Man, I’m happy I found these threads, they're brilliant! I wish I've found them sooner
LDR with BPD chick
While at a concert out of town, I was in the zone and effortlessly picked up a HB8.5, goth chick. 20 mins after starting a chat with her, we bounced locations, 10 mins later we kissing/touching/etc. Was too drunk to take her to my hotel and I also activated her ***** shield. Granted, it’s a small town, word gets around. Next day we were supposed to meet, called her, set it up, then an hour later she calls telling me she can’t do this. I said ok and cut her off. She
texts saying she’s sorry she can’t do this to wich I reply with “fine”. A few hours later she calls me and asks me to describe the streets I’m walking. I can tell she wants to be with me, tried to lure her out, but to no avail. We talk for an least an hour about how she wants to come but she can’t... I discover she’s very negative view on life, thinks she’s a monster. I hang up in cold blood as it doesn’t help my case. She calls again. Now she seems to be afraid of me hanging up the phone on her... Strikes me as needy. Hanging up seems to be working.
I leave town, reinitiate contact 2 weeks later by text, we endup talking a lot, she wants to see me and so do I.
I decide to take the 7 hours trip to this town 2 weeks later, booked a room, etc. We meet, everything goes smooth, “she’s so into me” I’m thinking. First night I didn’t get her to go to me hotel room, second night I did. Due to some objective reasons (some obvious broozes left on my foreskin by my usual fb), I didn’t ****ed her. Made up some bull**** about the room being too ****ty. Still, the whole 3 days I was staying there things went incrediblly well.
3 days after I get back home she throws the same negative **** to me, stuff like “It’s fine now, but it always ends bad, I’m a monster”. "Those girls are so close to you, why are you interested in me?" - **** test I replied with "For now I'm interested in you"
She says she must wear her armor so she doesn’t get hurt. I’m trying to convice her that she’s talking non-sense and that this sort of atitude will push me in somebody else’s arms. I tell her that we’re not having a relationship just yet but if it is worth it, I’m willing to relocate on a trial basis. (I know, bad move)
When she calls I’m usually in some bar - she gets paranoid. She just finishes the conversation quickly when I’m out.
Another call full of neediness and negativity few days later, I tell her off with an "I’m done fighting windmills, these are your problems". Then went no contact.
She has a lot of bagage. I don’t want to be accused of future bad deeds. I remember she told me she has no friends, except for her sister. Red flag. She rarely goes out.
She texts me 4 days later saying I was afraid it would come to that. I call her she hangs up on me saying she’s busy. Thing is the night before some dude hit my leg with his car so I was under medical supervision for 24 hrs. - not too bad though. I texted a “grow up, I have bigger problems that this childish game”. She calls, we go back to nice chats, I can tell she’s trying not to bring out her negative views. However, she says she’s not coming over for NYE.
However, **** hits the fan, she starts rambling about crap like “I’m a monster, This is a virtual relationship, you keep reffering about everything at fututre tense”... Then it gets thick. She lets her paranoia out rambling about “One day you’re going to buy bread but in fact you’ll go **** somebody else.” “You men are all alike”. She starts to **** test me hard, implying that there might another guy. I know it to be bull**** but who knows? She goes into a psycho frenzy. "You are just like all other guys, interested in only sex". She wants me but she doesn’t want me... I told her wihout getting mad that I’m break up with her, sudden silence then says “I don’t want a relationship with you, but I want to be friends”. Then switches to "we can be friends and sometimes ****"
Thought to myself LJBF-ed after I dumped her? WTF? Anyways, I told her I’d rather not be friends with someone I’d rather ****, so no. We should go our separate ways.
On New Year’s Eve she sends text saying “I hope you’ll have a good time with your friends, etc etc. Kiss” She end it with “Kiss” as a potential bait. I replied with a non-sequitur text. No contact since then, except that by accident I texted her instead of my FB asking her to bring some play tingle on her way over. No reply to that either.
And now that I found similar stories here, I feel relieved I found out about another female sub-species.
I have to admit, regular gaming works within limits, being a bit abusive is what gets results. But why bother when there are so many other less twisted chicks out there?