Guys, I just spoke with my friend who works in the biz and he said 100% real.
No one in Hollywood is even questioning whether it was real or fake, it was real.
Chris Rock is being praised for how he handled and the word is Will Smith's career is toast.
Oh and that Will and Jada's "marriage" is done and should have been done a long time ago.
I'm just the messenger.
it is a shame . Will smith was a good actor back in his days , and most likely would have still been if it was not for his wife mentally draining him
it is a shame when this happens to good guys who do not deserve being mentally abused , as most likely they would not hurt even a fly
but if he would have been a proper man , he would have ended things with his wife a long time ago . Maximum when his wife told him in front of the whole world that he cheated him
instead he was like “ we both cheated “ bla bla
the funny thing is that jada pinket has a career because of him , not because she was that good herself
really a big shame !
brad Pitt is more of a man , as he ended things with Angelina Jolie before things ended like they ended for will smith .
also brad Pitt was mentally bullied by his wife , etc