

Jan 19, 2005
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I hear a lot of talk on this board about WH0RES....but what are we really referring to when we use this term? Is a wh0re someone who walks the streets and has sex for money? Is a wh0re a girl who dates rich guys for their money? Is a wh0re a someone who has no integrity and will cheat on you?

The simple answer is YES...to all of the above.

We also have to understand that not all women are wh0res. Sure wh0res are plentiful these day, but there are good women still out there.

MOST women are wh0res...I know this will not come as a surprise to most men on this board, but it's the truth. Now not all women are after your money, but most likely they're after something that you can offer them.

One thing you have to realize about wh0res is. THEY ALWAYS THINK THEY'RE ENTITLED TO SOMETHING BETTER THAT WHAT THEY HAVE. Now remember this...wh0res will usually leave the guy they're with, if you convince them you have something better to offer them.

Wh0res have zero integrity. They may act like they care about you, but once a better deal comes along, you're yesterday's news. I've seen it happen to dozens of guys, so I'm not just making this up.

Wh0res will tell you to "be yourself"..."be honest"...all the while using everything you tell them against you. The wh0re will whine that you've lied to them, all the while plotting behind your back for something better.

Now wh0res aren't always bad, and if you know how to "work" the wh0re, you can actually have some fun with them.

1) Never develope deep feelings for the wh0re....she may act like she cares, but once something better comes along, the wh0re will leave you.

2) Never be too nice to a wh0re. She may act all giddy and flattered that you treat her like a princess, but deep down the wh0re knows she's a wh0re, and will go for a guy who treats her like one.

3) Play hot and cold with the wh0re. This is probably the most effective technique you can use with a wh0re. Be nice to them one minute, pull back and be cold the next. This will confuse the wh0re, and keep her guessing.

4) Never let a wh0re feel too comfortable with your relationship. Comfort allows the wh0re to think she's got you, and she'll move to the next challenge.

Understand that some of what I say may sound contradictory. Wh0res want something better, but sometimes what's "better" to a wh0re is being treated like a wh0re. They think they're entitled to something better, but they still want to be treated like the wh0re they are.

In conclusion; Treat a wh0re like a wh0re. I don't mean physical abuse, but treat her like she wants to be treated. No too many people can tell me that wh0res want to be treated well. If they did, a wh0re would never leave an AFC.


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
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I think you have some issues with women bro. Might wanna go get that checked out at a pyschiatrist. If you want to go demoralize women, how about you go do it on a different forum.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
great post!!!!

Know we just need: "A way to identify a Wh0re"
A list of qualities that AFCs can use to instantly tell whether a girl is a Wh0re or a keeper.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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New York
We're wh0res too.

Mating is all about selection and resources, especially for women.

You give women the option of dumping and divorcing guys, and what plays out is simply nature at work.

The trick for us is to be men.

Show your displeasure at sleeping around, and throw a girl out if she displeases you. We're guys, we can do this, and women fear us (if they know we're not castrated and will take action).

In short, you can deal with wh0ores by being a fvcking man.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Hmmm. Seems pretty straightforward, although this post has been done before a million times on these forums. Good for the newbies to read I guess.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
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Wh0res Fear US??? :crackup::crackup:

That made my day.

I'm pretty sure they'll just find another guy to ****... and try to get you jelous. You can't win in the end with a wh0re, she'll get what she wants.
That's why we need rules, to make sure we're not wasting our time on women who aren't worth it.


Jan 19, 2005
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Originally posted by Wiesman44
I think you have some issues with women bro. Might wanna go get that checked out at a pyschiatrist. If you want to go demoralize women, how about you go do it on a different forum.

I have issues with women because I tell the truth? Why don't you go discuss your latent homosexual tendencies with a psychiatrist you fvcking AFC


Don Juan
May 1, 2005
Reaction score
If a woman isn't in to you because of your afc ways and she moves on to someone else, then she is a wh0re despite how few partners she may have had. If a woman who has sucked a mile of dik and swallowed a ton of cvm finally settles down with you, then she was just being an average woman and her past shouldn't matter.


