Zeda94 said:
Dude that actually made me laugh. But very true. is their a download link you could give me? I'm new
Here's some tips on your current situation to help you get out of it as the DJ Bible is a generic overview of game.
* One should NEXT a woman than to even be FRIENDZONED (unless your only game is to be an orbiter to wait until she has a weak moment, that would be a truly sad state)
* You can not run NO CONTACT on a woman unless there has been an extensive emotional investment in you from her, or physical intimacy to a large degree - then it leads to a breakup of some sort. EVEN THEN, NC is really for a man to FORGIVE AND FORGET a woman. There is no guarantee a woman is going to chase you after you apply NC - EVER.
* A woman of HIGH INTEREST will never confuse you or reject you when you ask her out. If she truly can not make the time/date you set for the date, she will COUNTER OFFER on the spot. If she does not counter offer, NEXT.
* Learn to have more than just ONE woman in your life, DIVERSIFICATION IN YOUR PORTFOLIO is the successful scheme of making investment in multiple women so you do not end up with ONEITIS and on this forum.
* If a woman doesn't give you what you want, learn to NEXT her immediately and move on - if she has high interest, she will chase you then.
* You can not RUN SUCCESSFUL GAME if you don't have yourself as the PRIZE in your mind, and have thoroughly REVAMPED your state of manhood to RUN GAME. Learn to dress with style, gain confidence, take care of your appearance, learn charm/humor, and learn TO WALK AWAY FROM WOMEN AT ANYTIME.
* Get REALLY comfortable with being rejected from women - as with ALL FEARS, it becomes a part of life slowly but surely the more you are EXPOSED to the things you FEAR. After enough rejections (and not taking it personally), you will learn it is down to a NUMBERS game. The BEST GAME a REAL DJ can run will STILL BE REJECTED by an average looking woman. A REAL DJ will not take that personally because he realizes, it is NOT ABOUT HIM when he is rejected. There are a thousand circumstances in that woman's life that could have caused the rejection, even with PERFECT game.
Be Well.