Was this a **** Test? How should I have responded?


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
Okay, so I was out with this girl and we were having a good time, I was doing all the right things and we had playful Kino and her body language was all into me. Then she asked me later in the night.. What number one thing do you look for in a girl? I was a little drunk by this point and my game was slipping, so I said to her "I like a girl who's words and actions are congruent".. As soon as I said this, her body language flipped, legs turned and it was obviously the wrong answer. I don't know why I said that, because I know girls don't behave like that, but I was drunk and think I just repeated what she wanted in me. Fu*k up! Anyway, is there a way I can pull this back when I see here next or is it all over. She works with me and would be up for a drink again as she is friendly, but I don't want to become LJBF from here on out. So my question is: Was this an important Sh*t test and if so, what should my answer have been?


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2013
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i would have said......a girl who knows how to make a ham sandwich..............anyway whos round is it / are we dancing........just a silly little test for sure..........she may ask you what you meant by that statement .....just tell her straight .........i never stick around with girls who have no integrity...........she will know you mean business......

i have learned the hard way...never be affraid to walk........you can test them just as much my friend........if they dont measure up.........there sacked bam bam bam...............gone

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Any girl who would get upset about that answer is a piece of sh1t to begin with.

It may not have been the best answer but it was certainly valid and certainly nothing for her to turn on you for. Give her one more shot then Next her. We need to teach these b!tches who's boss, and walking on eggshells because of one stupid question is not cool.


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
see the point your missing here is when you mention integrity , or congruent , most chicks are too thick to know what the fvck it means , and if they get all ****ty about it .....does that not smell a little funny to you.......it would me........she probably recalling in her mind how many dudes she fvcked and tried to play games with............they all do it at some point..........but then again so do we.........its life .

some chicks live with their heads in the clouds , all the social media , film stars , reality tv has turned a lot of younger and even older chicks into fvckin dreamers.............they all think they hold the crown jewels between their legs.................its a joke ..............a lot of them have nothing going for them other than pvssy...........no proper job , no money , a few kids under their belts , credit card debts , ............and they have the nerve to think they are gods gift.............just a pyss take.....

any man who will take these bytches serious are crazy.............thank fvck iv learnt the hard way.................


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Should have said something sexual rather than something that sounds beta and geeky with big words(although insightful). Intelligence kills pvssy wetness.
This. Plus, you should never give a serious answer to a question like that. Heck, you should never discuss any serious matters when you are drunk, period.


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2013
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tripod23 said:
see the point your missing here is when you mention integrity , or congruent , most chicks are too thick to know what the fvck it means , and if they get all ****ty about it .....does that not smell a little funny to you.......it would me........she probably recalling in her mind how many dudes she fvcked and tried to play games with............they all do it at some point..........but then again so do we.........its life .

some chicks live with their heads in the clouds , all the social media , film stars , reality tv has turned a lot of younger and even older chicks into fvckin dreamers.............they all think they hold the crown jewels between their legs.................its a joke ..............a lot of them have nothing going for them other than pvssy...........no proper job , no money , a few kids under their belts , credit card debts , ............and they have the nerve to think they are gods gift.............just a pyss take.....

any man who will take these bytches serious are crazy.............thank fvck iv learnt the hard way.................
i have to agree tho......never talk serious stuff when your drunk.........just get them laughing and buying you drinks then you know your on a winner....


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
So would you say in a way I did a reverse **** test without knowing it. If she responded well to integrity being the most important thing I look for in a girl, it would be a sign she was high quality, but as she acted negatively.. it shows she lacks integrity and is of low quality.


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah, I think I need to drink less on dates to be honest. I am naturally a bit of a deep thinker and like getting into involved conversations. My frame when I was sober was funny and lightly ****y. I was even pulling away from her and she would draw in even more. But then I got too serious!


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2013
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LondonTowers said:
Yeah, I think I need to drink less on dates to be honest. I am naturally a bit of a deep thinker and like getting into involved conversations. My frame when I was sober was funny and lightly ****y. I was even pulling away from her and she would draw in even more. But then I got too serious!
just keep the serious stuff tucked away,, just observe and then make judgment to yourself , i think if she respondeed negetivley to the word integrity for instance , it could be she just doesnt get what you mean , or she does know what you mean and doesnt like the fact you know the game...........when you know the game you are not very easy to manipulate , or be turned into her man slave..............i like to watch actions and ignore a lot of the words,,,,body language alone speaks volumes .....

i wouldnt let yourself get drawn into any silly games , just rise above up it and focus on your mission in life which is becoming the best version of yourself , just forget drama.........it isnt worth your time.


Apr 9, 2010
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I would've said, "wet vag1na".


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2014
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Should have said something sexual rather than something that sounds beta and geeky with big words(although insightful). Intelligence kills pvssy wetness.
I don't think that's true. Personally I love the way a smart girl's eyes will light up when a guy who's been hitherto ad-libbing terrible sexual puns can keep up with them in a discussion about their degree subject. I keep that side of me on the DL so that when they find out what an insufferable know-it-all I really am, it's too late, I've already seen everything.

But yeah, girls love a smart man in my experience. I'll never forget when I was 16 and the cutest girl I'd ever seen spoke to me with a profoundly impressed expression because I guessed the first letter of her name (I actually thought she was someone else who looked similar and had a name beginning with S, turned out she did too) and she'd heard a rumour I was some kind of genius when in fact I was (and remain) just a reasonably well-read guy of perhaps slightly-above-average intelligence. Or the casual GoT reference I made to the girl I dated on Wednesday that earned an "I'm yours". Or when a girl that has clearly typecast me as a douche or idiot finds herself in the thick of a detailed discussion of the literary merits of Lolita. In my experience, they lap that shít up -- even really superficial insights can make you seem like some sort of literary analyst if you play it off well enough (to quote George Costanza: "It's not a lie if you believe it").


