Very true
MikeOck said:
Because you lack self esteem.
Yes, I have to agree with MikeOck.
I am not some SS Theorist, this is from my own life after 40 years.
My mother never showed proper affection or praise during my childhood. As a result, I spent the last 38 years chasing affection and seeking approval from women even though I was a true DJ and can attract most women who I find a fancy in.
But the problem is that I never felt good enough (and good looking as well) due to the conditioning that my childhood did into my head. This is your first journey in life, to FREE yourself from your childhood conditioning. So if you were raised without a proper loving mother (who is the first experience with women in your life) and you were not 'fed' with love as you should have, then such a man would more likely to feel 'empty' later in life without a woman to make them feel safe about their inner self.
It took me almost 40 years to figure this out, to look at my past behavior with women and why they have been AFC-like. It is until I took the time to admit that I have a lot of things to 'undo' in my childhood conditioning, did I start to be picky and learning to say 'no' to things I didn't think was good enough for me (including women).
I used to hate being alone and without a woman, but now if I become single, I live it up because I realize that 'NOW' is all that we have. Enjoy what you are NOW because nothing else exists. If you are single NOW, live it up, because when one day you are in a relationship and you are dying to get out of it, you will savour those moments when you could get away from the b!tches that shackles you.
Securing yourself from within is the MOST important journey in a man's life. Without it, you are going to be destroyed by women, especially the hot looking ones, because they feed the emptiness in yourself where self-esteem is lacking. There's where you attract low quality women with BPD, personality issues because all you care about is the hot looks in her, because that is what initially verifies your ego that you are 'good enough' when your mother didn't give you that early in life.
With respect,