What can you say aboout this girl?


New Member
Apr 24, 2006
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A guy proposed a girl and the girl told that guy that she will give the answer later. Later she rejected his proposal but they still had a good time with each other. They talk a lot in phone. The guy again asked the girl " do you love me?" and the girl told him that she didn't know. The girl told her friend that she didn't like him and there is nothing going on with that guy.

Later, another guy enters in this story. She had a good time with another guy than the guy who proposed her. When the next guy asked her about the feelings with the former guy, she told there is no feelings about that guy and she is in dilemma. Another guy also likes her very much but still he didn't told her his feelings about the girl. The girl always looks for the time to spend time with another guy. They had a good chemistry going on between them. She shares everything with another guy that the former guy. One day the girl told that she is confused whether she likes the former guy or not. She has in mind that the former guy is not good. The thoughts of former guy tortures her a lot and she cannot consentrate on her study. The former guy do not have time to soend with the girl and the girl wants a guy who spends more time with her and remain with her.

So, the another guy thought that he will propose her. What can you say about the decision about the another guy? Should he tell her that he likes her and will remain with her whenever she wants? Does the girl likes the former guy or the another guy? Will she accept the proposal of the another guy? What should the another guy tell to the girl so that she do not reject his proposal and forget about the former guy?

Please, tell about this girl, what she wants and how is her character? What can you say about this girl? Should the another hold her hand or leave her in her condition?:mad:


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
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San Diego, CA
1. User proper grammar and specify your pronouns
2. Use names instead of "this guy" and "that guy"
3. Take English classes. Several of them.

Pick one or you may never get an answer.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2002
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San Diego East County Mountains
far from average said:
I hate you. I hope she blows a donkey and then french kisses you.



Don Juan
Apr 24, 2006
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Same here, you lost me, how about you tell us which "guy" you are and what problem you are having with this girl.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
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i really hope for your sake english isent your first language......


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
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Well obviously that was some crazy English translation of some other language but my guess as the point:

The girl is too young to know what she wants right now. She is dating multiple people at the same time and isn't looking for anything serious. She isn't the marrying type at this time if that is what you are asking.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
Morphiex said:
i really hope for your sake english isent your first language......

If I were you, I wouldn't be talking about someone else's English. "isent" ISN'T a word.


New Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Okay guys here is the true story.

Guys thank:up: all of you for ur reply and Im sorry;) if I made u confused or irritating:yawn: . My intension is not that. Im in bad mood while writing this so there is a lot of grammatical mistake. Here is the stort with good grammer:cheer: :

I like a girl very much and Im in the verge of proposing her. She is a very good friend of mineand hot too. The main problem is that she is too young. So, I thought that I will tell her my feelings when Im sure that she too likes me. But, there is a guy (a friend of mine) who also likes her and told me that I like her and want to propose her but do not have courage. So, without thinking, I told him that I will help him. One day I stopped her in the way and told her that my friend wants u to tell something and I vanished. My friend proposed her and she giggled when she heard this. She told her that I see you as my brother. But later my friend convinced her and she told her that I will give reply after a few days. After a few days, they had a conversation in phone and she told her that I do not like you. Neverthless, they had a good conversation after that and again he asked her feelings about him. Then, she told him that she don't know. The guy is confused and asked me what to do. I told that I will ask her. When I asked her then she told that there is nothing and I do not like him but he didn't understood. The girl talks more than hour daily with him and always gives him a mixed answer.
Later, one day she told him that she do not like him and stop talking with him, so he left to chase her and started to ignore her. After few days, the girl told me that I wanna talk to u. She asked me about him and asked why he is not talking with her? I again asked her do u like him and she told that I do not know. I even told her that do u wanna talk with him and she said no. She told that I would have accepted his proposal if he leave his bad habits and spend a lot of time with her. She toldnot to tell anyone about this conversation, not even to him.
So, guys, what can u tell about this girl. Is she confused or still young to take decision? I think she is in dellima and cannot make a solid decision. And she is too innocent. Most of the time she search time to talk with me and always tells me that she do not have anyone that she likes. I think I should propose her, should I? What do u say? Should I ditch her or tell her my feelings towards her.:yawn:


New Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Okay guys here is the true story.

Guys thank:up: all of you for ur reply and Im sorry;) if I made u confused or irritating:yawn: . My intension is not that. Im in bad mood while writing this so there is a lot of grammatical mistake. Here is the stort with good grammer:cheer: :

I like a girl very much and Im in the verge of proposing her. She is a very good friend of mine and hot too. The main problem is that she is too young. So, I thought that I will tell her my feelings when Im sure that she too likes me. But, there is a guy (a friend of mine) who also likes her and told me that I like her and want to propose her but do not have courage. So, without thinking, I told him that I will help him. One day I stopped her in the way and told her that my friend wants u to tell something and I vanished. My friend proposed her and she giggled when she heard this and told that I do not expect this from you. She told her that I see you as my brother. But later my friend convinced her and she told her that I will give reply after a few days. After a few days, they had a conversation in phone and she told her that I do not like you. Neverthless, they had a good conversation after that and again he asked her feelings about him. Then, she told him that she don't know. The guy is confused and asked me what to do. I told that I will ask her. When I asked her then she told that there is nothing and I do not like him but he didn't understood. The girl talks more than hour daily with him and always gives him a mixed answer.
Later, one day she told him that she do not like him and stop talking with him, so he left to chase her and started to ignore her. After few days, the girl told me that I wanna talk to u. She asked me about him and asked why he is not talking with her? I again asked her do u like him and she told that I do not know. I even told her that do u wanna talk with him and she said no. She told that I would have accepted his proposal if he leave his bad habits and spend a lot of time with her. She toldnot to tell anyone about this conversation, not even to him.
So, guys, what can u tell about this girl. Is she confused or still young to take decision? I think she is in dellima and cannot make a solid decision. And she is too innocent. Most of the time she search time to talk with me and always tells me that she do not have anyone that she likes. I think I should propose her, should I? What do u say? Should I ditch her or tell her my feelings towards her.:yawn:

Muskan Shakya

New Member
Apr 19, 2006
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This didn't soung convincing that u r interested on this girl. The girl is very immature from the things u mentioned. Ditch her as there r many good gals waiting for u. This gal is just for the time pass and she hadn't known the true sense of life.