

Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
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double posts suck! :D


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
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Originally posted by Jake-inator
Yes but there's something called VALUES and MORALS which today's society seems to be totally oblivious to. All they care about is fullfilling themselves.
Dude, please explain something to me: why do you care? What does it have to do with my life, yours, or anyone else's?

And if they don't share this VALUES and MORALS thing of yours?

What's wrong with self-fullfillment?

If you don't want to be one of their guys, that's your prerogative. As it is theirs to do what they want, as long as they have the option to do so. (read: guys who put up with it).

(no bashing ok? I want to understand better your point of view!)


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by djbr
Dude, please explain something to me: why do you care? What does it have to do with my life, yours, or anyone else's?

And if they don't share this VALUES and MORALS thing of yours?

What's wrong with self-fullfillment?

If you don't want to be one of their guys, that's your prerogative. As it is theirs to do what they want, as long as they have the option to do so. (read: guys who put up with it).

(no bashing ok? I want to understand better your point of view!)
I'm not going to bash you, but values and morals are kind of universal....

Fvcking someone over is bad.....that's a universal value....If you tell someone you love them, but you're fvcking someone behind their back...THAT'S BAD...

It's this type of behavior that we're talking about. Excusing a wh0res behavior, because you're the "male version" of a wh0re doesn't make it right.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2002
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If a woman who has sucked a mile of dik and swallowed a ton of cvm finally settles down with you, then she was just being an average woman and her past shouldn't matter.

Why would you want to settle down with a woman like this in the first place? Think about how it would be to "Make Love" with a woman like this every night and hae to wake up to her every morning. Think about how it would be to allow this wh0re... I mean woman to have your kids (pray to God that they are your kids) and how the children would feel knowing that their mommy was like this. Think about having to spend the rest of your life with this woman. Kinda degrading to yourself isn't it? It's one of the worst insults that can ever be given to a man. A woman that pretty much sucked off tons and tons of guys (and swallowed their load) and chose to settle down with your loser ass. And don't forget that you have to kiss her every night as well. Then again..... Those wh0rish ways can kick in at any moment and by the time you get home and plant a kiss on her lips you get a good taste of your next door neighbors c0ck who just returned from home from a long business trip. Not a very pleasant expirience. I'm thankful that it has never happened to me..... at least not yet. But the more involved you get with *****s the higher the chances.


Oh yes there is. It's just that you've been foolishly blinded by modern society. I'm sorry bro but a lot of what you have posted is nothing more than garbage.

Excusing a wh0res behavior, because you're the "male version" of a wh0re doesn't make it right.

The male version of a ***** is an oxymoron made up by females who can't stand the fact that they are unable to do the same as us men. That just touches a debate based on "equality". It isn't possible to make females and males exactly the same.. Males and Females are both entirely different creatures but that is far overlooked in this day and age. Think about this..... If the male isn't in control then who will be?

well guys..... There is so much I would like to say but to conclude this post I just want to say that wh0res are mean't to be f***ed and then thrown away right after you're done with it otherwise you're setting yourself up for a life full of regrets. remember guys.... Being a DJ is about respecting yourself and settling down with the town wh0re is not the way to go.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2002
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OMG I ended up not making sense in my last post because I was in such a hurry and I was just typing up everything that came to mind. LOL. sorry about that guys. So anyways..... My point exactly. Male and Females are equal but should be treated differently and expected to act differently. It is in a males nature to want to go around and f*** everything in sight that he finds appealing. This we can't control and many females use it against us and try to justify their wh0rish ways by saying something along the lines of.... "If a male could do it and not be judged then why can't we?" This baffles the feeble minds of a male and then this wh0rish behavior becomes accepted. My question however is.... If it's wrong enough for a male to participate in this kind of behavior then why should a female have to do the same since two wrongs don't make a right?

