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Were men more manly back in the day because they spent more time with their fathers?


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2014
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I was raised by a single mother during my pre-teen and teen years. I shouldn't even really say raised because she was gone most of the time but I know for certain it has affected me in a negative way. I think I would be much better with women and life if my father was around.
May 25, 2015
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no, they were more manly cause they could handle swinging a sledgehammer all day They could break your neck with one punch, and would DO so at the drop of a hat, too. Today's males are wimps. No wonder women have lost interest.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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Depending on who the father was. Many fathers are weak.

I know I inherited my "women are better than men" views from my father, just by watching the relationship between him and my mother.

It's amazing how many men supplicate.

Just yesterday I stood my ground when my girlfriend disrespected me (actually, I got furious to the point where she said she was scared and she never saw that side of me). She said I'm sorry-but today she's moping and feeling sorry for herself.

The key is DON'T BACK DOWN. Stand on principle. And if you don't have the right principle, then brainwash yourself until you do.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2013
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Ruler said:
I really believe technology, specifically social media, was the final straw. If we would not have had instagram, snapchat, twitter, etc. where girls can rack up and acquire "FOLLOWERS", then there would not be as much of an issue.

The girls like feeling like a mini-celebrity. And the guys will shower her with attention, day after day, refreshing their feeds to comment first. About how beautiful and sweet and amazing she is!!

Guys just need to feel the testosterone flowing in their veins and follow their gut. Quit taking advice from women, seek out someone better with women than you, and take notes.
Haha, just a small response here. ****, by all means don't flatter girls like that. You can use Instagram perfectly well to meet girls, you just have to play it nicely.

  1. First say something daunting or make a name for yourself in public. When you acquire the right to send her a DM, proceed to 2.
  2. She will 100% open the DM (sometimes a little later) and you can talk to here there. Make sure you raise her interest and give her the feeling like you're a valuable person as opposed to the endless streams of suckers that just say how beautiful she is day in and day out. Be inventive and creative. Get her on her toes and on the edge. Acquire the right to move to Instagram Chat or whatever it is called (Instafriends).
  3. Continue the encounter on InstaFriends. She will respond, while she normally wouldn't have. You have acquired the right to talk to her. Make sure she enjoys your presence and still keeps feeling more and more that she should not lose you and build up to the point where she wants to meet you.

Well, that is how it works at least, not that I have been more successful than that. My graphical skills are too bad (you need them for Instagram). My graph skills are so inferior to that of the girls that I can't get beyond a certain point :(. BAH. I WAS SO CLOSE WITH HER :p.

Actually that girl just wanted to get rid of me, but proceeded through all of the stages and kept talking to me, I even got her laughing her ass of because of my antics, in the end she gave up and told me she'd privatise her insta but she never did, she also did not close the chat application like she said she would. So I was really close to getting her turned around. But I failed because I couldn't get a ****ing composite picture edited.

Please, someone, help me get rid of that skill deficiency. Photoshop is a dead-end and GIMP is a horror. The girls all use smartphone apps and I hate using a smartphone to do anything. I'm at a loss. I can't keep up .... or maybe my phone is too bad. I can't achieve any form of pictures the way I want, not even meme pics. I'm dead. I can never get beyond this. Please bury me. I can get a girl up to a certain point on Insta using just text and screenshots of her, but not beyond. It requires creativity and picture messaging. These girls I like have the skills of pros. They have made like hundreds of edited pictures each, some of them at least, the most attractive. I need to get this skillset up and I don't know how. I require it for business work also, I mean writing reports, and papers. I need to illustrate what I do, and I haven't done anything picture wise for 17 years. I'm also a bit of a colour blind. :p. I want to kill a few GIMP developers, maybe the rest of them will do better work then. Photoshop is something you have to RENT now. I'm too old to use illegal software. I can't even look myself in the mirror when I use Adobe Media Encoder to get a video in Instagram, because I can't do it any other way yet. My open source ideals stand in the way. I also need time at a real computer to get anything done, but you can't help me with that. I'm at a laptop without a mouse and that makes graphical work even a few factors more difficult. I could kill myself for this. I would. Maybe I will. This life is not worth living without it. I mean it too. I have lost so many opportunities in the past 12 months as the authorities decided to put me in a locker and throw away the key. And then they wonder why people commit suicide. I was there, developing my skills. I was there, writing my papers. I was there, getting ahead. I was right in the moment. I was in the perfect time. I was in harmony with the times, right in the right epoch, with the right background and the right skills. I had everything. I needed to get successful. And now I'm a year behind and life is changing FAST.

