VdoubleR said:
I second the fauxhawk.
This is what VdoubleR is rocking at the moment.
I like it, girls like it.
Case closed.
People are so funny I tell ya...all of a sudden "mohawks" are now liked...but if you went back 20 yrs ago, or even recently, 1 yr ago, it was considered repulsive by the majority. Now it's become "in" style, and all of a sudden women are supposedly digging it. Funny. That's why I always say, f*ck what wardrobes women like. It's also further proof how most women are sheep who follow the herd and lack leadership.
Concentrate on your game and display confidence with any wardrobe you may sport, and you'll be fine. Displaying confidence with your wardrobe and being positive with it, even if it's not "in" at the moment, will make the women who don't like it, like it. From what I've been able to see, it's your game that gets you laid, not your looks.
I have gotten the interest of women who weren't fans of long hair(I sport lower mid-back length hair), and I know of others who have as well. Your game goes a LONG way with these b*tches.