What are your greatest hindrances in being A Man a.k.a. Natural Attractor?


Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
I want to know why some guys still haven't evolved into an attractor a.k.a. A Real Man?

So, Who I am and what did I experience to become who I am now? Alchemystic is a Non de Plume of the strategist tactician XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX. Basically, I am a Nice Guy and no amount of hypnotism, aggressive persuasion can ever change the way I think, or so it seems, Nevertheless, I did not give up. I knew that I already lost everything and nothing could ever change the way I feel about myself. I knew I was still going to have fear but then it dawned on me, what if I could somehow make it seem like I have no fear? What if I could artificially create the absence of fear? Well, I did! I decided to try the next best thing, which is artificially inducing the lack of fear by removing the reason why I felt fear in the first place. Let me explain, the reason that cause me to have fear of rejection was due to fear of loss but I have a fear of loss because I felt I didn’t have an abundant resources of girls. I knew I couldn’t change the way I feel, so I change the situation instead. How do you remove this perceive scarcity anyway? The answer struck me; I didn’t have abundant resources of girls because I never did try achieving, an abundant enough number of girls to lose the fear of lost. So I tried pursuing, approaching women with actually of no other intention than to spend time with her. I made meeting with women a habit. I force myself to make it a goal to have at least 1 date per day for 1 year until it becomes habitual enough that I wouldn’t actually be thinking about it that much anymore. Anyway, as I went on asking women out I found out it was actually not as easy as it seems but I still regarded it as fun and easy. It is a game and it is supposed to be fun. If it isn’t fun then you’re obviously doing something wrong. Take it easy, relax. One rejection is naught but merely a drop of water in an ocean of rejection for I only get 1 yes answer to a date for every 140 girls I’ve asked. But, I did not give up; I continued asking women out, 150 – 180 times in a day. I received so much rejection that I felt numb whenever a girl rejected me. Rejection didn’t bother me anymore at all. I now realized it was a numbers game. The simple answer after all along was not to be average. Average guys get average rejection conversely average success. The secret to getting an above average rate of success with women was to get an above average rate of rejection and no other way. But it was even harder through the dates because I didn’t have any special techniques, lines, scripts, moves, tactics or even any game at all. I was totally clueless. It was mostly a matter of trial and error. I had to go through being stood up 10 times for every dozen or so girls that agreed to a date with me. Do you know what that means? I had to get rejected by over a thousand girls before I could manage to set – up a decent number of dates. But still I continued, at this time I was already getting 2 – 3 dates per week but still that wasn’t enough to make it a daily habit. So I tried improving my looks, my interaction (rapport) and the way I feel about myself (confidence). I could now see myself as an attractive person and had overcome the fear of loss and rejection. I didn’t care anymore what I said or what I do because I knew that I would always have a lot of back – ups. I started to experiment. I started to have fun! I found out the more bad I become, the more the girls were falling in love with me. I continued experimenting, adding more and more “badness” until it came to the point I was having multiple girlfriends fighting over me. I was having sex with multiple girls at the same time. Once it was just a dream, now has become so real. It was surreal; I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. I was an ugly Nice Guy who had no experience in sex let alone kissing a girl to having multiple sex partners. It was amazing. It started out as a numbers game and as I gained more experience my chances went up. It was no longer a game of chance; I could now make girls attracted to me by choice! Attraction is a matter of choice and not by chance. Whoever said attraction is not a choice is an idiot! I have now realized, it is not about what you have, what you look, what you say or not say and it wasn’t even about what you did but rather how you felt about yourself. I now understood the meaning of the “Inner Game”. (I was already successful having only an inner game in a conservative culture while a reported serial killer was on the lose, Do you know how challenging is it to get a date on a conservative culture with reports in the news about a serial killer on the lose? Just imagine how better I would become if I master all those systems and routines? Eyyyy…?)

I have read some post and seen guys complained, they whined about getting girls as difficult. They say stuff like ohh I am such a loser coz I only get 1 cellphone number for every 8 girls I asked. So what? Oh, my God! I only get 1 cellphone number for every 150 – 160 girls I asked and I have until this very day, still, and will always think that getting girls is easy. I think it is a matter of mindset.
They asked why the Naturals laugh when they see this website. Well, go re - checked the forums then you will read things like:
“Getting girls is like a customer betting on a lottery each week and never winning”
Then other guys debunk his idea and go to say something else.
They say:
“No, getting girls is like entering a lottery. PERIOD.
Then another guy disagrees and tells you that;
“Getting girls is winning the lottery.
Finally, you meet a guy who tells you that you are the prize! You are the lottery to be won.
Yeah! Great. (Sarcasm :eeck )
But the Naturals (Bad Boys) just laugh at and say “What lottery”? The lottery does not exist! It is only in your mind. It is a matter of mindset. A system of beliefs, As You Think, You Shall Become!