Personally I don't find slvtty behavior to be very woman-like and I'm actually drawn away by skanks after I get what I needed from them. I lose all respect after any sexual encounter with one. That is something I have absolutely no control over. And no that does not make me a hypocrite (as a feminist would label me). It's doesn't make me anything. It's just me being a man in todays modern society. In fact what feminists and those who support it try to do is to attempt at making us feel guilty of following our male instincts. Males are the dominant role in society and now they are trying to change the natural way of things and reverse it. It's part of our nature to want to sleep with tons of gorgeous women and "spread our seed" but why should a woman have to take a part in this kind of behavior? What most here fail to realize is that it has really screwed up society and it just continues to worsen over time. Many of you say "Be a man" or "a DJ" but end up contradicting yourselves by giving a woman the right to be a man. Many of you guys need to open up your eyes a little bit. Props to the dude who posted this thread. \m/ rock on.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2002
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:mad: The more I think about how f***ed up society has gotten the more it f***ing pisses me off and makes me want to shoot someone right in their f***ing head! So anyways... I love women (not wh0res). I am going to let out my AFCness right here in front of everyone but I NEED a very special woman in my life (Not a wh0re. Wh0res = Abomination) who is able to make me complete and whom I can love until the very day I die. I believe that with that right woman (Wh0res = Destruction of the soul) this kind of relationship is possible. When that right woman comes I would no longer have to worry about sleeping with the filth (*****s) that I encounter in my life. I would have that one special woman that can get me back into an AFC and wouldn't leave me because she would see and appreciate how much I love her. I hope some day that can happen. But I just can't seem to fall in love anymore. It's like I don't have it in me. It's like an emotion that existed in me at one point but I happened to lose at another point in my life.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
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I'm not trying to impose my values on anyone,
if you want a wh0re for your wife that is sexually liberated and enjoys
sucking off the neighbour right before you get back from work that's fine with me.

Hell, maybe i'll even move next door... :p

We're just having a friendly discussion about how wh0res have blended into today's society.
These views are purely our opinions and we hope to open your eyes a little bit.
Sometimes you have to understand the bullsh*t around you to grow and become a better person.

Haha back in the good 'ol days wh0res wore a red A on their chest.

I'm kidding guys... i've had sex before marriage so i'm not going to be a hypocrit and tell everyone to be a virgin.

I don't care if a girl slept with a couple guys, they like it as much as we do. Hundreds.... she's probably got more VD than your friendly neighbourhood hooker down the street.
The point is, a women's sex drive doesn't determine her wh0re-ness although it does make me cringe at what some guys would settle for.

What makes a wh0re is her lack of integrity and morals:

- A woman who sells her body/sexual acts for money.
This doesn't just go for prostitutes, every girl who EXPECTS you to pay for her is a wh0re.
I mean seriously why do you think you're paying for the dinner?
Did you enjoy her conversation that much or were you looking at her tits the entire time?
She's just a high class h00ker and you're paying for a CHANCE at sex.

Congratulations Mr. Chump,
You've been "preselected" from a pool of applicants to win a chance at sex.
Just give us your credit card number, to pay for this dinner and you too can win.

- A woman who justifies her cheating, because her BF doesn't satisfy her sexually.
Yea.. they use this one all the time.
It's like they're right these days... to be satisfied. I don't remeber the last time i was fully satisfied in a relationship.

What a bunch of crap, if you know he's a dud... dump him.
If you've married him, I don't even know why??! probably because you were too busy selling yourself than actually finding the right guy...
Learn some fu*king responsibility you wh0re.

Feel free to add some more examples of wh0res...
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
What's up with all the hor threads lately? A hor is what a hor does and hordoms are tied to a woman's out-of marriage sex encounters!!!

Let me bring simplicity and clarity to this topic since my Phd was in Ho-ology!!

A hor is "If you are sexing a girl, any girl, and she is not your wife then she is a hor and you are her pimp!!!" Why is it so difficult to understand this??

You bastards can do as you wish, but I guarantee you that if you love a woman who you are sexing who is not your wife you are a fool and it will end in failure to your detriment!!! There are hundreds of millions of men who have failed because they respected a hor as a woman!!!! This is a fact!!!!!!

Who cares what you think - look at REALITY in the lasyt 40 years!!!! Reality is never wrong!!!!!!


Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
you guys bring up some excellent points......PRL.....I believe what you are saying...and I believe it is MORALLY correct....however, I just have one concern.....

If I marry a virgin woman, and I bang her good, couldnt she still cheat as well? I wouldnt want to marry an all out *****, but at the same time, my concern is....how do you know if your girl is not a ***** or not....you just dont know about it....and if PRL is right, that girls who have had sex before marriage are hors, and we should not be in relationships with them and defiantly not marry them.....well then I am sorry, but...THATS EVERY GIRL ON THE PLANET......What, you might find one virgin out of one hundred?

but PRL...what I am trying to ask, is........doesnt every girl have the opportunity to fvck around if she wanted to.....

I dunno know guys....but in my opinion, if you want to marry any body, it should be that you just, you just, hell.....I dunno a reason besides starting a family that we would even want a girlfriend or a wife in particular.....lets discuss