Please, use punctuation, that post was the biggest run-on i've ever seen and it hurts my eyes to read that. The Dj bible's not hard to read, jus understand the terms a bit better, get to know the lingo, AFC=average frustrated chump, HB=hot babe, ASD=anti slut defense just to name a few.
You have to strive hard for your goals and not give up. If you give up on how to be a DJ, then you'll never be one, but if you try, you never know where the road'll lead you. If you want to quit right now, go right ahead, no one on this board is going to feel sorry for you, half of us will even laugh at you. The point is, don't quit, the world still spins without you.
I can't speak for everyone, but atleast i won't have the "holier than thou" attitude b/c i know where you're coming from. You need to stop expecting us to give you hand downs on every single question you ask. No one knows the situation better than you do and it's best if you read the DJ bible and act accordingly. The DJ bible is a collection of knowledge by many people, no ONE person is going to give you the "correct" answer, if there's even such a thing.
Don't give up, stick around, you'll pick it up sooner or later. If you give up, you'll regret it.