Even if your are a walking DHV, without the proper mindset then you would still be losing more women than what you are attracting.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Dude, I find your post fascinating but it is almost impossible to read. If you break it up into smaller paragraphs it will be a lot easier to read and you will most likely get more responses.

I like the question posed in the subject line. What holds you back from being a natural attractor? That's an interesting question, I'll have to ponder that. Honestly, I attract women, but I find that I always think women should be MORE attracted to me than they are. I don't think I would be satisfied unless they were peeling their panties as soon as they first laid eyes on me lol. I really feel that's the way it should be :)

I want to know why some guys still haven't evolved into an attractor a.k.a. A Real Man?
This is a little off topic, but this statement struck me. Do you think it's possible to be A Real Man but not be particularly attractive to women? I have to think so. I'm thinking of the stereotypical gruff old general type here, but he still probably draws some women.

I continued experimenting, adding more and more “badness” until it came to the point I was having multiple girlfriends fighting over me
Could you be more specific about what you mean by "badness"? What exactly are you doing that's attracting these girls?

I could now make girls attracted to me by choice! Attraction is a matter of choice and not by chance. Whoever said attraction is not a choice is an idiot!
I think when they say that they mean that "being attracted" is not a choice. What you're saying is that "attracting" is a choice, which is a little different. What they mean is that if a guy shows certain attributes, the girl will be attracted (she has no choice). Just like if a girl looks a certain way a guy will find her attractive - it's not a choice, that's just the way we're programmed to respond.


Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
A)No, it is not possible not to attract girls if you are a Real Man. A Real Man will naturally attract girls. Dogs get to **** and they do not even know any hypnotic lines. It is in our natural design.

You said, "Do you think it's possible to be A Real Man but not be particularly attractive to women? I have to think so. I'm thinking of the stereotypical gruff old general type here, but he still probably draws some women.

You are thinking of a scruff, gruffy kind of military general right? Anyone can be a general, but do you really think he possesses the qualities of A Real Man? He may have power, He may have money, he may be able to stand up against enemies but can he stand up against women? Is he sexual enough for A Man? Refer to Pook's = Be A Man. Is he completely A Man? Can a man be a Real Man if he is 50% A Man? Can you be a real Man if you are .00001 gay, 1 bisexual and 98% Man? Is that even possible? Biologically Man but socially a woman. Biologically man but psychologically woman? Physically a man but emotionally a woman? Looks can be deceiving.
I almost had sex with a transvestite.

B) Badness = grabbing her breast the first few seconds of meeting her, fingering her ***** without utter regard for consent, feelings or laws, teasing, insults, slapping, a few punches here and there. May include rape? But all she forgave me.

C) I still hold my ground as attraction or attracting as a choice. We can recondition our choice of attraction and vice versa depending on your knowledge of attraction. It is a matter of reconditioning. And as attracting as a choice, yes, I still hold my ground. There has been an emergence of these new super intelligent playgirls experiment with reconditioning concepts in psychology and the attraction formula(Neuroscience: 1979).


Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
I want to know why some guys still haven't evolved into an attractor a.k.a. A Real Man?

So, Who I am and what did I experience to become who I am now? Alchemystic is a Non de Plume of the strategist tactician XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX. Basically, I am a Nice Guy and no amount of hypnotism, aggressive persuasion can ever change the way I think, or so it seems, Nevertheless, I did not give up. I knew that I already lost everything and nothing could ever change the way I feel about myself. I knew I was still going to have fear but then it dawned on me, what if I could somehow make it seem like I have no fear? What if I could artificially create the absence of fear?
Well, I did!
I decided to try the next best thing, which is artificially inducing the lack of fear by removing the reason why I felt fear in the first place. Let me explain, the reason that cause me to have fear of rejection was due to fear of loss but I have a fear of loss because I felt I didn’t have an abundant resources of girls. I knew I couldn’t change the way I feel, so I change the situation instead.