Don Juan
May 1, 2005
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I'm talking about the way men use the word wh0re to justify why women leave them. "She isn't in to me---she must be a wh0re because she is fvcking someone else"
When women get older, they have had their fair share of dic and settle down with people they use to ditch. Now, miraculously, she isn't a wh0re and her past isn't relevant.

Is that a sore spot dietcozi?:D


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Yah Jp. Good job man. Call me an AFC for not being a weasle like you.

Some women may be *****s, but that doesnt mean they are bad people. They just choose to live a lifestyle you don't agree with. That doesnt give u the right to treat them like sh#t.

Disrespect an entire group of people (women) b/c they choose to practice things that you do not agree with. They choose to act in a way that you probably act 90% of the time. Hitting on women just to screw them, using them in one way or the other.

You say most women are *****s........where are you from the, ghetto ? I live in a somewhat rich community, and also go to college, and I do not come across very man *****s.
You say *****s will leave the guy their with if they're convinced you have something better to offer ? Sh#t man, I'd do the same thing. Why would I stay with a girl that can give okay sex and a fun time when I can get a girl that said she can give A+ sex and a great time ?

Jp: I've gotten with plenty of girls and don't need to justify anything with you. I've had plenty of field experience, and only wish to give my insight and knowledge to others. But when I see posts like this from people who have no appreciation of the art of "djing" it sickens me. Your just one of the many posters who who clutter newbie dj's head with these ridiculous thoughts that women and *****s need to be treated like sh#t, fu#cked, then dumbed and u move on. Thats not what being a dj is. its not about how many women you can score with. Its a much more graceful art.


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by tx_interface
I'm talking about the way men use the word wh0re to justify why women leave them. "She isn't in to me---she must be a wh0re because she is fvcking someone else"
When women get older, they have had their fair share of dic and settle down with people they use to ditch. Now, miraculously, she isn't a wh0re and her past isn't relevant.

Is that a sore spot dietcozi?:D
A woman leaving you doesn't make her a *****. Her reasons for leaving you, and the deviant nature of her leaving you can make her a *****.

I think you need to re-read my post.


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
I am not sure what your point is, maybe i am mising your sarcasm.

A wh0re is a wh0re. Die hard chumps who ignore this and marry them do so at their own peril.

I understand you are trying to be a symp and defend the wh0res, or at least trying to poke fun at our approach to this, but don't waste your time.

If you want to be CPT Save-a-ho, do it elsewhere... www.oprah.com

SUre, marry a woman who has fukked a million men, tx



Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
I posted that post some days ago, but it deserves to be posted here again.

Click here!

... and let us be men again.

Guys, let the girls be what they want to. It's only supposed to affect us if we CARE. And you're not supposed to give a damn fvck to a woman you don't want any kind of involvment. Let her live her own live and live yours! They'll do whatever they want to. So why do you care? Do what you want too! That's fair isn it? :)

You can and do want to protect yourself against the types of women YOU don't want. This is no big deal, but some guys here tend to believe it is...

The point is NOT to defend a wh0re. Again, why in the hell do we need to be so concerned about this? Dude, if you don't want no ho, just don't get involved with one! This whole "protecting against hoes" thing is strange, because you only has to protect yourself against things that you have some kind of involvment. If it doesn't affect you, why do you need to be concerned with it?

Get a grip on your own life! Make your own choices. If a woman isn't up to your expectations, just go to the next one. There's no need to all this! You can only give your power away if you choose to do so (click there! :D), as the power is YOURS.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jake-inator
Wh0res Fear US??? :crackup::crackup:

That made my day.

I'm pretty sure they'll just find another guy to ****... and try to get you jelous. You can't win in the end with a wh0re, she'll get what she wants.
That's why we need rules, to make sure we're not wasting our time on women who aren't worth it.
Seems to me that you are afraid of wasting time and money on a "ho".

