do it all the time. depends on the suit though. there are suits and then there are suits.
i remember when i was 21, i don't want to say i started the trend, but i was one of the first guys down in littler ock that i saw that had the balls to wear a sports jacket with blue jeans, the usher look basically. that was how i dressed at the time. but i put alot of time into studying how he pulled it off and i did it right. high end jeans that fit me and didnt' hang off my ass, and sportsjackets. not suit jackets. was freaking rocking it and got complimented everywhere i went, and pulled ass like none other.
then my best friend at the time decided he wanted to copy cat my look, this mother****er threw on some baggy ass jeans and a freaking 50 dollar chuch suit jacket that he has to get from sears.. i was like dude no you like stupid.
for instance i own 2 tom ford suits, while they are bad ass, they aren't suits you wear to the club.
a club suit should be very fitting, slim, should not give off the square look like alot of business suits do. This is something if you really are going to do it right you need to have a suit made. Everyone should own at least 1 bespoke suit i dont' care how broke you are. save up.
if you are going to wear a tie, it should be a skinny tie with no more than 3' width anything else is going to look like you are going to work or church.
I would never buy a tie from kohls but this color scheme
also the colors matter as well. do not wear white. white = work / churchil (okay i'm too much of a horse racing fan lol, I can't type churchi without thinking about churchill downs). Black and red is good.
you throw that tie on with a black with
same goes for dress shirts. should be a "hot" color. brown, red, black , something like that<>prd_id=845524446365788&FOLDER<>folder_id=282574492149185&ASSORTMENT<>ast_id=1408474395222441&bmUID=1275317912999&ev19=2:18
i'd wear that to a club in a second.
you do NOT wear this to a club
to go with the tie above this would be a good shirt
i don't care for the buttons all that much but you get the point.
as far as suits most american compaines don't make good club sutis you are going to go overseas. there is a japanese company that makes some bad ass clubbing suits, i can lok the name up if you would like, don't know off the top of my head but they aren't cheap. that or just go to your tailor, a good one and tell him what you are trying to pull off and they can hook you up.
but do not go to dillards and try to take a suit off the rack and wear it ot the club.