How do you remove this perceive scarcity anyway? The answer struck me; I didn’t have abundant resources of girls because I never did try achieving, an abundant enough number of girls to lose the fear of lost. So I tried pursuing, approaching women with actually of no other intention than to spend time with her. I made meeting with women a habit. I force myself to make it a goal to have at least 1 date per day for 1 year until it becomes habitual enough that I wouldn’t actually be thinking about it that much anymore. Anyway, as I went on asking women out I found out it was actually not as easy as it seems but I still regarded it as fun and easy. It is a game and it is supposed to be fun. If it isn’t fun then you’re obviously doing something wrong. Take it easy, relax. One rejection is naught but merely a drop of water in an ocean of rejection for I only get 1 yes answer to a date for every 140 girls I’ve asked. But, I did not give up; I continued asking women out, 150 – 180 times in a day. I received so much rejection that I felt numb whenever a girl rejected me. Rejection didn’t bother me anymore at all. I now realized it was a numbers game. The simple answer after all along was not to be average. Average guys get average rejection conversely average success.

The secret to getting an above average rate of success with women was to get an above average rate of rejection and no other way. But it was even harder through the dates because I didn’t have any special techniques, lines, scripts, moves, tactics or even any game at all. I was totally clueless. It was mostly a matter of trial and error. I had to go through being stood up 10 times for every dozen or so girls that agreed to a date with me.

Do you know what that means? I had to get rejected by over a thousand girls before I could manage to set – up a decent number of dates. But still I continued, at this time I was already getting 2 – 3 dates per week but still that wasn’t enough to make it a daily habit. So I tried improving my looks, my interaction (rapport) and the way I feel about myself (confidence). I could now see myself as an attractive person and had overcome the fear of loss and rejection. I didn’t care anymore what I said or what I do because I knew that I would always have a lot of back – ups. I started to experiment. I started to have fun! I found out the more bad I become, the more the girls were falling in love with me. I continued experimenting, adding more and more “badness” until it came to the point I was having multiple girlfriends fighting over me.

I was having sex with multiple girls at the same time. Once it was just a dream, now has become so real. It was surreal; I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. I was an ugly Nice Guy who had no experience in sex let alone kissing a girl to having multiple sex partners. It was amazing. It started out as a numbers game and as I gained more experience my chances went up. It was no longer a game of chance; I could now make girls attracted to me by choice! Attraction is a matter of choice and not by chance. Whoever said attraction is not a choice is an idiot! I have now realized, it is not about what you have, what you look, what you say or not say and it wasn’t even about what you did but rather how you felt about yourself. I now understood the meaning of the “Inner Game”.

(I was already successful having only an inner game in a conservative culture while a reported serial killer was on the lose, Do you know how challenging is it to get a date on a conservative culture with reports in the news about a serial killer on the lose? Just imagine how better I would become if I master all those systems and routines? Eyyyy…?)

I have read some post and seen guys complained, they whined about getting girls as difficult. They say stuff like ohh I am such a loser coz I only get 1 cellphone number for every 8 girls I asked. So what? Oh, my God! I only get 1 cellphone number for every 150 – 160 girls I asked and I have until this very day, still, and will always think that getting girls is easy. I think it is a matter of mindset.
They asked why the Naturals laugh when they see this website. Well, go re - checked the forums then you will read things like:
“Getting girls is like a customer betting on a lottery each week and never winning”
Then other guys debunk his idea and go to say something else.
They say:
“No, getting girls is like entering a lottery. PERIOD.
Then another guy disagrees and tells you that;
“Getting girls is winning the lottery.
Finally, you meet a guy who tells you that you are the prize! You are the lottery to be won.
Yeah! Great. (Sarcasm :eeck )
But the Naturals (Bad Boys) just laugh at and say “What lottery”? The lottery does not exist! It is only in your mind. It is a matter of mindset. A system of beliefs, As You Think, You Shall Become!

Even if your are a walking DHV, without the proper mindset then you would still be losing more women than what you are attracting.


Don Juan
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
you asked 150-180 girls a day, wow thats a lot

what type of girls were these?
on a good day i could probably find maybe only 10 girls that tickle my fancy but on a regular day i'd be hard pressed to find 2


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
150 approaches a day? That's insane! Good for you for going through all the effort to get what you want. I think a lot of success comes from eventually figuring out that whether you win or you learn you still win, and once you find that you are the one to determine your worth not some chick then they start to flock to you.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2010
Reaction score
Down the rabbit hole...
150 approaches a day? - I think you have cracked it as a Real Man when women start to approach you all the time. They sense it, feel it and smell it. They know when they are near a Real Man and can't help themselves. They approach you, you don't have to do anything at all than just be a Real Man - simple...

