Made a fake profile on pof,
You sure have a lot of time on your hands making a fake profile. You would think a big ladies man such as yourself, would be talking with the ladies you already have, instead of making a fake profile to find out the obvious. What a real waste of time that is.
all I did was got a hot chick photo from the net (sexy but sophisticated), didn’t even put a description, got 50 massages within 24hrs, couldn’t believe it.....this was without any effort whatsoever, & found out that I even had a 18-27 criteria, so it could have been double.
You got 50 massages? You must of had a sore back or something. You mean 50 messages. A real waste of time here. If you know anything about hot women, they will get hit on and get attention from men wherever they go. So why should this be such a big surprise to you that men will send her lots of messages? She is hot, They want a piece of her. You don't need to make a fake profile to figure that one out. Again, you wasted your time doing that to find out the obvious.
There was one of either 2 types of massages, it was either very polite & discreet, (a few guys got pretty poetic), or blunt & rude like "do you wanna go ****", most of them were the overly polite type, some guys massage more than once & gave numbers.
Yes, guys do that. The AFC guys will kiss her a$$ and try to be nice to get in her pants like they always do. The other guys will hit on her and ask to hook up. This is the same online as it is offline. So why should this be such a big surprise to you?
Now if you're to dumb to realise that any half decent woman wouldn’t even tolerate that sh1t, go slap u'rself (they would already have more than a hand full of booty calls in real life) even some guys massage me saying "I'm surprised you have to be on a dating site"....
You had some guys massage you or did you have some guys message you? The same applies on and offline. Hot women have options and they take it online to get more options to see if they can maybe get better prospects. Good looking men and women don't take online dating seriously, they use it to see if they maybe can get something better if they can or to get quick hook ups. They don't take it seriously.
So some pointers:
-Hot chicks already have too many options in the real world
and they look for more online as well
-Hot chicks, instead of working to get guys, they are working to get guys off them
they are also looking to get men who don't use the phony PUA routines that a lot of guys like to do because they have no real game. They are working to lose the guys like you that have no game.
-you could be a stud in the real world, but your only another profile in the virtual world (you cannot base your game in the virtual world)
Wrong. Not True. Again, this guy shows his ignorance about online dating. Now, this guy must not be very good looking, otherwise he wouldn't make an absurd statement like this. Your game online is your looks, you hook the chick after, just as it is in person. Chick base their criteria on looks first, then everything else follows. She sees a guy that looks good, she is interested, they talk, they get to know each other before they meet, that is how it works. They are there to meet and hook up with good looking guys. That is what they are there for. If you're a stud offline, you will be one online. Your statement is absurd and it is wrong.
I joined myspace when it used to be good a few years ago. I was the "cool new person" when they used to feature new people that signed up for the site. I added 15 of my good friends the first day I joined. I didn't log on until 2 days later. When I looked at my email, I had so many emails from myspace. I had emails that said "You have a new friend request" "You have a new message". So I logged in and had tons of friend requests and messages, mostly from girls all over the U.S. with different ages. They wanted to get to know me better, they said they wanted to be my friend, they said I was hot, they wrote stuff about themselves and wanted to know what I liked, some even talked about hanging out and I didnt even know who they were, a few gave me their number after one message or not even one message, it went on and on. Myspace is basically a dating and hook up site. Girls will message and want to hang out with good looking guys, so It would be the same on POF, or any other dating site. I added some cool pics, had a decent about me, and had my friends. That's all I had. No gimmicks, no phony PUA, no lame unfunny C&F on my profile, just had a few cool pics and a good about me. So when you say that good looking guys are just another profile, you are wrong, either not very good looking, and have no clue about online girls, because I experienced it, and I know for a fact that good looking guys have it easy online and basically can pick and choose because I know what it's about, because I've done it.
-the girls that are on these dating sites are damage goods (attention *****s, single mum's, ugly, fat, transvestites, etc. etc.....)
you had transevestites? you should, some of them are but you have the average chicks who think they will find their soulmate and hot women who are looking to increase their prospects if they can.
-the guys on these sites are really desperate
some are but not all of them, just the guys like you are.
-you're probably one of those guys
well you're the one who made a fake profile to find out the obvious. You said you even joined POF yourself except you use a leg injury as an excuse to join. Very hypocritical.
-the only reason you're on the site is because you're damaged goods (so take a good look at yourself)
you're on the site so what does that make you? some guys use it to increase their chances for quick hook ups and they are successful. Wouldn't call them damaged. Again, you ae being very hypocritical and ignorant on this matter.
-I feel kind of sad that I actually have to write this sh1t
Why did you? Except to prove your ignorance to me and the rest of the forum. I thought it was sad to make a fake profile and have men write to you. Seems you could be doing better things than that.
-if you're gonna replicate my little experiment I advise you to get another email address
Sorry, I don't have time to waste doing that like you do to find out the obvious. If you had some plates and women in your life, and understood women and dating, there would be no need for you to do this.
Ok, just to make it clear the only reason I used internet dating in the first place is because of an operation on a sporting injury that i'm recovering from & have plenty of time,
LOL good one. Nice excuse too. If you were successful as you claim to be, you wouldn't need to join the POF site because you already would have plenty of girls in your life to come over and help you with your leg injury. That's what I would do. I would have them take care of me all the time to nurse me back to health. Why don't you do that? So why go to internet dating if you are so great with women to just pass the time? You would already have women available to you. Wouldn't you? No need to troll during your recovery. Doesn't make sense to me. Thanks for making a fool out of yourself though. Next time don't create a thread to spout off and bash guys for what you are doing as well.
in fact that's the reason I'm on this site atm, I said this before, I totally do not encourage the use of virtual social networking (facebook, POF, etc...),
it separates you from reality & makes you feel worthless.....
It does? Well, I sure didn't feel worthless when I got all those messages and requests from those chicks on myspace. In fact, that gave me a huge ego boost. Then I got numbers and hook ups from it. Didn't seperate me from reality one bit. Made me feel great. If you are good looking, I encourage it, you will have huge success, just don't be a phony PUA because you won't succeed doing that. When you are good looking, it doesn't matter where you are in the world, offline or online, you will be successful with women. You just proved your ignorance again and you must not be very good looking because you wouldn't be saying this if you were, and you would know what great results you can get on social networks.
even the most trivial sh1t in the real world is more stimulating than the virtual world.
I was stimulated by plenty of girls that I met from the virtual world.
This guy is wrong about everything, he proved it time and time again. He embarrassed himself posting this ridiculous thread on the forum bashing other guys while he is doing the same exact thing. He had no success himself with online dating, so that is why he says all this. He contradicts himself and doesn't know what he is talking about. He made false statements based on his own personal opinions with no experience and a clear lack of knowledge about dating and women in general. If he had success off line, he would know that you will have success on line as well because it is basically the same. Good looking people have the clear advantage and this is another guy who fails to realize that because he never had any experience with it, so he comes on here to spout his false personal opinions, that doesn't hold any water, or give him any credibility to what he tries to claim. He is wrong, and he proved that for all of us to see with each of his false statements that he made.