And when you're locked up you can't keep up. You can't do anything meaningful. There are people, people come out of prison after 30 years and they are in a different world they don't recognise. Why not kill yourself? It makes no sense to stay around. You lost. You played and you lost. Now it is time to exit the game instead of waiting for the hopeless, predictable and sorry finale.

I greatly respect people who kill themselves. "Some would say that you bailed out of life and left us far behind, but we will say you took a step we all must take, and took it boldly, bravely.".

That was a poem about someone's suicide. Life is just so not worth living if you can't have fun and reach the goals you want to reach. I really take it to the chess metaphor.

A good chess player will not keep playing the game till the end when he knows he's lost. That would be an insult to his opponent. It is time wasting to keep playing a losing game, both for yourself and the other. If you give up, you can start again with a new game, this time do it better. That is a much better way to spend your time.
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Don Juan
Jan 17, 2013
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Alexandar said:
Or perhaps you are an immature child who still thinks killing people is cool. You really cant fathom a more cultured way to take back our masculinity? Like i said, your degree of ignorance and plain utter stupidity makes me sick. Especially living in a modern world where you have the benefit of countless philosophers' intellectual works, and endless information. How can you say thats the heart of masculinity? Do you have any idea how delusional that statement is? Thats the heart of being a true p u s s y, the opposite of masculinity. You are not a teenager anymore. You are not even a twenty something. Thats phucking pathetic, bro. Grow up.
He does have a point, but it is like this. I feel that as a man you generally have the right to take any woman off the street and fvck her. She doesn't have the right to say no. All of what we're trying to do here is to avoid the repercussions that occur when other people say you can't do it. It is as much for the girl that can't do it as it is for the guy that can't do it.

If there was no social environment whatsoever and you went up to a girl and you liked her and you got turned on by her, you would know the opposite (the identical) would also happen; she'd get turned on as well because a man is around her. And she'd want to fvck. That's just the truth of it. When women enter area's where they can get away with anything, they will do anything. And all. It is only their 'sluttiness' (ASD) that sits in the way and it is a social construct. "Slut" is a social idea that depends on men controlling women to be "their own" (that is property in the form of children, spouses, sisters, daughters and employees and all that). These are not true relationships. They are not based on the human heart, but rather on human dependence and contract. A woman will object to another woman being 'slutty' because the other woman will lose stature if she is associated with that other woman, in other words, it is a selfish interest. A father will lose stature because his daughter will be seen as less of a good marriage party. A brother will lose stature because his friends and colleagues will start to gossip about her and he will lose business potentials. It is all selfish interests to keep the charade up, the whole of family is composed of selfish interests in being associated with people who must keep up the charade to protect their interests , which are their own interests.

So let's say that under pristine and natural circumstances, provided the attraction was there (and there'd always be) you could or a man would or a man can simply take a woman off the street, take her in his arms, over his shoulder, whatever, provided it is fun and natural, dominant and self-assurant, and just take her off and do what he wants with her, and she will love it. That is the natural way of being, that is the natural state of being human. A girl loves when a man does what he wants with her. That is her only desire. That a man will do what he wants with her. You can't repeat that often enough, because it is the perfect expression of it. That a man will do what he wants with her.