Forget about all those daft lines, watching for body language and three second rules cr*p. You don't need them at all. In fact, your being taken for a ride by all these so called 'experts'. They keep dangling you snippets of information, which isn't really that good, while they are out ****ing all the hottest women while you are still trying to work out his last post or seminar was all about. By simply being a Real Man, you get what you want. In fact, it walks right up to and starts gaming you.

Think about it. When was the last time you seen a male monkey try and get a female monkey's number or use fancy chat up lines? He is the Real Monkey, he just sits in the tree and the female monkeys come to him. Monkey are at it all the time - man isn't because we have all but lost that skill. We now resort to playing the number games, using daft routines and lines.

Or the Real Lion? He has a harem of female lions to service, and they even go out and hunt down lunch for him. Beta Male Lions don't exist. Grow some Man balls and get out there and be a Real Man.

I get approached/hit on by women every day of my life. At least several times a day on average work day, and even more at the weekends. And what do I do to get all this attention - simply nothing other than be a real man. I am not wealthy, I am average height with average looks. I have grey near white hair and never been near a face lift or Botox or in a gym in my life - I don't need to.

I was taught at a very early age how to walk tall, straight and up right. To be a real gentleman, but not to much. Have respect for yourself & others and confidence in yourself. To always dress slightly better than others at any event & good man grooming too. How to deal with emergencies and take control, how to fix things and I have very broad knowledge of life in general. I read a lot, not pulp fiction, real books that broaden the mind. I am currently reading up on fourth dimensional quantum physics - and what has that got anything to do with getting women, your game & mindset - well actually quite a lot. Are you reading the right books?

I am a walking women magnet. Magnets as you know either attract or repel - its basic elementary physics. You have to learn how to turn your magnet from repel to attract.

However, a word of warning - once you have reversed your magnet from repel to attract its hard to switch it off. And women will approach you ever day - yes you will get the hot babes after you, but also the cougars, and uglies and fatties give you the same filthy look as dirty old man gives a hot 18 year old girl - I get it often and its not nice. I was once told by this fat sweaty women that I was her all time favourite vibrator fantasy - yuck !

I have been lucky in this life and had women when ever I wanted. You can too, but you have to step up and be a Real Man


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
women will approach you ever day - yes you will get the hot babes after you, but also the cougars, and uglies and fatties give you the same filthy look as dirty old man gives a hot 18 year old girl - I get it often and its not nice.
I've read a lot of guys here say that once you start getting the hot girls hitting on you, the uglies and fatties stay away. Like they know you're too far out of their league or something. I've never understood or experienced this - if you're attractive, you're attractive.

I've been hit on by both hot girls and fat ugs. I've always wondered if the reason the fat girls still come after me is because they think they have a chance with me since I'm older. I notice you're also 50 and experiencing the same thing, so maybe that's going on with you too. But even when I was younger there would be a mix of hot and fat girls crushing on me.

I don't get hit on every day though. I don't imagine too many guys do, unless they're very flirtatious (in which case they're actively seeking the attention).

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
You have to be an authority figure to a woman, then she'll comply. Make general statements about who she is, tie them to some mannerism she does, and she'll think you know more about her than she knows about herself, even if you've just met her. When she's got it in her mind that you're a doctor, an authority, then you can tell her to do ANYthing, and that means fvcking. She has to believe in you, as a manly figure for her, for guidance, to tell her what to do..and that sometimes means guiding her to your d!ck area, unzipping your jeans, moving her hand to the base cupping your balls, and moving her mouth over the tip and down the shaft. That's when you begin to have full compliance.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2010
Reaction score
Down the rabbit hole...
zekko said:

I don't get hit on every day though. I don't imagine too many guys do, unless they're very flirtatious (in which case they're actively seeking the attention).
I don't flirt at all (that makes it worse).... I just go around being me.

In fact, I don't do anything to signal that I am attracted to somebody and try not to make eye contact. Yet, I reckon, I must hold the world record for the amount of women that have 'accidentally' bump into me over years. I cannot go anywhere without 'accidentally' bumping into women, at work, in bars, in the mall, petrol stations you name it I find that women bump into me several times in a day.

And the questions I get asked - don't I know you from somewhere is the all time classic, followed by are you John/Mac/James/Dave/Paul/Frank's (delete as appropriate) brother, or didn't we use to work in the same place or perhaps you were that guy that when out with my mate last year. I use to think perhaps I have a very successful double/look-a-like that they were confusing me with. But I am sure this guy didn't follow me when i moved to a couple of different countries. It simply a ploy to start a conversation with her.

