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blue08 said:SunnyD -? What does he offer?
Con-Akt - I may sound naive and inexperienced but I'm not. I look at things differently and try to see others point of views and not be narrow minded. I try to trust someone until they give me reason for me not to trust them and I don't "worry" about what anyone's gonna think of me - I'm me like it or not - if not go away. I am a simple person and an open book. I think I have been pretty successful in most of my relationships - none of which were less then 3 years with a person and 6 marriage proposals and one 1 marriage - and believe it or not I helped alot of them better themselves during our relationships either professionally, emotionally and sobered up a cronic alcoholic when I left - he's still sober to this day and we are still friends after splitting up 6 years ago.
In actuality I preach just the opposite of Tarique. He advocates chasing women down on the streets and I am against that. Kama likes to make up crap like that to justify his madness and hateration. He knows I can sense something isn't right about him. He is either gay or a woman from what I can gather.SuavePlaya said:blue why are you always countering what everyone has to say. If you already know the answers why even post this thread. I'am starting to agree with everyone else that you are a attention ho. Consider this your last gift.
Sutra I do not get why you have a problem with supreme. I mean you said he bites tariq's material, tell me one guru who didn't bite someone's material.
1. Don't hate the player and don't hate the game.blue08 said:And OHHHHHH Supreme One - You have got to be the most arrogant, self-centered prick I've come across yet. Someone needs to pop your inflated ego. Your games serve you well - as a "shell of a man"
Thank you I do try. And thanks for knowing how to show your respect with Supreme One. You know deep down I make your panties get a bit moist woman. You hate it don't you. That I can be so got dam right about you with only a glance at a few words that you have written. Just think how I could be in person. I would have you in bed shivering like a crack addict after I walk out on you.And OHHHHHH Supreme One - You have got to be the most arrogant, self-centered prick I've come across yet. Someone needs to pop your inflated ego. Your games serve you well - as a "shell of a man"
No. You devour all of Tariq's works and then try to morph them into some pseudo- zenmack rubbish. It's completely see through and trite.TheRealSupreme said:In actuality I preach just the opposite of Tarique. He advocates chasing women down on the streets and I am against that. Kama likes to make up crap like that to justify his madness and hateration. He knows I can sense something isn't right about him. He is either gay or a woman from what I can gather.
So attacking gay people is ok? As a black guy yourself, I can't see how you can be predjudiced against anyone. This also goes to show your infantile mentality.I have said some bad things against gay dudes on this forum and the way I figure it that is what set him off.
What is creepy about him is that zen thing he pretends to be on. Anyone into that knows he wouldn't attack someone else that way if he were true to it so that says fake.
This doesn't need justification. I'm not here to get your attention. You slave after mine.He is 35 years old and no female. Again a fake.
Even the most retarded of AFC's can click on my profile. My picture has been up here for years.He won't post his photo so that says big aszed fake to me.
He uses smoke and mirrors crap and trys to shift the attention like my use of your vs you're as if I don't know the difference You obviously don't. I have been using the one form since I got on the net and I will not stop. It is way easier to type when you have huge fingers like mine. Confucious say: He who blames big fingers has tiny brain.
I suppose the skanks you pickup are as ignorant as you which is why they don't give a damn about how educated a man is.I teach how to get women not how to use proper grammar.
Really? Isn't this exactly what you do? Teach kids how to become grown up kids instead of giving them the tools and reassurance to become congruent men in a society overrun by the likes of you. Become a man men respect and then you can come at me without your ego fvcking up your mind.I teach the truth of the game not a bunch of psycho babble and lies.
Yet you cannot stay away? I'll gladly send you material I've written from my experiences and knowledge in the real world which has helped a number of guys go from meek and weak to strong and confident.This site became over run with his type many years ago. There is something insidious and sneaky going on with that character.
SUPREME ANSWER:“No. You devour all of Tariq's works and then try to morph them into some pseudo- zenmack rubbish. It's completely see through and trite.”
SUPREME ANSWER:So attacking gay people is ok? As a black guy yourself, I can't see how you can be predjudiced against anyone. This also goes to show your infantile mentality.
Can you give examples of how he rips Tariq's works?KarmaSutra said:No. You devour all of Tariq's works and then try to morph them into some pseudo- zenmack rubbish. It's completely see through and trite.
Not all White woman want a "black" man - I being one of them - never have never would... so you'd never "shiver me" and no I'm not racist - I have african american friends -both men and woman. i see how your "point of View" clashes greatly with some other people. Because whether anyone wants to believe/ or accept the fact that our upbringing, social class,schooling and our parents influenced us and is carried into our adult lifes. The way you disrespect woman sounds like you have unresolved "mother issues" from your childhood that you're taking out on all woman.You hate the fact that white women love us “black” men I can see the hatred in you fella. What did a “black” man steal your girl and it turned you gay?
Victim - Yes because emotionally he was not ready for a relationship - he was still in love with his ex (he says he's not now) and on-going court stuff just added to the confusion by having to dredge up the past. He expected me to be there emotionally and physically while he was only physically connected to me and emotionally connected to her. He played a good "Game" for a year and then being pulled into court, etc... the truth came out.You say that you want to hear everyone's thoughts? On what? You getting emotionally abused? As you say.Him picking you to be his next victim?
We can rest assured knowing you won't be reading a dictionary.TheRealSupreme said:Hey meathead I will bless you with one or two responses.
Sorry I got **** to do instead of play tag with your flabby behind.
You guys want to know why this fvckhead has never written a book?SUPREME ANSWER:
Anyone who knows what I preach would say that your full of crap. I teach the exact opposite of what Taruqe does. And anytime I have ever talked about someones technique I have given them credit on my shows.
