dogs and they keep my entretained and I love them very very much and I live with my mom who is real nice and I love her as well very much

as of now I dont study officially (I study music unofficially, I take piano, guitar and singin lessons) nor work. Im taking a sabatical year before I go into college.
my only kinda friends are my band mates (musical band) but I havent seen them lately because of the holidays. I hope we get to rehearse this week though. I havent been out of the house in a while.

the last time I went out I got beat up and mugged by a bunch of cowards and got my nose broken. I had to have surgery and Im just getting back on my routine.

thing is its not the same. hanging with my band or wit my mom or with my dogs is great but it doesnt make up for the fact that I havent been in the company of a girl that likes me in a while.
a girl who keeps huggin me and amiling at me, that sort of stuff.

the thing is it just doesnt cut it anymore. spending time with my band my mom and my dogs is wonderful, but I really need to spend time with a girl. I miss the clean shapooish gum smell of a girls hair dude. I miss just the aura of being with a cute girl.
I cant even remember what its like. and everytime I go out or watch tv or something I am bombarded y this images of couples, and guys who date tons of girls and people making out with each other. I miss having a girl that cares and respects me.

3 and a half years without a girlfriend is a long time. especially when you are young like I am.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Stop thinking about girls and they'll come around... And ffs you are playing in a BAND :) Get some GIGS this is like SUPERDUPER place to hook up with girls :)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
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Originally posted by MetalFortress
Your problems start where you think that only girls can give you peace of mind and happiness... you need to find that outside of the female gender.
the thing dude is I have found it. I dont feel like this all the time.
I appreciatte enjoy and am grateful for my wonderful mom, my beautiful loyal dogs and my great laid back bandmates.

but I just miss the female gender so much. cause I havent been in contact with it, I mean real contact not chit chat, for a long long time.

you could say that what I want is to find peace of mind and happiness with the female gender, which seems to be one of the few missing things in my life.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2001
Reaction score
I can relate to you man. In a way I look back to ghosts from 1998.
Missed opportunities with a girl I thought would be my soul mate.
I even occasionally frequent the place she use to go to (a bar) to see if she will return. Nearly six years on I have not seen her since.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jeremymichael
I can relate to you man. In a way I look back to ghosts from 1998.
Missed opportunities with a girl I thought would be my soul mate.
I even occasionally frequent the place she use to go to (a bar) to see if she will return. Nearly six years on I have not seen her since.
dude, I do the same thing! I go back to the places I lived in or went to during those days. I just sit there and think that if there was someway to turn back time among all the things I would see, I would be able to see my younger self makiong out with some chick I truly miss (eventhough Im proabably a joke to most of them). going back to those streets and places meakes me feel somewhat better.

why do you think we cant let it go?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2001
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I try and move on. But recently I have been dreaming about this girl and I am in this bar and she so pleased to have found me again. So every now and again I make a revisit. But guess what no sign of her. She used to work in this bar, but left suddenly without saying goodbye. Just felt she was the one, and if I could my experience now things would be different. I really am not helping the cause mate, sorry :(


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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St. Louis Area
Here's a tip: 99% of all people don't like to hear you whine and complain.

Change your routine or start doing something new if it's so bad.

I live alone so I have to get out of the house (or apartment, in my case) to perform errands and the like. And I have classes, so I go to those (but not now, it's winter break).

And sometimes I hang out with friends. Friends who went to my high school and now go to the local university where I attend (I rarely see them on campus though).

I know...get a job that doesn't involve fast-food or cooking. Or start frequenting some of the local hotspots.

I hope that helps.


The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
Get your focus off of the women.

Your mind is poisoned by what you're dwelling on.

You really need to get out and try different things. Take up a completely different hobby for awhile.

You're just in a rut and all you can do is feel lonely.

Stop the routine and you'll get out of it.

The Bad Ass Canadian
Nov 6, 2003
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Wisconsin. USA
You can't really force the situation - just be ready when the opportunity arises and don't be too eager to please - and don't hesitate to do cold approaches if you see a victim, I mean girl that pleases your sight.
Jan 6, 2004
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el estado de la sol
You see that thing at the top of the page? New Here? We suggest checkout out The DJ Bible before posting. Afterwards, start the DJ boot camp!!!! Keep your morals and your good natured thoughts, but you need serious work. And nobody is going to give you a one word answer to cure your loneliness and nobody is going to help you unless you pay a pretty penny besides your best friend- YOURSELF.


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2003
Reaction score
this happens to me ....its a missed of oppurtunities and having a oneitis(thinking she is the one). So i read the dj bible and i was wacking my self in the head because i miss a lot of signal that this girl is giving me.

so i moved on got another job and start all over again and keep telling myself this.

"Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder"

To solve this i dont worry about the girl that i missed cuz theres a lot of girls. I keep myself busy, joining a club(activities) that u can socialize, go to school, workout,. iam not a disco club type of guy but theres a lot of girls that look at me (work,mall, and any store i got to) and iam still in the learning phase. but one important thing that change me is. i have the balls to talk to girls.
My next step is to ask a girl out.

But one thing that puzzle me is. i am scared to be on a relationship. meaning no more flirting around and i know if you are in a realationship there will be fighting etc etc......

PS: it takes to long to get over it cuz when after i got thenew job. and forgot the girl all about it. she showed up in my new work. i dont know if its just coincidence. but i was busy at work just chat 1 minute. but if she come back again i might as well give this girl a chance .....to date me. (ask her out). telling myself i got more important things to do. and alot of girls to fry.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Do the boot camp and solve your problems...stop posting until you have 3 dates!

I can now see that alot of heads are using this site as their outlet for human contact...in a twisted way...since it's the internet.

Get out of your box.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2003
Reaction score
It seems to be that time of year, shorter days, less exposure to the sun ( which can cause someone to feel depressed unto itself).

My suggestion would be just to stay busy. being busy= less time to ponder on bad things in life.