What do you actually think of women?


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
My views on women keep evolving.

1. In the beginning, I LOVED them. (But was invisible to them)

2. Then I was CONFUSED by them. (Lots of one date wonders)

3. Then I LIKED SOME of them. (Some successes)

4. Then I HATED ALL of them. (Zero successes lol)

5. Right now, it's a mixed bag. Some I like. Some I don't. Most I don't care about either way. (I only focus on those I click with.)

Most of this game is fine tuning your radar / gut instinct so you can easily screen out low quality or uninterested or incompatible women right away and focus on the right ones.

Obviously that weeds out most of them. But that's ok lol.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Zarky said:
These threads are silly. How can anyone have an emotion for an entire gender? Some women are cool, some are sh*t. Just like men.
Agreed. There are many posters here who want to paint all women with the same broad brush. There are also many who think that all women will respond the same way to the same stimuli, simply by virtue of the fact that they are all women/all wired the same. I've never bought into that idea.

I've never hated women. If anything, I believe that idea about how you can't hate a dog for being a dog.

Mike32ct said:
5. Right now, it's a mixed bag. Some I like. Some I don't. Most I don't care about either way. (I only focus on those I click with.)
That's the only way to be that makes sense IMO. I know plenty of women I enjoy interacting with. The low quality dirtbags are beneath my notice, as far as I'm concerned.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
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I just hate that they have made boyfriends of EVERY SINGLE (staight) male I know...........................except me.


Don Juan
May 11, 2013
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PlayHer Man said:
Not at the same time. And that's a FACT. All men cannot succeed at the exact same time. There is not enough room or resources at the top to allow for it.

So your statement defaults to being false automatically.

From an individual standpoint anyone can make it. The possibility of it is viable.That's the event.

If you consider the event as "Everyone making it at the same time" then yes ,it's impossible.

It's called natural selection.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
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Espi's bang on there, my ex wasn't the best, since then i've struggled getting above 6's in my social circles. However.. if i'm out I can get better looking chicks because I aint judged on the past.

You gotta have standards and values, its the foundation which your built on.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2011
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zekko said:
I don't think it's all BS. I just don't think it has anything to do with attraction.
Sure I guess you need it for other areas of life. I would like to think life is bigger than looks. Only problem is I find Western society's obsession with looks seem to get into areas of life where ideally they shouldn't matter, and I have recently concluded that there are some sections of society that I probably won't ever fit into because of their snobby ways.

Ever hear a woman at work ask if her new co-worker was hot?


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2011
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Mike32ct said:
Playa is correct. Social circles judge you on your past reputation and try to keep you in that same "box" indefinitely.

New girls you meet outside of your circle give you a clean slate.
Much like old school chums. My brother complained he had this problem after uni. He ran into some fellow pupils from his school years in some club/pub. Back THEN they treated him like crap but NOW were all building him up as 'really cool'.

I myself burned bridges because I had aspergers and people judged me based on my behaviour that I can't help.
Sadly its the same guys who later on end up with the hottest girls.

Fairy tales and the media used to sell the notion that 'what is attractive is good'. Don't believe it.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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I finally see women for what they are and aren't.

The majority of them lack discipline.

They are insecure.

They don't make decisions very well.

Most don't know what true friendships are.

Honor and Respect means something to a man, its really useless to women.

Most don't understand men. They've never been forced to because they've always had guys lined up 5 deep.

Women will never be capable of accomplishing what men have.

Men are superior when it comes to every thing but child rearing.

Women make poor financial decisions more often than men.

The fact that women are more emotional & irrational leads them to their own demise.

Just take a look at how women treat women.......


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
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Howiestern said:
I finally see women for what they are and aren't.

They are insecure.
What could they possibly have to be insecure about. The world is liing up at there feet.


Feb 12, 2013
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Who cares? His advice makes better sense than your's anyway. Your intellect is that of a cooing baby :crackup:

Big Nuts said:
Is there a Mangina Of The Year Award?

I Nominate Cword. Fk dudette....what the hell are you? You're such a sanctimonious a-hole!

Every young buck on this site...read Cwords posts.....he is a fool....a mangina...a white knight....and a brain washed buffoon.....do the opposite.

Understand that a real man calls out women for bad behaviour....he does not pedestalize nor fear repercussions for "disrespecting her" as our resident mangina seems to fear.

Understand also that normal men understand your real life experiences and frustrations with women and also understand that your frustrations manifest sometimes as "angry at women".

This is normal and you do not need to apologize or walk on egg shells just because some grovelling mangina is too stupid to determine that you are frustrated or disillusioned with some women, whom you generically refer to as women....or slvts....or hors....ya see, a paucity of experience with women means this de-balled eunuch can only feel good if he has more manginas in his stable....more men to call misogynist.....more men to shame....more men to lecture....

The frustration you see men vent on here is real, wimminz behaviour in general is an abomination...what you see and read is real irrespective of this mangina's shaming language.