Well, it is painful. I spent a year with one girl that made my life a hell lot worse. She did what she wanted to, I TAKE THE BLAME BECAUSE I LET IT HAPPEN. I don't even call her a HO anymore. I accepted the things I did wrong.

Let me just remember that the fault is NOT theirs, it's ours. Always.

We're the ones who want to make our lives a great place to be. Some women will help, some will mess it all up. From what I know, in this life you CHOOSE the people you want to be involved with. If you chose the wrong person, just accept it, learn the lessons and move on.

Great women are out there. Being so focused on the "ho" thing will make you NO CLOSER to them.

And the fact a ho will take other guy to skrew and try to make you jealous should have nothing to do with you. Why do you care? When you next a girl, it's done. She has the freedom to do WTF she wants to. And IF you feel jealous, well... that's your choice.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
In The Light
Wh0res have zero integrity. They may act like they care about you, but once a better deal comes along, you're yesterday's news. I've seen it happen to dozens of guys, so I'm not just making this up.
This has nothing to do with integrity, it's basic human nature. Everyone wants to have the "best," and so when we suddenly have the option of having something "better," we are compelled to take it. Do you really expect every relationship to last forever? Sex is a natural part of relationships, and relationships are transitory. They last until a better option becomes available (sometimes the option to be single becomes the better option, but often it's someone else the person is more attracted to).

I'd say girls who have sex without any intention of even a relationship should be avoided unless that's what you're looking for. But if a girl has been with guys before in normal relationships, I don't see anything wrong with that.


Feb 16, 2005
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This is an excellent topic by the way, I posted the same thing on another thread...so here it is again...

Uncle PRL and some others on here, haah, are about to be pretty upset...but...


Now wait a minute guys, dont pick up the steel chair and wack me upside the head yet.....let me explain..

From my experiences, women seem to be 100 percent sexual beings....that means, that are all about sexuality things, and everything they do is sexual.

When we apply these techniques to our personality, like eye contact and a sexual mind state, we connect with just about 85-90% of women in the world....I mean, it is very rare that a women REALLY wont like us....she will either be super religious or lesbian.

This means, that we have the potential, to fvck all these girls too. The problem with the word *****, is that is symbolizes a woman who sleeps around a lot.....

A prostitute or a hooker, should be the only women that you should dislike for whoring around, because they DO IT with everybody...and it is not because they got turned on by them.

But women get turned on by our techniques....so we can fvck a lot of good quality women, thus, she is no longer virgins, but.....according to you guys and society, she is labeled a *****...if that was the case, then EVERY WOMAN IS A *****....

I personally dont see...if a woman is interested in a guy, why she cant sleep with him....I mean, and I love you guys, but some of you are doing just what the feminists want you too...and that is label a woman a slut if she ACTS LIKE A WOMAN..

And the biggest one I hear, is that no girl at the club is marriage potential...guys, I understand your views, but can I hit ya wit something.....THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES IN A RELATIONSHIP..I cant guarantee I wont cheat.....I can say it, but when Tara Banks throws her azz on my dyck...welllllllllll

and she can say she will never cheat, but Denzel comes along and, dammnnnnnnn

It is all a risk........lets discuss further guys, great discussion


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
Yes but there's something called VALUES and MORALS which today's society seems to be totally oblivious to. All they care about is fullfilling themselves.


Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
jake I totally understand your viewpoint......

the only concern I was having is this....if all women were so hard-to-get these days, wouldnt most of us just NEXT her because we think she was not interested? It is kind of like you guys are saying one, I want to get women.....then number two, women are all sluts.....well, then why do you want them then?


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
I agree with the values and morals statement. This fvckwad talking about how I'm "demoralizing" women is retarded. He isn't even using the word in its proper context.

I just finished a big battle with interracial relationships, so I don't have the energy to engage in a protracted argument on this subject.
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