okay man, you timed asking this one perfectly. i just pulled a girl a few days ago from the aol chat rooms. we talked for about 2 hours or so in the public space, private messaged, had phone sex, and then met up for sex the next night.
so here's the deal. talking with a girl on chat is no different than talking to her in real life.
got that?
just like in real life, you need to build rapport, then make it sexual, get the number and / or meet up. despite what most people think, the only difference between a chat room and real life is that chat rooms take away all the body language, all the approach anxiety, and all the logistics. chat rooms are ONLY the logical words that come out of your mouth.
GOT IT???? So pickup in chat rooms is actually EASIER than pickup in real life! The ONLY thing you need to worry about is what you say, not how you say it, or even who you say it to when in public rooms!!! hell, you can't really even be ****blocked on chat rooms, because she may just talk to both of you (don't get jealous)
You can master the logical, word part of pickup in chat rooms. then, when you go out, you'll already be a stunning conversationalist, and all you need to worry about is the non-verbal stuff. you don't need to spend any brain power on figuring out what to say. plus, you'll have transcripts of the entire conversation that you can study later, and figure out what you did good and bad.
i suggest, for people too nervous to approach, start practicing conversations in chat rooms. it'll make it easier on you in real life.
i think perhaps i'll post an analysis of my conversation with her later. including partial transcripts.