Some of the experiences on here are worth their weight in gold....read them, understand them, adapt to the new sexual market place or be like this mangina and perish.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2012
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Calgary, Canada
Mike32ct said:
My views on women keep evolving.

1. In the beginning, I LOVED them. (But was invisible to them)

2. Then I was CONFUSED by them. (Lots of one date wonders)

3. Then I LIKED SOME of them. (Some successes)

4. Then I HATED ALL of them. (Zero successes lol)

5. Right now, it's a mixed bag. Some I like. Some I don't. Most I don't care about either way. (I only focus on those I click with.)

Most of this game is fine tuning your radar / gut instinct so you can easily screen out low quality or uninterested or incompatible women right away and focus on the right ones.

Obviously that weeds out most of them. But that's ok lol.
Haha, this is like my experience exactly, lol.
Jun 22, 2009
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I hated them until recently. most either hated me or thought I was invisible...predictably, I could never land a quality one. I then realized I was the problem, and that I had to know my place and work to improve it.

nowadays? I have trouble taking them seriously, and I have trouble respecting them, but it's not flat-out hatred. it's more annoyance at their egos.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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Women are all different and I approach them all differently.

Generally though, as opposed to men, they are a bit softer, prettier, and hopefully friendly, cute, maybe bubbly, sexy, whatever. A lot of them are *****es, but a lot of dudes are *******s as well. You don't want to waste your time on everyone. The point is not to invest too much into people. Always know that you can only count on yourself.

As long as you don't have any expectancies of women there is nothing which can disappoint you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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The most dangerous jobs are predominantly taken by men. In some cases dangerous jobs pay more. Women are simply not signing up for these jobs. A stay-at-home mom who used to work a corporate job will NOT become the CEO of a company. She can't expect CEO pay as an entry-level secretary turned stay-at-home mom. That's not how it works. Women who do the exact same jobs as men get paid exactly the same.

If we're talking about working individuals, women are paid the same. Yes, you have women that work hard at their jobs. As a whole, you have a higher percentage of women who opt out of the workforce than men for different reasons (raising kids or following the social convention of being supported by a man). If they are earning less on the books, they are benefitting in some way by the income earned by the man of the house. As individuals, they earn the same for the same job. As a group, they might earn less collectively, but earning versus spending are two different things.

One thing people fail to mention is that even if a woman is paid less, her money can go further if she doesn't squander it because of social conventions. You have ladies nights at clubs where they don't pay cover charge, men usually pay more for dates than women (even if the woman picks up an occasional tab, the man typically pays more of the time than the woman). In many cases the woman never pays but the man does.

***Note about the past: Do I think women should have the right to vote? Sure, why not? Do I think it was a big deal that they didn't in the past? Not really. My thoughts are like this. Men are usually the ones who fight in wars. Men make up the majority of the police and firefighters. Men, back in the day, worked all day to buy the house and pay for everything while the woman stayed home. How could women expect to have the same voting rights as men if they weren't making the same sacrifices? Why should her vote count just as much?

Of course, human rights should always be universal. I'm talking about simple things like good treatment, food, water, shelter, etc. Voting rights should be based on what you contribute and what you sacrifice or the contributions and sacrifices expected of you. At this point, I feel like women voting is fine, but I don't feel like it is a huge injustice that once upon a time women didn't have the right to vote. Women also weren't drafted into military service. Women also were pretty much kept up and provided for by men. Especially in the old days. I think some of the old ways worked for their day.

Some of the old ways might still work for today and some might not. I think the voting issue evolved just as it should have. The way it was, was right for then. Not for now. Some of the old ways like respect for the man of the house and other old values need to be resurrected from the grave and brought back into female consciousness.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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Aristippus said:
Some of the old ways like respect for the man of the house and other old values need to be resurrected from the grave and brought back into female consciousness.
That's everyone's own personal responsibility.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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Espi said:
Dam dude I'd LOVE to see you in politics...I would vote for you.

Women don't build skyscrapers...also, last I checked, they don't serve on the front lines of war...and it'd be a dam sorry idea to let 'em serve on the front lines in warm in my opinion...

They have lower physical fitness standards to qualify for law enforcement and firemen jobs...yet...they expect and get equal treatment.

It's fvucking bullshiat and your post nailed it.
Yeah, here they can pretty much get to be military officer, despite being weakest of the company. Only special forces held the standards with "gear weights same to everybody" line.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
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I think women are great. They are my equal, I have to problem with them. I would call myself a feminist.

I don't really come to this forum anymore because I find 95% of the posts useless or over-the-top misogynistic. It disappoints me. Aren't we all here because we enjoy the company of women and therefore want to be better at being around them/attracting them? Isn't that the whole point?

And you can't tell me that you have to take on an anti-woman, "girls should know their place" attitude to do well... You can be playful and sexually forward and get laid while still genuinely liking women. Anyone who says otherwise is talking nonsense. If you need an example of progressive-minded dudes picking up chicks go to an art gallery opening or your nearest college campus.

As an aside: I love meeting girls at art openings, it's awesome... Bring some cool friends, get the wine flowing, talk about your favorite piece...