I had a friend who told me of her youth (she was 17 back then, when we were close) and how she'd be romping with a boy and she would yell "let go of me!" and the boy would comply and she'd be like "WTF, he let me go?". And she'd be utterly disappointed, because she didn't want him to let go.

That a man will do what he wants with her.
That a man will do what he wants with her.
That a man will do what he wants with her.
Her only desire.

She just wants to be used. As an object. Moved around, done this with, done that with. The female is objective. Matter is female. The universe is female. Space is female. Time is male. Thought is male. Direction is male. Control is male. Creation - the active component of it, is male. Manifestation is female. Results are female. Intentions are male. Choices are male. Acts are male. Behaviours are female. We do stuff with objects, objects don't do stuff with us.

Objects like being used. You can talk to objects. You can talk to anything. An object can tell you what it wants. It can be the mind of you, just like you can talk to an animal and understand what it wants or feels. You can talk to a tree and feel it is sick. You can hear its remarks (your remarks) (because the tree is a part of you). A stone can tell you where it wants to be. But do mind, it is still you who has to decide ;-). Can't let the stone be in charge ;-).

But you can be privy to the secrets of stones and you can be privy to the secrets of women. You can just ask her what she wants, if you don't know it. Maybe she'll know. The universe will answer. The nature will answer.

And when your mind and her mind are linked, you will just 'unquestioningly' do with the girl what you want to do and what she wants to do. What she wants to be done, but it's one now. Your doing it with her and her being done to her are the same thing. Your wanting to do it with her and her wanting it to be done with her are the same thing. You are the same mind, and you have the same divine will. Yet it is you who directs, and she who follows. And when she can 'trust' you to know what is best, that is to say, you are confident and you just do what you want no questions asked as long as you are feeling up to it. She will follow because she likes your assurance.

A girl without a man becomes nervous. She needs his arms around her to constrain her. A girl without constraints is a wreck. She will not know what to do. There is more to it than that of course.

piranha45 said:
Alexandar's opinion is bitterly opposed to mine, and he really needs to make sure everyone knows it.

You're far and away from being the first bleeding liberal that's spazzed out on me, killer. I've heard it all, discussed it all, dozens of times over the past 10 years. Yes, I disagree with your perspective. Move on.
I will just say. I'll give you an episode of anime, maybe you'll like it. It is the first episode of ... Berserk. Berserk is a rather violent anime. Perhaps you'll like it, but I think Piranha, that you will definitely. Like it.

A bunch of castle guards come charging in to a bar room / inn and make it their own. They are physically stronger than anyone there. Rightly, they claim the place as theirs. There is a server girl there. They basically start having sex wit her or threatening to do it. They force her to bring them stuff and as she spills some of the drink on the table, she has to lick it up. Tell me you don't like it ;-D. Tell me you don't like it ;-). Tell me you don't like it!!!! Tell me, b1tch!!.

Haha. Actually that's the sort of thing the guys said to her as well. I'm now just saying it to you. You are all b1tches and you are all mine :p.

The female and the male have interesting interplay. They can change roles, positions. Any female can turn out to be masculine, because we are androgyns. But the funny thing is that it only happens once the male accepts the male, and the female accepts the female. Once you accept your true nature, the other side opens up as well. And you'd just as rather have sex with a guy. Since you have the women already in any case. Any guy can turn into a girl if you're dominant enough. And you can let a girl or a guy dominate you if you want. If the girl is already completely dominated by you it will be very safe to let her have a say as well. Your minds are so linked to each other that her choices for you will also be good for you.

I don't think homosexuality even exists, it is a lie. It is a confusion. It has to do with the ego, this weird life we're living. A homosexual is someone who is confused about the sex of the other party. A girl who thinks she is a guy. A girl who thinks other girls are guys. A guy who thinks he is a girl. A guy who thinks other men are girls. It's seriously a confusion.