I will be totally honest and say I have never asked a girl out in my life, I have never needed to - they always ask me out. Even in high school, I was very successful with girls and went out with the best looking hottest girls in the school.

Even today, I was just walking along the street near my home early this morning after getting a newspaper, when I was stopped by this very pretty late 20s - early 30s kinda posh well dressed brunette, who said that she has seen me around a couple of times and wondered if she could have a chat with me over a coffee as she is fairly new in town and was hoping to make new friends. I had to smile for her sheer brazen cheek. She took this as a kinda of yes, and grabbed my hand and before I had time to pull it back she had written her phone number on it. Call me if you want to, but don't if you feel I was a bit pushy or don't find me your type. She turned and walked off. A few steps later, she turned and said, by the way, my name is Georgina. She gave me a big smile and carried on. I had been 'gamed' by female yet again.

As its a Sunday, I had split up with another LTR several days ago, and had a quite afternoon, I thought hey, why not. I am only human and not planning to be a monk just yet. I called her and told her I would be in a certain coffee shop at 3pm this afternoon, if she wanted to have chat then meet me there. I arrived at the coffee shop a couple of minutes before three but no sign of her, ordered a coffee and sat down. I hate bad time keepers and was only going to stay as long as it takes to drink my coffee - say 10- 15 minutes max.

At three minutes past three, the coffee shop door burst opened and this out breath women virtually fell in. She came over to me and apologised for her tardiness and said she hated bad time keepers - she explained that she was stuck in a traffic jam, parked the car up, and ran the last two blocks to the coffee shop as not to be too late - and in high heels too.

We chatted for an hour, well she did most of the talking and I decided to walk her back to her car (just to test her story out). We hit it off right away. I didn't realise that she was French from our meeting on the street as she has lost quite a bit of her accent.

She offered me a lift home as it was on her way, so I took the offer and was soon outside my place. We talked in the car for another 10 minutes or so, but in the end I had to say, its been fantastic talking to you, but I have to go as I am genuinely bursting for a pee - which I was. There is no flies on this woman, quick as a flash, she said I am desperate to - please can I use yours as I don't think I will make it home, and its your fault for mentioning it.

My bladder was too full to argue, and I raced in and up the stairs leaving the front door open for her to follow in. I stood there peeing for what seemed liked five minutes as I bursting. After I finished, I turned around, opened the bathroom door, she pushed right past me in a mad rush, pulled her skirt up and panties down in a split second and plonked her ass on my toilet and let out this might sigh of satisfaction. I left the bathroom, and headed back down stairs as the front door was not closed properly.

I waited in the living room and called her in when she came down stairs a few minutes later. I asked her to sit, but she said she had to go as she felt a bit stinky and sweaty after the run to the coffee shop earlier and had to go get a shower. I thought what the heck, she has managed to get herself this far, I asked her if she wanted to shower here as seeing she now knew where my bathroom was.

She thought for a minute, and said okay as long as I didn't mind if she changed in to her clean gym gear as she had been planning to go there after the coffee shop. She nipped out the car to get her clean gear and twenty minutes later was back sitting in my living room. While she had looked stunning in her sexy black dress, her gym clothes were actually better as they really tight and hugged her female curves of her body beautifully. Gym gear doesn't normally do it for me, but I was impressed...

Well to cut a long story short and save you from the gory details. I am not a big fan of doing it on the first meeting, but tension grew and we were soon at it like a pair of rabbits on the living room floor. That was just an hour ago. she is now fast asleep on my couch - snoring slightly hehehe. I am just next door in my office here on the internet. See how easy it is - I had no expectations, no plan, no game, and perhaps no fear - it just happened.

What is my secret? I don't know. And to be bluntly honest, I am on this website to see what I am sub-consciously doing to attract such interest with a view to finding away to turn it on and off when I want to. This female attraction is real pain when you are trying to have a LTR with a women, as she often gets extremely jealous. Yes, I do have problems maintaining LTRs for this very reason. Reading all the excellent stuff on here I have concluded that I am Real Man, and do all the stuff that validates this on autopilot - its been hard wired into my brain.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
What is my secret? I don't know. And to be bluntly honest, I am on this website to see what I am sub-consciously doing to attract such interest with a view to finding away to turn it on and off when I want to.
If you have girls coming up to you on the street giving you their number, it has to be something about the way you look. What else could it be? They don't know anything about you.

