The even sadder fact is that for guys like my brother, it actually works
im sure it does, for a bit, but I know dudes married to feminists and it does not end well.
one has decided after 10 years of marriage she’s sleeping separately - for ever. They guy is a decent guy too. Wealthy and fit and nothing repulsive about him, it’s not like he let his game down.
the other has a constant battle as “her career“ comes first and he said privately that he feels his entire life is serving her needs.
See, a lot of the middle class, the guys have pressure to pick women who earn similarly to them. They are obsessed with money and keeping up with each other. So these dudes pick women who are ball breakers with careers as they don’t want to let their parents down and they want the cars and the houses to impress their other rich friends.
for me,of course I would like a partner to earn but it’s 3rd or 4th down the list. I couldn’t care less if I drive a Ford or an Audi. It’s really not that important.