Weed and getting in shape


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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Is it possible to smoke weed and still get in good cardiovascular and muscular shape? If it's impossible to do so, does making edibles make a difference?


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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Yes, it is possible. I smoke weed on a regular basis; at least 5 nights a week. Check out my training log.

It will affect your cardio somewhat, but nowhere NEAR the damage done by tobacco. Eating cannabis is a good alternative, the only problem is you are high for a really long time. The only times I've eaten it were when I had a full day to devote to being totally useless. :cool:


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
I used to be fairly chronic.... like I'm talking being high 24-7. I found it was tough to stick to a decent diet, and definitely affected work out intensity. However, I was in decent shape at the time.

The method you use to smoke will affect your health. I use a pipe when I smoke now. The smoke from a pipe is quite hot, and therefore quite irritating to the respiratory mucosa. I notice I tend to get more colds when I smoke for frequently. I think joints, bongs are a better alternative if you wanna be nice to your respiratory tract. The ultimate in non-irritating smoke is to get a volcano device...but you're looking at dropping 7-800 dollas...


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
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The method you use to smoke will affect your health. I use a pipe when I smoke now. The smoke from a pipe is quite hot, and therefore quite irritating to the respiratory mucosa. I notice I tend to get more colds when I smoke for frequently. I think joints, bongs are a better alternative if you wanna be nice to your respiratory tract. The ultimate in non-irritating smoke is to get a volcano device...but you're looking at dropping 7-800 dollas...
You can get a vaporizer for much cheaper than that.


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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I guess I'll just have to stop smoking when it comes time for me to get into MMA shape, but in the offseason I can smoke, haha.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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Fuglydude said:
I used to be fairly chronic.... like I'm talking being high 24-7. I found it was tough to stick to a decent diet, and definitely affected work out intensity. However, I was in decent shape at the time.

The method you use to smoke will affect your health. I use a pipe when I smoke now. The smoke from a pipe is quite hot, and therefore quite irritating to the respiratory mucosa. I notice I tend to get more colds when I smoke for frequently. I think joints, bongs are a better alternative if you wanna be nice to your respiratory tract. The ultimate in non-irritating smoke is to get a volcano device...but you're looking at dropping 7-800 dollas...
Yeah I use a bong with cold water. It cools the smoke and also filters out some particulate matter. I used to think that you should use WARM water, so the smoke and water vapor were closer to body temp and wouldn't cause constriction of the respiratory tissues, but I found this did not cool the smoke and just irritated my upper respiratory tract. So now I use only cold water.

Joints actually deliver more tar per toke to your lungs than any other method. I've read several studies that demonstrated the tar content of cannabis joints far exceeds that of a cigarette. So I think the moral of the story is if you a regular smoker, use the bong or invest in a vaporizer.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
Interesting... I thought the pipe would have been the worst because of how hot the smoke is. Vaporizers are supposed to be awesome. I think they liberate more cannibinoids from the weed than any other method.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Water also removes some of the good chemicals as it removes tar, so you end up burning more to get the same effect. This kind of skews the bong=healthiest argument, although maybe not entirely refute it. With smoking, the quality of your stuff is probably the most determinant factor in how little tar you ingest.

Some of the government anti-pot literature cites research that says pot speeds up the heart rate immediately when smoked. If so, it would be a stimulant that should actually make you burn calories. Maybe that's how it stimulates appetite as well.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
Bible_Belt said:
Water also removes some of the good chemicals as it removes tar, so you end up burning more to get the same effect. This kind of skews the bong=healthiest argument, although maybe not entirely refute it. With smoking, the quality of your stuff is probably the most determinant factor in how little tar you ingest.

Some of the government anti-pot literature cites research that says pot speeds up the heart rate immediately when smoked. If so, it would be a stimulant that should actually make you burn calories. Maybe that's how it stimulates appetite as well.
Most standard stimulants will not typically stimulate appetite. Drugs like cocaine, amphetamines are notorious for killing appetite as they stimulate the sympathetic nervous system... aka fight/flight response. You're not gonna be hungry for french fries when you're running away from a 1500 lb rabid kodiak bear. Most cannibinoids are also quite hydrophobic chemically speaking. They have aromatic and aliphatic chains w/ only a few polar oxygen/hydroxide groups. I'm not sure if this would be enough to make highly water soluble.

I think weed enhances appetite by working on cannibinoid receptors, that are part of the our endogenous cannibinoid system in our brains. The cardiac stimulant effects are likely due to other chemicals in the smoke, as well as V-Q (ventilation-perfusion) matching.

Most cannibinoids are also quite hydrophobic chemically speaking. They have aromatic and aliphatic chains w/ only a few polar oxygen/hydroxide groups. I'm not sure if this would be enough to make highly water soluble.


Don Juan
Jun 15, 2009
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Does anyone work out/lift while high? Are the effects positive or negative?