This whole attraction thing, there are some very random aspects to it, despite how people try to pin it down. Like this guy I was with the other day, this girl kept coming up wanting a kiss from him. Now this is just a short skinny dude with glasses, but obviously there's something about the way he looks that girls find appealing.

It can't be posture or body language because I have good body language. I get a lot of eye contact from girls, but they don't come up to me randomly on the street giving me their number or wanting a kiss.

For the same reason, I think this "real man" idea is kind of vague and nebulous. As far as I'm concerned, I'm just as much, or more, a real man as anyone else. But while I can and do attract women, I don't get that kind of reaction where random women are approaching me throwing themselves at me. It must have something to do with the way you look (even though you claim to have average looks). The only clue I can think of is when you say you dress better than everybody else.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
zekko said:
Now this is just a short skinny dude with glasses, but obviously there's something about the way he looks that girls find appealing.
He just "looks" layable and maybe "like he's getting laid" even if he's not, and the girl just thinks he's cute or something or could give her some funny cigarettes.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
He just "looks" layable and maybe "like he's getting laid" even if he's not, and the girl just thinks he's cute or something
He's getting laid. You're right, I think the girl just thinks he's cute or something. He's kind of got the "pretty boy/smart guy" look, as opposed to the "roid monkey" look.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
ya, if that's happening to you it's because your probably really good looking.... you can't give lots of advice to average looking guys because the rules are different when you look really good... and depending on her attraction to you. If you are model good looking playing too many games will make you look weird and will throw her off, you need to game LESS when you are better looking. You run the risk of over gaming. You just don't realize this....but there you have it, it's genetics.


Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
Hey, you people are off-topic. Anyway, your comments are hilarious though.
Most of you are old!
When you get old... What will happen? I will write it in a different post. Not here.

Anyway congratulations to everyone on achieving their manliness.

That monkey is sniffing some p***y again. How does this monkey get action when he doesn't know any sosuave tactics.
Dogs get to f**k and they do not know any hypnotic line.


Don Juan
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Alchemystic said:
That monkey is sniffing some p***y again. How does this monkey get action when he doesn't know any sosuave tactics.
Dogs get to f**k and they do not know any hypnotic line.
if we did what dogs do we'll get arrested for rape :nono:


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
ok Alchemistic, if your going to be an @ss about it....I get a date for about every 3-4 girls I talk to.... so if your good at math, how much better with women is this old man then you?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Most of you are old!
When you get old... What will happen? I will write it in a different post. Not here.
If you want to make age an issue, at least have the gonads to post your age on your profile. Otherwise, anything you have to say about it is meaningless.

Also, I am assuming you are a young man. There's nothing wrong with that, but if that's the case I don't see where you would have any idea what happens "when you get old". You have no experience on the matter at all. If you are hopefully fortunate enough to reach "old age", you may find yourself surprised. I definitely think you should be doing better than one number per every 160 approaches by then.


Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
ChanceBoudreaux - Yes, I did rape girls in my social experimentation but it is impossible because the girls will tend to fall in love after the rape especially the sexually repressed girls. An they just tell me that it is not rape if the girl enjoyed it. Maybe it is some cultural differences? Or something in the way I do it? Or in my looks? I do not know.

Yuppaz - Relax! No one is competing with you. A genuine Alpha Male does not need to compete with anyone. He is his own competitor. I am not competing with you and no one should be competing with the amount or quality of women they have. A true Master Don Juan/Alpha Male has no competitors and is never worried about competition or bragging.
Just calm down. relax dude.

Zekko - I am 23 years old. You are right that I am young. You did not read my entire post/story. You reacted violently before knowing what I was going to write. I was supposed to write an article about How being an older man makes getting women easier but you reacted violently.
Currently, I am working on a sex on the spot approach but I am still getting buyers remorse. I am still trying to figure out how to have sex with a girl in broad daylight in public in a very conservative religious culture wherein holding a girls hand is considered as sexual harassment. But that will be a different topic on a different post.
Just relax and calm down. Peace.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Zekko - I am 23 years old. You are right that I am young. You did not read my entire post/story. You reacted violently before knowing what I was going to write. I was supposed to write an article about How being an older man makes getting women easier but you reacted violently.
I don't think I reacted violently at all. I agree with you that getting women gets easier as you get older. But I don't see how you, at 23, are getting this information. How do you have the experience to know what dating is like when you're older? No disrespect intended.