Were these IOI from girls that were intimidated/shy girls or attention seeking?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2005
Reaction score
so today on campus i was waiting for the elevator. Then i notice this girl, she notices me. The whole time im there smiling, checking her out and trying to make EC. She slowly begins fixing/playing her hair more and more, to the point she tries to look at me from the side of her eyes, kind of turns her head to look at me, but unable to make EC with me. I was about to break the ice then her friend came by...

Pizza store, this hb9. Im sitting there eating pizza, and she goes up to the counter to buy a pizza. im checking her out and smiling/trying to look at her eyes/make EC from my seat. she knew i was checking her out and that i was trying to make EC. Then she gets her pizza passes by me and sits in the seat on the other table near me. however i cant tell if she chose that seat because there arent others available. And the seat she chose, her back was kinda facing my back..kinda mixed body language.

For those that PU a lot should understand what i mean...how do i differentiate between a girl that's interested VS a girl who's just flustered/fidgety when a guy's checking her out?
Or are they actually interested but are too intimidated to make EC?


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
please stop. you're thinking about it too much and picking it apart too much on a logical level.Trust me, i used to be really into this shiet and i am really good at it.But initially when you don't really know what the cues are..it's best to not even fuss too much about it.Tell you what ,the next time a situation like that arises..just approach and say something.make it a habit.Because what you are doing now..trying to 'read her' this and that..that is becoming a habit..not a bad one ,it's good for feedback and learning from it -but it can potentially hold you back.Why not making it a habit of approaching? in time you'll be able to read into cues automaticly because you'll slowly learn how to vibe it out and build intuition on where the interaction is leading to..that way you can control the pace,frame,whatever you want it to go.
tell you what..eye contact,a smile and open body langauge is usually an A-OK and she's likely to be approachable.A fixed scrowl of the eye brows,stiff posture,perced lips,crossed arms..anything that looks like the person is 'closed off' these are obviously clues to how she is feeling at the time..not saying that shes a b*tch or anything..her body is just screaming 'LEAVE ME THE FVCK ALONE!!' ..90% most girls i would say are approachable..it's not like your gonna ask her to marry you or anything..just light chit chat and if things roll smoothly maybe you might get her number..it's no biggie, so treat it like it isn't..takes the pressure right off..


Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
By talking to them and attempting to close.

solo1 said:
how do i differentiate between a girl that's interested VS a girl who's just flustered/fidgety when a guy's checking her out?
Or are they actually interested but are too intimidated to make EC?