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
Jesus, at some point you have to ask yourself whether coming out with the utterly inane ****y and funny stuff is even worth it. What for? To get laid? At any cost? Just say what you want to, even if it's 'serious'. If a woman gets turned off by that then as Atom Smasher said, she's a piece of sh*t to begin with.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
I swear the more honest you are the worse things get when trying to mac a chick. Play dumb, be vague, be stupid, somewhat funny, or even STFU and you'll power up better than saying an insightful, honest thing.

Shıt's bananas.

For the record, I don't think you said anything turn-offish, but you did hit a nerve with her. It's like if a prostitute would ask: "what do you hate in a girl?" and you'd say "one that sucks cὀck for money!"


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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VladPatton said:
I swear the more honest you are the worse things get when trying to mac a chick. Play dumb, be vague, be stupid, somewhat funny, or even STFU and you'll power up better than saying an insightful, honest thing.
As I always say, honesty is the worst policy when dealing with women. A sad fact, but a fact nonetheless. That why you will struggle with women if you've been raised as a principled individual (until you force yourself to toss your principles aside). Life is not a Hollywood movie.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2014
Reaction score
What you guys say may well be true, but I feel that always going for the dumb but effective answer, rather than giving an intelligent but considered response is a step too far. Don't any of you guys want to screen out completely moronic girls?


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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Stringer_Bell said:
What you guys say may well be true, but I feel that always going for the dumb but effective answer, rather than giving an intelligent but considered response is a step too far. Don't any of you guys want to screen out completely moronic girls?
If you're looking for a LTR, what you're suggesting is a good idea. Find a girl who agrees with your ideas and settle for no less. If you just want to get laid, just be ****y and funny.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2014
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applegoo said:
If you're looking for a LTR, what your suggesting is a good idea. Find a girl who agrees with your ideas and settle for no less. If you just want to get laid, just be ****y and funny.
Yeah, I can't really argue with that. Why do chicks have to be so f**king dumb? The ****y and 'funny' lines vaunted by the PUA community are, more often that not, anything but. I'm almost embarrassed to stoop to that level.


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2010
Reaction score
I've learned the hard way. What I've learned is to never tell a chick anything. Not one ounce of ****ing anything. She will always use whatever you say against you in the future to close the gate to her vag1n4, once you lose her interest by being afc, even if being afc in the situation sounds good to do.

Even if you're in LTR, don't tell her anything, and if she complains about you being so closed, well, just bend her over the work bench and give her some plank. Always have a no f8cks to give attitude if they ask you about yourself. If you're an investment banker and pull in 140k/yr at age 25, and she asked you what you do, you tell her nothing. If she finds out that you're pullin in mad ched, she will tell all her friends and brag about herself catching you.

Women don't care about anything you say about yourself, even if what you say is noble and responsible. Actually I take that back, chicks will use what you say to brag about how much of a catch you are to their girlfriends; sometimes. As long as what you say makes her think what you said gives her social status, you've said something good in her mind.

Moral of this rant: When she asks "what do you look for in a girl" you dominate the conversation and move it to another topic, like how wet her panties will be in the next hour.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
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S Town
Icegreen said:
I've learned the hard way. What I've learned is to never tell a chick anything. Not one ounce of ****ing anything. She will always use whatever you say against you in the future to close the gate to her vag1n4, once you lose her interest by being afc, even if being afc in the situation sounds good to do.

Even if you're in LTR, don't tell her anything, and if she complains about you being so closed, well, just bend her over the work bench and give her some plank. Always have a no f8cks to give attitude if they ask you about yourself. If you're an investment banker and pull in 140k/yr at age 25, and she asked you what you do, you tell her nothing. If she finds out that you're pullin in mad ched, she will tell all her friends and brag about herself catching you.

Women don't care about anything you say about yourself, even if what you say is noble and responsible. Actually I take that back, chicks will use what you say to brag about how much of a catch you are to their girlfriends; sometimes. As long as what you say makes her think what you said gives her social status, you've said something good in her mind.

Moral of this rant: When she asks "what do you look for in a girl" you dominate the conversation and move it to another topic, like how wet her panties will be in the next hour.
i agree, women always say they want an honest man and to be open with feelings, that is complete b.s. one my friends was going through some tough times and his gf got mad that he didn't come to her to talk about what was going on. he dumped all his problems on her, thinking he could trust her and be open with his own gf, she quickly changed her attitude within a couple of months and ended up leaving him during is time of troubles. after she complained about him not being opened, she left him because she felt he became weak and she needed a strong man to care for her. she couldn't deal with both their problems at once. talk to a friend instead and keep women out of it, most likely they won't help you with your problems anyhow, they add to them.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Stringer_Bell said:
What you guys say may well be true, but I feel that always going for the dumb but effective answer, rather than giving an intelligent but considered response is a step too far. Don't any of you guys want to screen out completely moronic girls?
Of course, but you still gotta play the game. Even your future wife, the woman who will have your offspring, will shıt test you in the beginning. If you think she's not, then you haven't picked up on it, and you'll be history soon. Trust me, I tried fighting it, and all it gets you is not getting laid lol