What they call 'situational homosexuality' is the natural thing. "Real homosexuality" is the unnatural thing. In prisons half of the men become ladies. I bet the females become men as well, but I haven't heard about that yet. At least, the dynamic ensures that the lack of female qualities is taken care of by converting more men to women, in their minds. In this way, balance restores itself. But a man will revert back once he's out. And a woman will revert back once she's out.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2013
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Back to the typic of "masculine women". Seriously, they are mistaken. They think they can't depend on men, that men are not dependable. So she takes on the role of being the guy in her own life. And she hardens. She can do that. She can harden and become manly. But it is only to fill a gap. There may not have been a father who treated her like a girl (which means, essentially, to fvck her) (no matter what people think about that. It's just the way it is. A real father would fvck his daughters. A real mother would let herself be fvcked by her sons. In a real 'family' the boys would be above the mother right from the start. They would also be above the daughters. Islam has some of that still. The father would control the mother and let the boys live in a house nearby, a shab of their own. He wouldn't let another guy live in his own house, that he controls. He would only have women and daughters living there. The men in his life that would be his equals would fvck his women as well. Any guy that does not respect him is not part of the circle and is kept out of the life. In this way he protects his women against evil. The boys (his sons, for instance) get visited by women and have girls around. They learn right from the start what it is to be a man and what their natural order in the universe is. And the girls would feel very very safe and protected and valued. But a girl really has no value, she is nothing.

At the same time, she is the most valuable thing ; - the only valuable thing that exists, and at the same time she is worth absolutely nothing. She is absolutely worthless. She has no rights. But all her wishes are granted. All her needs are met. At the behest of the men who witness those needs.

You just don't let a woman stand in the cold. You don't let a woman go unfed. You don't let a woman be in pain. Except when it is for punishment of course :p. In general she is your responsibility for which you must take care. She is your protectorate. You need to protect her. Your life resolves around protecting her and ensuring her needs are met. That is the dichotomy. You can't listen to her flimsy, nervous, wishy washy, selfish wants. You must take care of her real needs. Not the needs she professes in confusion. Not the needs she professes because she really doesn't know what she wants.

You are her assurance.

Without you, she feels no assurance at all.

You have to tell her it's right. Or she'll worry.

There is a girl on the porn sites... you may have heard of her or seen her. It is "Lil Candy". There are multiples of those, but you have to check her on Motherless. Actually I'm embarrassed. I want to stay away from any forms of paid sex that I can. Including porn. Let the girls go without then, then they'll need me. Girls go into the sex industry to have sex, period. The money is just an excuse. A compelling enough reason. Why do guys pay for sex? Why do girls let themselves get paid for sex? The money is just an excuse. When you get down to it.

The only escort I've ever had (shame shame) told me she enjoyed the sex. She said, sure, why wouldn't I (like to get fvcked) ?. I think she was sincere, even if I was not :p.

That girl, that Mandy, she is the epitome of obedience and soft femininity. She is quiet. A quiet emanates from her. When she gives a bl0wjob, everyone is silent and listens. :p.

Okay enough. I've had enough! I'm just a loser of course and I have never had sex with a woman. Seriously, I swear! I tell that to all the women I have sex with. Which are none. That's the deplorable part, because it's true :p.

Anyway, good luck with it, and be my b1tch when you like it, but I need a few women first I think :-/S. I just don't know. Maybe I'm just a target of faggotry explained. I don't like faggots but I like men hmmmm.

Turn me into a woman, will you? I've been so long without women that I don't mind putting my arm around a guy. For real. Turning into a lady all on my own, or maybe they are.

Signing out.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2015
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What the phuck did i just read?

Dryden seriously, i like a lot of what you discuss.i have no clue why you quoted me at the start as it seemed not to relate much but thats irrelevant.

Are you seriously a virgin? If not, have you seriously not phucked a woman in so long? Lets get you laid bro, it will be so easy!