WATER... And you


New Member
Jan 26, 2010
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OK I read your supposed to drink ~15 cups of water per day- according to numerous online fitness and health websites.

Question is- If you drank 15 cups of water in one day, wouldn't that flush all the nutrients, sodium ect. out?? I understand you need to drink other fluids too, but with that much water coming in, your gunna be pee'n alot and out goes the nutrients.

I consider myself very healthy, on an average day I ussually drink 32oz milk, 2 glass of unsweet tea, juice, ~8+ glass of water. I can't imagine drinking 15 cups though, it just seems unhealthy.

Opinions on water.....



Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
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I was all for drinking lots of water before I realized what I was doing. Wherever I went I had a drinking bottle and when I was at home I kept a large 1.5 l glass of water near me to drink all the time. Drinking water is very good because unlike most of the other drinks we can choose from (sodas, coffee, juice, etc.) it doesn't contain toxic substances and mountains of sugar. Water is also essential for many of the reactions that take place in the human body.

When we drink water stop and think for a while and wonder where it all go. When water reaches the intestine system the large intestine will absorb it and as a result the blood volume will increase. The kidney will work overtime to get all the extra water out of the blood stream.

Now each cell in the human body is covered with something called a semi permiable membrane. This means it will let some things through this membrane and other things won't get through. Small polar molecules like water/glucose/etc is freely diffused across the membrane while ions and larger molecules need transport proteins to get across because of the amphiphatic nature of the cell membrane.

Since the ions and the larger molecules can't get through the membrane there will be a concentration difference inside and outside the cell which means that the cells will swell up as the water travels inside the cell via osmosis. IMO though it sounds more serious than it is since the cells are quite large compared to the small capillaries so they won't go "boom". (at least I dont think so :p)

On the nutrient issue I am not really sure to what extent they are flushed out. Most of the glucose (our fuel) are phosphated to keep them from crossing our cell membrane and "escape" the cell, big molecules and ions can't cross either without transport proteins.

Anyways, I wouldn't overdrink just because someone says it is good. If someone got a good reason to drink excess water I'd be happy to listen.

Don't take my post as an absolute truth though.


New Member
Feb 3, 2010
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A lot of water comes from the foods you eat also like vegetables and fruit. Your body needs water to function properly. If you don't get enough water, your body tends to slow down. From what you said you are drinking, I think you're doing good. I tend to drink water, ice tea and lemonade a lot. I'm sure the lemonade is full of sugar but it still contains water.