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2009
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Im too lazy to work out while stoned...I wouldnt have the mental fortitude to go that extra rep and give it my all.

Nothing beats relaxing to some tunes or tv, drinking a cold beer and smoking a joint AFTER a heavy duty work out though


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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Fuglydude said:
Most standard stimulants will not typically stimulate appetite. Drugs like cocaine, amphetamines are notorious for killing appetite as they stimulate the sympathetic nervous system... aka fight/flight response. You're not gonna be hungry for french fries when you're running away from a 1500 lb rabid kodiak bear. Most cannibinoids are also quite hydrophobic chemically speaking. They have aromatic and aliphatic chains w/ only a few polar oxygen/hydroxide groups. I'm not sure if this would be enough to make highly water soluble.

I think weed enhances appetite by working on cannibinoid receptors, that are part of the our endogenous cannibinoid system in our brains. The cardiac stimulant effects are likely due to other chemicals in the smoke, as well as V-Q (ventilation-perfusion) matching.
Yeah THC is in fact lipid soluble, which is why it will stay in your system for so long. It's also why you cant get high from drinking bong water :rolleyes: .

Weed is NOT a CNS stimulant...it may increase HR temporarily, but that does not make it a true stim. I have a theory that cannabis lowers blood sugar somewhat, which may account for the craving of carbs; but I dont have any real basis for this. It does lower blood pressure, which could explain the slight increase in HR, and is also why you often get lightheaded when getting up off the couch after a good blaze.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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outplayed said:
Does anyone work out/lift while high? Are the effects positive or negative?
Never. I would be a joke if I tried to lift high. I USED to occasionally do hi-rep arms or back when high, but that was before I was serious about weight.

It decreases your limit strength and alters your perception of how "heavy" a weight is.


Don Juan
Jun 15, 2009
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Believe me or not but I just took one hit of a pipe and had a great abs/bench workout. NaNo Vapor (pre workout supp) + 1 pipe hit + rockin tunes = great workout for me!


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
Colossus interesting theory on lowering blood sugar. In the periphery, THC binds to CB2 receptors, many of which are on leukocytes. I'm not sure how this would affect BS. It would definitely have immunomodulatory effects though. I think THC is also a partial agonist on these receptors, as well as CB1, which is in the brain. I'm not sure if it binds to anything else.

As far as training high goes, I'll do it from time to time just to change things up. My work outs aren't as intense when I'm high and I don't lift as much weight. Typically, I'll work w/ weights that are 20-25% lighter for my rep work. I'll try and get higher reps. I definitely feel like I get a better mind-muscle connection when I'm high when I concentrate and try to feel it. That being said, my workout intensity is definitely compromised. I've never tried using a pre-WO supplement like Nano Vapor w/ weed for a work out...


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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San Jose California said:
If anything I've noticed that weed makes me want to work out more, probably cuz it makes me eat so much.
I've noticed this too, not so much because I eat so much when I'm high, but more because I just notice how out of shape I'm getting when I'm high, or at least areas of my body that need some work. Though I do eat a lot when I'm high as well, haha.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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Fuglydude said:
Colossus interesting theory on lowering blood sugar. In the periphery, THC binds to CB2 receptors, many of which are on leukocytes. I'm not sure how this would affect BS. It would definitely have immunomodulatory effects though. I think THC is also a partial agonist on these receptors, as well as CB1, which is in the brain. I'm not sure if it binds to anything else.
Interesting. As long as we're on the science trip, Cannabinoids are well-known for their cardiovascular activity. Activation of peripheral CB1 receptors has a known inductive effect on hypotension. THC has also been shown to inhibit GI motility; which would explain why I never have to take a dump when I'm high, lol. It does not explain the appetite stimulation. According to the wikipedia page on THC, CB1 activity in the hunger centers in the hypothalamus increases the palatability of food when levels of a hunger hormone ghrelin increase as food enters the stomach. This doesnt really explain the craving of carbs and munchie junk food, but interesting to know.

Btw I just learned all this. Now I can blow peoples minds when we're all stoned :D


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
I didn't know that about cannabinoids causing hypotension... that would kind of explain the compensatory tachycardia/elevated HR. Haha, come to think of it, I can't remember ever dumping while high either!! Although I do prefer junk when I'm high, I'll eat whatever is around. Having a lot of chicken, fruits/veges around is great because then you get high as you eat lotsa good stuff.

Do you know if PA schools test for weed? I was looking at some CRNA schools, and many of them do drug testing... I'm sure THC metabolites would be on that panel!


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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Yes, I think most PA programs test prior to and possibly during clinical rotations. So I'm mentally preparing myself for a year sans recreational herb. I'm certain that many CRNA schools have similar policies.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
Hmm... up here there's no testing for any health care professions!! haha... the only thing I know they test for is for skilled/unskilled labour up on the drilling rigs, or at fabrication/manufacturing/construction industries!

I sent you a PM about PA school as well... hit me back when you get a chance.