Is that why so many ss forum users complain about not getting dates? Bulk seem 30 on up and trying to get 21 year olds still.
I think that is partially the case. There are more factors.
Let's say you're a 30+ guy. Let's put a specific number on it. Let's say you're 36 years old. I'm choosing 36 specifically because in 2012 that was the age that Rollo pinpointed as absolute peak SMV but I think the general case was that peak SMV was around 35-40. Rollo claimed in the same article that peak female SMV was age 23.
You know, there’s really no substitute for graphs, and charts, and data plot maps. Human beings, being essentially a visually oriented species, see a graphic heads-up display, a God’s e…
Let's talk about what happens when a typical 36 year old male tries to seduce women 21-25. I started this at 21 because that's the age that makes a woman eligible to go to bars. A 36 year old will have a very difficult time getting access to 18-20 year olds in the real world, but theoretical access becomes easier at 21 with bars.
In the real world, most 36 year olds approaching 21-25 year olds at bars will not impress them in any way. He might not turn them off automatically but he won't leave enough of an impression to where they will want to be around him for an extended period (a 1-on-1 date). A similar thing would happen in non-bar approaches as well if he actually does those. Most 21-25 year olds using swipe apps will filter out a 36 year old from their swipe app card stack. While the 36 year old might swipe right on a bunch on 21-25 year olds, he is likely to get lost in the shuffle of all her matches on a swipe app. She might not even see him and might just swipe left just based on him being 'old' to her and the fact that she can get plenty of guys within 3 years of her age on the apps. He likely wouldn't do any better sending DMs on Instagram if he randomly started DM'ing 21-25 year old women in his city.
Things look a little bit different when a 36 year old man makes efforts with 30-36 year old women. If he selects the right bars, he might be able to find this age range in nightlife venues, but that's no guarantee. There are some non-bar venues where these women are accessible, most commonly a grocery store like Whole Foods or a few mall stores that would tend to cater to the 30+ female demographic. Some gyms/fitness classes might have this demo as well. It's a somewhat challenging age range to find in the real world, so the typical 36 year old man seeks out this age range on a swipe app. He might get some decent results (a few first dates) with single women 32-36. On swipe apps, there's still a fair amount of competition for a 32-36 year old woman who isn't overweight and is childless. In a large enough city with enough right swipes and a good enough profile, he'll get some first dates.