Don Juan
The last time i was the mall, mustve been 1.5 yr ago, with a ljbf. Anyways, i wont solely for scoring some chicks. Mustve got there at the wrong time, cause there werent to many hbs. Anyways, i got a few looks, smiled, and no smile harsh. I shoulda turned it into, something like oh i see you dont smile when you see good lookin guys. Too bad i dont think of that sh!t before. I made 1 approach at a hat stand and commented really loud on how big the hat was, i was kinda nervous in talkin to her, but i dont think it showed, i thought it was pretty smooth, but she dropped the "i have a bf line". i shoulda said something like oh yeah proove it. Anyways, felt good to get at least one shot out of the whole 2 hrs i was there. Im goin back tommorow, lmao. One question i got though, how do yall deal with thoose lil hop hop sluttly lookin girls, that look like they are just dying for approval?