weirdest revertion back to AFC


Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2008
Reaction score
this year has been my prime year. the last 365 days, i have made incredible progress on my own social value and as a result my ex[eriences with women have been exponential.

Since hitting the gym 2 years ago, getting promoted, and moving in with a true DJ, i have been on fire.

my game TBH hasnt changed much since last year but my improvements in social value have just taken care of everything.

in any case, girls that old-me would have obsessed over, i dont even give chase because i find they arent worth my time.

anyways, the other day i went to a party and this girl probably HB7.5 started talking to me. I wasn't interested and instead of using regular CF and social value building statements i kinda just went AFC on her. i just acted like a regular nice guy, gave a her a straightforward compliment and pretty much nothing special, becuase i didnt care about her, i didnt want to waste brainpower thinking up any game.

in retrospect, i realized that i've actually been doing this alot in the last few months. basically, where i dont even bother with game because i feel my own value should be more than enough to reel in this unspectacular girl.

anyways, i ran into this girl again during my lunch break last week, because we were tlaking aboiut where i work and im pretty sure she went out of her way to come "run into me".

so basically this is a 2 pronged post:
1) building your own social value is the most rewarding and most effective way to get girls.
2) have any of you more accomplished DJs experienced what i'm experiencing? an almost revertion back to AFC because you simply dont care and just dont want to think about game?


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
interesting someone was talking about this earlier. in a way you are evolving but at the same time you should check yourself


Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2008
Reaction score
Theboss said:
interesting someone was talking about this earlier. in a way yo are evolving but at the same time you should check yourself

i'd love to see the thread if you can find it.

and i agree. i do feel like im evolving, but at the same time, like you said, i'm worried too.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
Im in the same boat hence I ve got a lack of enthusiasm, and thinking about other important things like job. Opportunities present themselves now when I least expect it and I kinda react to them in a passive manner. Month before I would be all over them.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2010
Reaction score
It depends how you said your AFC lines, maybe you said it with a sense of sarcasm that made her even more intrigued. "This guy knows what turns off women, why is he doing that to me?" I think your evolving in game because you understand it to the point where you understand unattractive behavior to push people away that dont fit your new DJ criteria.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2008
Reaction score
teddy240 said:
It depends how you said your AFC lines, maybe you said it with a sense of sarcasm that made her even more intrigued. "This guy knows what turns off women, why is he doing that to me?" I think your evolving in game because you understand it to the point where you understand unattractive behavior to push people away that dont fit your new DJ criteria.

yeah to be honest, it feels like nowadays i avoid certain behavior (neediness) but i dont actively adopt DJ behaviors either.

im more NOT-AFC than DJ. if that makes sense.


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2011
Reaction score
I see where you are coming from with this. The whole ideal behind this PUA/DJ stuff is to be all around comfortable with women of all types (hot, tall, fit, etc...). In general, we (guys) are comfortable around women we are not attracted. The more practice we get the more comfortable we get around women we are attracted to. I'm not saying this is exactly true, though.

But looking at your situation, you have become so comfortable that you are subconsciously spitting game because it has genuinely become your personality and natural behavior. Two years ago, you were thinking about what to say next and kino. Now this **** is so natural to you that you probably don't realize it. Congrats getting to where your at. I thought your post was going to be about you not getting any game whatsoever... guess not. Rep for a goal I hope to reach one day.

Relax though. Your worries will turn you AFC for sure.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
garruk said:
so basically this is a 2 pronged post:
1) building your own social value is the most rewarding and most effective way to get girls.
2) have any of you more accomplished DJs experienced what i'm experiencing? an almost revertion back to AFC because you simply dont care and just dont want to think about game?

That's the best kind of game. I can't think of the last time I "negged" for the sake of it, or any of these other PUA tools.

You've worked out, you've built your life, you've become more social...Basically, you know that you're awesome and if a girl doesn't like it, then that's her fault.

I wouldn't call it reverting back to AFC, because you're not gonna do hardcore AFC sh*t like calling 5 times a day or asking your relationship status. You're just comfortable enough in yourself that you can compliment a girl and not think "Am I putting her on a pedestal?" You don't need to use negs as a crutch. You can meet a girl on Sunday and call her on Monday...because f**k the 2-day rule. You're awesome. You make the rules.

I know what you mean. And it's a good place to be.