Fascinating responses so far, to everyone who has responded!
Bad_lilPixie: How do you even find time to engage in all those activities? I assume since you hate structure (I specifically hate the restrictiveness imposed by structure!), you are either are self-employed to showcase your creativity or own your own business, right?
To attempt to keep it short, I'm in the midst of reconstructing myself and my life, in the process of stripping away societal holds, be free of its illusions and forming my own frame. Thus, I'm in a pivotal point in my life. The few threads on passions (yep I did a search first!) didn't really go into how people got their passions from, and just a bit of how to find them. I'm interested in reading how people got their passions and thus the reason for this thread, as I'm searching for mine too.
I would say that the word "interests" is the more accurate word to use to describe what I enjoy, but I don't exactly feel they are my "passions". I like playing basketball, tennis, golf, poker, strategy games like chess and risk, pool, darts, bowling. I'm interested in real estate and investing in general, reading, watching comedic and satirical shows/movies, and mostly rock/alternative/r&b music (although I like any song from any genre as long as it appeals to me).
The closest thing I'm passionate about is understanding people's motivation and behaviour. Currently I'm planning to save some money so I could do some traveling, joining Toastmasters to improve my presentation, learn to tango dance. Trying new things etc., they may be things I discover I enjoy doing or maybe not...
Falcon: That sorta reminds of the "Fountain of Youth" (I think it was that post) because when we were young, we tend to be more enthusiastic about learning and discovering things.
Francisco: Typical answer from you; I do like some of your posts though. Nothing specific about life?
Drum&bass: Ahh once in a while I make these tunes in my head, and wanted to actualize them by playing them on the instrument. But sometimes I don't even know which instrument(s) will produce the desired sound! :cuss: As I move along, I might pick up on the electric guitar and keyboard (inspired initially by HIM's When love and death embrace). I'm also reinitiating my personal training program, hope my shoulder holds though!
MrS: Boxing and MMA interest me, but not sure if I'll realistically be able to fit that lifestyle.