We live in a society where men are castrated by on-demand contraception, abortion, and divorce, by low wages that deny men the ability to be the sole provider, and by feminist puzzification. We deserve the presidents we get:
Bill Clinton: scandalous cigar-putter dress-stainer, cheated on shrew wife who thought she deserved her husband's job
George W. Bush: oversaw credit and mortgage bubble burst, threw millions of families out of their homes, destroyed marriages like none other
Barack Obama: Islamophile doing everything he can to install rabid Islamic fundamentalist governments throughout the Middle East
Mitt Romney: As do Muslims, he also believes in cheating on your wives to try to find your fourth...well, can't admit to it in public
Bill Clinton: scandalous cigar-putter dress-stainer, cheated on shrew wife who thought she deserved her husband's job
George W. Bush: oversaw credit and mortgage bubble burst, threw millions of families out of their homes, destroyed marriages like none other
Barack Obama: Islamophile doing everything he can to install rabid Islamic fundamentalist governments throughout the Middle East
Mitt Romney: As do Muslims, he also believes in cheating on your wives to try to find your fourth...well, can't admit to it in public