In another words, we can't wait till the supid day is over so that we don't feel like such loosers....
I can almost garantee, all the people that are going to be out to bars and restorants today are going to be Attached.
Why do you have to feel like a loser on this day?
I dont get it?
It just another commercial media hyped BS thing anyway.
Most guys think they need to buy romance on this day, be thankful you have saved alot of cash and you dont feel you have to keep peace with your women on this commercial Joke of a day.
Me i am going to chill, watch some films and relax.
Got a
message from a women i have been seeing saying why dont we call it a day, since i have done jack for her, i dont care about her in anyway shape or form, but what made it worse in my eyes she expected something today, expected, so like a chump i have to comply since it is expected, sod that, i dont need this day to be romantic and i sure as hell dont need a women putting pressure on me to comply to her need to feel normal on this day.
To me what is normal is not worrying about the day at all.
Shame people cant see the truth of this, if i wanted to be romantic it will be when i want to be not when i am expected to be, a good women in my eyes will not put pressure on this day as i hope i can prove i dont have to comply! Got another email from a girl i am intouch with who feels the same way, she says its just a joke of a day now and means nothing. She is correct, she said her last BF and her made a deal to not do val, day instead they made a pact to have a sex list instead. Seems far better to me, then having some princess expect to be treated royally.