What about Girlfriends? GF=NOT A DJ?

Wont Stop Mackin

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2003
Reaction score
Chesapeake, VA
I've come to realize one thing about the Whole DJ agenda.

They teach, tell, and help you to "get girls", and become a better you, self improvement after all thats what we all want and at the same time a few chicks.

But what if you already have one chick
And you are happy, not satisfied but happy.I've never seen an article relating to Me and my GF have had problems I dont know how to handle it, help please.
But whats even worse is my theory is that
Highschool girls go about how YOU make THEM feel
Not really how they actually feel about the REAL you if they could even understand the REAL you. I think later in life is when WOMEN look more for in a man but with some of these girls today it seems like even that might change for a few of them, which for some ppl, such as non DJS, or AFC's that would not be a GOOD thing. To us i guess it wouldnt really matter, but if sometimes u get tired of the DJ thing ALL the time, what if u want to balance out normalness with being a DJ, theres nothing more i would want to do then actually tell my GF how i cared for her, but it seems as tho the second i get close to i feel me slipping and losing control, which is an even worse feeling than knowing she feels about you like she THINKS she feels about you just because of how you act and what you do/say, not always telling her just what she wants to hear but sometimes, even some times telling her that you do care, without her thinking " oh game over.... "...

But can you be a DJ and still have a girlfriend?
My theory is yes, i dont see why not.
I have girls right now on backup just waiting on the list
If me and my gf were to break up anytime SOON.

Whoever said being a DJ meant playing girls for all they are worth? Well maybe it said that somewhere but still... As much as i hate to say this, i do care for my gf And im not one of those sappy, OH IM IN LOVE WE'll BE TOGETHER FOREVERRRRRR BFF!! watever But i do care about her, she knows that i dont ever tell her how deeply i do care, due to the fact that telling most highschool girls that would end a relationship if not have her in complete control. And i can go on forever with this post, but i'd rather stop with these 2 questions...

Can you be a DJ and still have a GF?
And if so, how would you got about maintaing a good relationship in a DJ sort of manner?

Maybe it covered this somewhere but i missed it?

All feedback is welcome... sorry if i've made a fool of myself... =)


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Oslo, Norway
Originally posted by Wont Stop Mackin
Whoever said being a DJ meant playing girls for all they are worth?

Good question. I don't know where you heard that, but it's not true. The very essence of being a DJ is confidence, not being a player. True, you CAN be a player, but that's not what this site is all about.

As for the rest of your post, I can't help you there.


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2002
Reaction score
im a dj and ive been dating the same girl for the last 10 months. I have a practically flawless and wonderful relationship with her. Yet, im still a DJ. I still go out with my friends, i still have lots of friends who are girls, i still go running w/ my ex-gf neighbor.

DJ is an attitude, the attitude that says i dont care what people think, i will be me, i will be bold, i will be a man. DJing isnt about being a player/pimp. At least i dont think so.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Its about knowing that all the girls want to be with you, but u are the one picking.;)

Lt dan

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2003
Reaction score
its a state of mind. its about not acting like a *****. its about knowing what girls really want and being able to use that. its also about being your own man and not comforming to other people. i think it might have been anti dump who said he likes ltrs because of the challenge. he said it was harder to stay with a girl than to pick one up and he liked that challenge. there have also been other people that say that when your in a serious ltr than the rules do change a bit. that its ok to have some afc qualities. but being a dj you know the rules and you know what you can do and what you cant. and after all its the way you do most things not what you do that matters.


Don Juan
Aug 22, 2002
Reaction score
Being a DJ is all a mindset. Its not something that you turn on or off when you want to express your feelings. When you are a true Don Juan, everything is second nature. You know how to make a girl feel special, without being a chump.

I found this website when I was in a relationship, and it helped to keep my relationship going for about 3 more months. I have been on this site for almost a year already, and in all this time all these discussions, tips, inspirational stories, rants, and the experiences from using these tips, I have become a Don Juan and its only getting better and I continue improving.

So being a DJ is not a technique, not an attitude. Its a mindset.

DJ Fedorov

Don Juan
Oct 19, 2002
Reaction score
Detroit, MI
A little off subject here, but I think that maintaining a LTR with ONE girl is a lot harder than DJ-ing several, like gaining a girls inital interest level, getting numbers, setting up dates etc. I think being in a good LTR is much more of a test of your "DJ-ness" ;) than being a player. In the past 5 months that I've been with my GF I'm sure I could have dated at least 10-15+ girls and had a pretty good time with them but I chose just one exclusive girl and when things are going good and I'm happy with life right now then I might as well keep it that way.