What a FRUSTRATING situation

Jun 27, 2005
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Tomatoes said:
To get a kiss close requires one thing. Kino. You have to intialise kino for a kiss close. So you can get close. From your posts it sounds like this girl is really up for you. Her shyness would be the only issue but seeing as YOU are making the moves thats not an issue.

When going for a kiss close. I find the technique off the film "Hitch" works well. That is you go 90% and then stop. Then she comes the other 10% to intiate the kiss. As soon as you move in she will see whats going off and i bet you shes been waiting for it for some time.
I have it all planned out now, but I'm not at all sure whether or not I will be able to manage it under the pressure of my emotions... If I will get the date, I will do it, there's no doubt, but the question is how it's going to look like. Asking her out - no problem. Initialising kino - no problem. But I do worry about the kiss close, because that's where I'm expecting very, very strong nervouseness and I worry about screwing up my first kiss close simillary to how I fvcked up my first approach just because of those damn disproportionate emotions.

The question is - how do I prepare myself psychically for this. I can't help caring about the outcome.


Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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Maybe Its Because Your Insecure About Yourself.

Dont Think To Hard About The Outcome. Be Positive About Yourself ANd The Situation ANd Believe That The Outcome Will Be Astonishing To Your Benefit.

If She Likes You And You 2 Initiate A Lot Of Kino, Then She Sees Something In You, She Looks Up To You.

I Think If You Initiate The Kiss Things Well Become A Lot Smoother.
Shell Prbly Come Out Of Her Shyness.

One Thing That Helped Me Out A Lot Around Women Was Going To The Gym.
Not Only Does The Workout Stimulate The Body And Boosts Up Confidence But Youll Be Around A Lot Of Don Juans And Youll Start Adapt Some Of Their Traits.

I Know Everytime I Have A Date, 2 hrs Before The Date I Would Go Workout.
Not Only Would I Get A Good Blood Flow Throughout my Body But It Allowed Me To Be Relaxed, Chill, ANd Boosted My Confidence.

Your Prbly Already Know ALl This But Are Looking More At The Negs Then The positives.

As You Know Just Initiate Her WIth Kino, Wear Your Good Cologne, ANd Initiate The Kiss.