Chamber36 said:
lol im having trouble discerning what's real and what's not real!!
Down Low's claim that women like to be brutally used, I dunno..... Give me some facts, where is the research to back up the claim???
Same for Burroughs claim that women have been socialized to be lesbians.... I can see quite some truth to it, but I dare not believe it. Hetero women will be hetero women. Sometimes their nature trumps the nurture.
Either way I wanna see research! Double-blind in-field studies!
Well, i won't say that i have seen a lot of studies but i can tell you that Down Low is right from my own personal experience. Maybe mature women are different but the women i meet that range from age 16 ~ 20 are sometimes, (as in: some of them, not most.) too eager to interpret a joke or a single interaction as an insult and they will verbally or physical let other men know by a small margin of abuse. Like giving them a slap, punch or an insult.
Now, i've seen these women do that kind of stuff to all kinds of men: strangers, adults, children, their family and friend. And especially "boyfriends" aren't excluded from the abuse some women dish out.
Here enters Dedication: I am more of an extreme kind of guy that never lets a women take someting at my expense, physically speaking. I don't care how socially awkward the moment gets or how little of a jab it was. If it makes me feel bad then i will return the favour. I've pushed girls on conreet, slapped some asses a bit harder than i was supposed to and my early judo & jiu jitsu training has helped me a lot with restrainment.
Now this is where the interesting part arrives: Those women who i beat down, somehow love me for it. Their eyes shine and they respect me, they laugh harder at my jokes and are being nicer to me. They now want to fill my cup, but sorry. Most of the time its already full. To me it feels like all the **** they dealed out was just one giant **** test, they where just waiting for the right man to put them in their place.
Is there something wrong with me? Could be. But i'm not only acting on behalf of myself but also on all the men that have to take all this **** from women. It sickens me when i see the kind of **** they take. It sickens me to no end. And besides, i can always rationalize it away with this: "If she didn't start it and had some self control, i wouldn't have to punish her." Those kinds of women force me to play my hand because if i don't i lose what i am. I don't want to be the next "boyfriend" they can manipulate into feeling bad, i'd rather be hated then have my dignity taken away from me.
For all the dumbasses reading this: I am speaking about physical abuse here, i can take jokes and i'm convinced that i know the difference. Not all women are like this, in fact, most i meet aren't. But to the <50% that are.
Lastly, you think that there will be studies about this? Get some first hand and personal experience, you'll see WTF is really going on with some women out there.