Your so deep in your gay inspired hatred that you can't even see straight boy.
So calling a homosexual person a faggot is not as bad as gay? Like porchmonkey or colored, right?SUPREME ANSWER:
Now I want to point out some more stupidity on your part. Yes I attacked you gays long ago. I don't really do that anymore. Notice how I used the word gay instead of faggots. I learned a lot about your kind and I now understand that there is nothing you can do about your twisted desires for man butt.
But in continuing, most of us African Americans or as you called us “Black” (you should get up on the current- since 90's terms), we don't like to be lumped into the sexual bandwagon of gays.
We didn't have a choice in our race.
You guys can make a choice not to stick your peters up another man's arse. Don't get it twisted. You have no choice about being gay but you do have a choice about what you do in the area of homosexual acts.
Damn. I missed one grammatical spelling in 10,000. You got ask me how I could be prejudiced (oh dummy you didn't spell it right speaking of grammar), against anyone?
How novel. You admit freely to your hypocrisy.It is a wonder that my last best friend is/was/whatever gay and white.
So you're a suave businessman huh? How come you come here when you have a dump of your own? Oh wait, it's because those tools who you fooled with the smoke from your black and mild are disgusted with you and you have to come here to read from guys like me to rip off more material.This totally shows your complete ignorance. Don't lump us in the gays issues.
You offer what you say for free. People pay to hear what I have to say. Don't hate if my message is that much more important.
How's that insecurity working for you?You hate the fact that white women love us “black” men I can see the hatred in you fella. What did a “black” man steal your girl and it turned you gay?
Note that there isn't one grammatical error. "But Karma, he could have used spellcheck?"July 15th, 2007 at 5:30 pm
How to turn your flaws into strengths and win lots of dates!
Alot of guys have limiting beliefs about themselves. Today we are going to look at how to turn these beliefs around and make them your strengths. It doesn’t matter if you think your too short, or too ugly or have big nose or lack a masculine voice to the point that it sounds like Mickey Mouse.
NLP teaches a good tool that has been used by men who had physical flaws before to help them win in the game with women and dating. No matter what your flaw by applying this simple technique you can actually change the course of your dating experiences.
It’s called reframing. This process is the simple act of:
1. stating your weaknesses first on a piece of paper.
2. take each flaw and ask yourself how you can make this a strength.
ex: Let’s day your nose is too big as in Jimmy Durante (google his name and all you will find is a photo of a nose). List your weakness. Then write, “how can I turn this into a strength?”.
Your mind will fill in the gaps. If you have ever listened to motivational greats like Anthony Robbins when he said if you ask your mind a question on a problem it will eventually give you the answer.
The 3rd part of this is that you must have confidence in yourself. If your unattractive, pretty girls don’t expect you to approach them. So when you do this shows them that your confident and a alpha male type.
From my teaching all of you should know that women love confident men. You have listened to me expound on this in my podcast shows and read it post after post so this shouldn’t be anything new to you of
Get out a pen and paper and do the above steps. This will lead you into developing super confident self confidence that will attract women around you like flys to honey.
Point and match.TheRealSupreme said:He uses smoke and mirrors crap and trys to shift the attention like my use of your vs you're as if I don't know the difference. I have been using the one form since I got on the net and I will not stop. It is way easier to type when you have huge fingers like mine..
As for his grammar crap so what.
I teach how to get women not how to use proper grammar.
I teach the truth of the game not a bunch of psycho babble and lies.
This site became over run with his type many years ago. There is something insidious and sneaky going on with that character.
Since I've called you out on your idiocy it's amazing to me that you have no smartass rebuttals.TheRealSupreme said:lol@ya
I noticed you stop responding on that thread after those other guys said something to you asking for proof.
Now that is a novel concept. Why don't you make a post with proof of your claims kama booda?
Tell this whole site what a low down player I really am.
As for the photo of that fat flabby meathead in your profile that could be anyone. You need more than one photo posted before I believe anything about creepy guys like you.
You look like one of those gay bear boys that skinny gays like so much.
I just found a possiblity of who you may be *****. And to think you might be black too. You dyke!
(SuavePlaya @ Nov 2 2008, 02:19 PM) «
Karma just has something against supreme personally. He was gone once people started asking for proof. The only reason I got involved in the flame war was because I wanted to switch the focus away from blue.
So I call him out to all as a fraud and charlatan and all he has to retort by pm is that I'm a black girl on Tariq's jock?I think Karma is actually a black girl that was on Tariq's forum as thekamasutra.
No wonder you keep saying that bullcrap about me taking from tariques style.
Ohhh your so busted!!!!
posted by karmasutra
First, because he's at least bright enough to know that writing a book would be fruitless and he would immediately get called out as a fraud and liar, he sticks with his pathetic podcasts. Go back to idiot's first few podcasts (which have been mysteriously removed?) and you'll find loads of rips from The Art of Mackin'.
...NLP teaches a good tool that has been used by men who had physical flaws before to help them win in the game with women and dating. No matter what your flaw by applying this simple technique you can actually change the course of your dating experiences.
...listened to motivational greats like Anthony Robbins when he said if you ask your mind a question on a problem it will eventually give you the answer.
Note that there isn't one grammatical error. "But Karma, he could have used spellcheck?"
...theme does it?"
How is this proof that Supreme rips off of tariq. Also supreme has his ebooks that he has put out. I listen to both of these guys and yeah they have a few similarities like telling people to have confidence but what guru doesnt say that?ex: Let’s day your nose is too big as in Jimmy Durante